OT: Trump


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Jul 11, 2007
Has this guy just lost it? Is he out of his fckin mind?
I thought he'd take some low blows, sorta apologize, and then fade out. But he's eating this attention up and getting nuttier by the day. I'm buying not buying the poll numbers, either. If the election were today, all those people wouldn't vote for him.
Forget Trump the candidate, he's destroying his brand, imo. What is his daughter going to do to distance herself in the business world? Their social circle has probably disintegrated. He net worth will take a significant hit in the years to come. Strange saga to watch.
I think the poll numbers are valid simply because people are happy hear someone say what they actually think. He is lifting his leg on both sides of the aisle and that is resonating with a lot of people. Not saying I agree with him or would vote for him, but for me, it is refreshing to hear someone say what they actually think instead of being a PC lemming. Rock on Trump...until it is time to exit for the primary.

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Has this guy just lost it? Is he out of his fckin mind?
I thought he'd take some low blows, sorta apologize, and then fade out. But he's eating this attention up and getting nuttier by the day. I'm buying not buying the poll numbers, either. If the election were today, all those people wouldn't vote for him.
Forget Trump the candidate, he's destroying his brand, imo. What is his daughter going to do to distance herself in the business world? Their social circle has probably disintegrated. He net worth will take a significant hit in the years to come. Strange saga to watch.

Trump is a media hound. He knows he has no chance at the nomination, so he can say anything he wants. And apparently, what he wants is to say whatever pops into his mind at the time. Trumps lead in the polls will disappear like the dinosaurs never to return.
Agree. He is saying what no one else will say. People like that fact. He's not a lifetime politician like most of them. People want change. Like him or not, I ghink he's in it for the long haul. Would I vote for him? If he's the republican candidate, your damn right I will. Do I agree with everything he says? No. But I would rather have him than Hillary.
Agree. He is saying what no one else will say. People like that fact. He's not a lifetime politician like most of them. People want change. Like him or not, I ghink he's in it for the long haul. Would I vote for him? If he's the republican candidate, your damn right I will. Do I agree with everything he says? No. But I would rather have him than Hillary.
FYI:If Trump actually gets the nomination Hillary will stomp him in the ground. It wont be close.
Agree. He is saying what no one else will say. People like that fact. He's not a lifetime politician like most of them. People want change. Like him or not, I ghink he's in it for the long haul. Would I vote for him? If he's the republican candidate, your damn right I will. Do I agree with everything he says? No. But I would rather have him than Hillary.
He does not want to be president.
Why would we vote for those he's running against in the Rep. party, those same one's who got the country in this mess by voting for bills and laws that hurt the country and supporting Obama in health care and foreign policy.

Hell give him a shot or he'll run as an independent and that will split the Rep. vote.

He's calling out these life timers in the Rep. party and they don't like it. I think he's in it for the long run and anyone who doesn't think he can be elected might be badly wrong come Nov.
FYI:If Trump actually gets the nomination Hillary will stomp him in the ground. It wont be close.
If that's the case, the republicans are fvcked.
Why would we vote for those he's running against in the Rep. party, those same one's who got the country in this mess by voting for bills and laws that hurt the country and supporting Obama in health care and foreign policy.

Hell give him a shot or he'll run as an independent and that will split the Rep. vote.

He's calling out these life timers in the Rep. party and they don't like it. I think he's in it for the long run and anyone who doesn't think he can be elected might be badly wrong come Nov.
Who would have thought 18 months before the 2008 election that Obama would be a 2 term President. I would have bet everything I had that it wouldn't happen.
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FYI:If Trump actually gets the nomination Hillary will stomp him in the ground. It wont be close.

There isn't a Republican that stands a snowball chance against her. Sad but true.

She is going to use the same formula that Obama used.

Get the woman vote
Get the African American vote
Get the Latino vote
Get the poor vote.

That is the formula that Obama used....

The republican's need either a woman that knowledgeable or either an African American that can capture people's attention to really have a chance in the near future.

Sad that it isn't about politics anymore. Trump is refreshing and funny though. Love that he is crushing Lindsey....
Republicans don't stand a chance, huh? Thanks for the brilliant analysis. So, I wonder how they have achieved a historical majority in the house? Can you explain that one genius?
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Republicans don't stand a chance, huh? Thanks for the brilliant analysis. So, I wonder how they have achieved a historical majority in the house? Can you explain that one genius?

Haha.... Sorry that is what you took from post. I have always voted Republican but we can't seem to get out of our own way. In this new PC world that we live in we have to either adapt or accept our place.
Republicans don't stand a chance, huh? Thanks for the brilliant analysis. So, I wonder how they have achieved a historical majority in the house? Can you explain that one genius?

So you think the republican candidate is going to win? Do you want to bet?
Has this guy just lost it? Is he out of his fckin mind?
I thought he'd take some low blows, sorta apologize, and then fade out. But he's eating this attention up and getting nuttier by the day. I'm buying not buying the poll numbers, either. If the election were today, all those people wouldn't vote for him.
Forget Trump the candidate, he's destroying his brand, imo. What is his daughter going to do to distance herself in the business world? Their social circle has probably disintegrated. He net worth will take a significant hit in the years to come. Strange saga to watch.
Why is anyone surprised about this? He does this every 4 years. He's just getting a little more traction this time than usual because he's being a little more incendiary than usual. After he cools down, he'll bow out and parlay this into some $.
Why is anyone surprised about this? He does this every 4 years. He's just getting a little more traction this time than usual because he's being a little more incendiary than usual. After he cools down, he'll bow out and parlay this into some $.

Yep, Trump is just keeping his Q score high. It is funny to watch him needle all these windbag politicians, though.
Why is anyone surprised about this? He does this every 4 years. He's just getting a little more traction this time than usual because he's being a little more incendiary than usual. After he cools down, he'll bow out and parlay this into some $.
I dont understand how anyone thinks he wants to be president. He doesn't want to be tied down to that type of responsibility .. he makes more than $250k a week.
Agree. He is saying what no one else will say. People like that fact. He's not a lifetime politician like most of them. People want change. Like him or not, I ghink he's in it for the long haul. Would I vote for him? If he's the republican candidate, your damn right I will. Do I agree with everything he says? No. But I would rather have him than Hillary.

He's not a Republican. He's a Constitutionalist. McCain is a Republican. Scott Walker is a Constitutionalist. Hillary is a fvcking liar and POS in MAMMOTH and epic proportions.
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I don't care if he wants to win or not...he's keeping other candidates honest. They can't run from an issue or give some "walk the line" answer with him dropping bombs every day. I'm a diehard, conservative that's fed up with the Republican party so I'm all like...

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Republicans don't stand a chance, huh? Thanks for the brilliant analysis. So, I wonder how they have achieved a historical majority in the house? Can you explain that one genius?
Those races were won through local elections, the Presidential election is a national election.

Allow me to elaborate.

Let's take the state of Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania has 18 Representatives in the House. 13 of them are Republicans. So that's a nice advantage there - More than twice as many Republicans from PA as there are Democrats.

However, the primarily Democratic districts of PA (the Pittsburgh and Philadelphia area) have a much higher population than the Republican areas. What has happened in PA to allow for such a disparity in representation is that the districts have been drawn in such a way that a certain party is more likely to win a certain district. This is called Gerrymandering and Republicans have been very successful with this as a way of getting around large population areas that typically vote Democrat.

There is one Republican and one Democratic Senator from PA, so while it is not impossible for a Republican to win a statewide election there, it is more difficult during a Presidential election because of the higher voter turnouts, particularly in urban area where there are more Democratic voters. In fact, a Republican Presidential candidate has not won Pennsylvania since George H.W. Bush in 1988.

So here's a state that has a much larger amount of Republican reps than Democratic ones, yet has been a Democratic stronghold for the last 6 Presidential election cycles, and more importantly contributes the 4th most electoral college votes of any state at 20.

That's how the Republicans' chances in the Presidential election are slim, while they've been able to have success in the House of Representatives. Genius.
Those races were won through local elections, the Presidential election is a national election.

Allow me to elaborate.

Let's take the state of Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania has 18 Representatives in the House. 13 of them are Republicans. So that's a nice advantage there - More than twice as many Republicans from PA as there are Democrats.

However, the primarily Democratic districts of PA (the Pittsburgh and Philadelphia area) have a much higher population than the Republican areas. What has happened in PA to allow for such a disparity in representation is that the districts have been drawn in such a way that a certain party is more likely to win a certain district. This is called Gerrymandering and Republicans have been very successful with this as a way of getting around large population areas that typically vote Democrat.

There is one Republican and one Democratic Senator from PA, so while it is not impossible for a Republican to win a statewide election there, it is more difficult during a Presidential election because of the higher voter turnouts, particularly in urban area where there are more Democratic voters. In fact, a Republican Presidential candidate has not won Pennsylvania since George H.W. Bush in 1988.

So here's a state that has a much larger amount of Republican reps than Democratic ones, yet has been a Democratic stronghold for the last 6 Presidential election cycles, and more importantly contributes the 4th most electoral college votes of any state at 20.

That's how the Republicans' chances in the Presidential election are slim, while they've been able to have success in the House of Representatives. Genius.

Well...Bush won two elections for Prez and his dad would've won a second if it weren't for Perot. Let's go back three decades. The 80's saw only republican presidents...the 90's were split with the Clinton years dominating...the 2000s were almost all republican years...and then Obama has won twice. Hmm...Slim is a funny word. I think the only way a Rep doesn't win this time around is if Trump runs third party. Hillary is an 80-year-old windbag, hippie, hootchie who's husband used cigars on fat chicks. She's still having to fend off weird Bernie Sanders. More than likely the Rep nominee will be Bush or Walker. I think either...I don't really care for either...will be your next Prez...unless Trump fires er' body.
Well...Bush won two elections for Prez and his dad would've won a second if it weren't for Perot. Let's go back three decades. The 80's saw only republican presidents...the 90's were split with the Clinton years dominating...the 2000s were almost all republican years...and then Obama has won twice. Hmm...Slim is a funny word. I think the only way a Rep doesn't win this time around is if Trump runs third party. Hillary is an 80-year-old windbag, hippie, hootchie who's husband used cigars on fat chicks. She's still having to fend off weird Bernie Sanders. More than likely the Rep nominee will be Bush or Walker. I think either...I don't really care for either...will be your next Prez...unless Trump fires er' body.
The amount of Republican Presidents over the last 30 years really has very little to do with what's happening with today's electorate.

There are more African Americans voting now. There are more women voting now. There are more under 30s voting now. And, most importantly, there are way, way more Latinos voting now.

These are all blocks that the Republican party has in one way or another abandoned. Republicans should be much more successful among Latinos (and I think Bush can have success there) but their rhetoric around immigration drives Latino voters away.

Your logic as to why Clinton won't win is, I'm sorry to say, astoundingly bad and based mostly on your own bias. If Clinton doesn't win it will be because Sanders is simply more attractive to the base of the party (much like Obama was in '08) and because he may also attract some independents who like his mixture of progressive and socially libertarian policy. I think Sanders is certainly, right now, winning amongst under 30 voters. This is important because unlike elections you've mentioned, these guys are voting now. The internet has changed the voting pattern of young Americans.

I think you'll find Scott Walker will have a very hard time in the general because his record in Wisconsin simply isn't very good. I'm not even really sure why Republicans like him so much other than him fighting unions as he has exploded the deficit and recently even purposely defaulted on a debt payment. He's a Presidential candidate who may not even win his own state. He's also received a rather large amount of negative publicity already due to his slashing of the Wisconsin University system.

Bush I think would be an excellent candidate if he had any other last name. Although Clinton does carry the last name of a President that most Republicans despise, most Democrats and moderate voters are very high on Clinton now, 17 years removed from his scandal. The Bush brand is still very down with independent voters and even with some Republicans. Jeb will have to face many questions about his brother's Presidency, fair or not, and will likely have to say some hard things and distance himself from W.

When I look at the Republican pool right now, Jeb is the only one that I think actually has the resume that a Presidential candidate should have, has the ability to gain ground on the Latino vote (and win Florida, which would be huge), and carries the proper poise, aka "seems presidential." What remains to be seen if he can overcome the negative feelings towards George W. particularly since many of Jeb's policy ideas will be similar.

The truth about the Republican party is that it needs to split into two parties. You need the more establishment Republicans to shift a bit more to the center and disconnect themselves from the conservative wing. More and more there is a clear separation between the two different wings of the party and with the Conservatives pulling the Republicans further to the right it's allowing Democrats to grown their tent and take up more of the electorate. This is not likely to happen during this election cycle and maybe not even the next one, and if the status quo remains then the Republicans will have a hard time no matter who their candidate is and no matter who their opponent is.
The amount of Republican Presidents over the last 30 years really has very little to do with what's happening with today's electorate.

There are more African Americans voting now. There are more women voting now. There are more under 30s voting now. And, most importantly, there are way, way more Latinos voting now.

These are all blocks that the Republican party has in one way or another abandoned. Republicans should be much more successful among Latinos (and I think Bush can have success there) but their rhetoric around immigration drives Latino voters away.

Your logic as to why Clinton won't win is, I'm sorry to say, astoundingly bad and based mostly on your own bias. If Clinton doesn't win it will be because Sanders is simply more attractive to the base of the party (much like Obama was in '08) and because he may also attract some independents who like his mixture of progressive and socially libertarian policy. I think Sanders is certainly, right now, winning amongst under 30 voters. This is important because unlike elections you've mentioned, these guys are voting now. The internet has changed the voting pattern of young Americans.

I think you'll find Scott Walker will have a very hard time in the general because his record in Wisconsin simply isn't very good. I'm not even really sure why Republicans like him so much other than him fighting unions as he has exploded the deficit and recently even purposely defaulted on a debt payment. He's a Presidential candidate who may not even win his own state. He's also received a rather large amount of negative publicity already due to his slashing of the Wisconsin University system.

Bush I think would be an excellent candidate if he had any other last name. Although Clinton does carry the last name of a President that most Republicans despise, most Democrats and moderate voters are very high on Clinton now, 17 years removed from his scandal. The Bush brand is still very down with independent voters and even with some Republicans. Jeb will have to face many questions about his brother's Presidency, fair or not, and will likely have to say some hard things and distance himself from W.

When I look at the Republican pool right now, Jeb is the only one that I think actually has the resume that a Presidential candidate should have, has the ability to gain ground on the Latino vote (and win Florida, which would be huge), and carries the proper poise, aka "seems presidential." What remains to be seen if he can overcome the negative feelings towards George W. particularly since many of Jeb's policy ideas will be similar.

The truth about the Republican party is that it needs to split into two parties. You need the more establishment Republicans to shift a bit more to the center and disconnect themselves from the conservative wing. More and more there is a clear separation between the two different wings of the party and with the Conservatives pulling the Republicans further to the right it's allowing Democrats to grown their tent and take up more of the electorate. This is not likely to happen during this election cycle and maybe not even the next one, and if the status quo remains then the Republicans will have a hard time no matter who their candidate is and no matter who their opponent is.
Perfectly stated sir. I can't disagree with any of that.
The amount of Republican Presidents over the last 30 years really has very little to do with what's happening with today's electorate.

There are more African Americans voting now. There are more women voting now. There are more under 30s voting now. And, most importantly, there are way, way more Latinos voting now.

These are all blocks that the Republican party has in one way or another abandoned. Republicans should be much more successful among Latinos (and I think Bush can have success there) but their rhetoric around immigration drives Latino voters away.

Your logic as to why Clinton won't win is, I'm sorry to say, astoundingly bad and based mostly on your own bias. If Clinton doesn't win it will be because Sanders is simply more attractive to the base of the party (much like Obama was in '08) and because he may also attract some independents who like his mixture of progressive and socially libertarian policy. I think Sanders is certainly, right now, winning amongst under 30 voters. This is important because unlike elections you've mentioned, these guys are voting now. The internet has changed the voting pattern of young Americans.

I think you'll find Scott Walker will have a very hard time in the general because his record in Wisconsin simply isn't very good. I'm not even really sure why Republicans like him so much other than him fighting unions as he has exploded the deficit and recently even purposely defaulted on a debt payment. He's a Presidential candidate who may not even win his own state. He's also received a rather large amount of negative publicity already due to his slashing of the Wisconsin University system.

Bush I think would be an excellent candidate if he had any other last name. Although Clinton does carry the last name of a President that most Republicans despise, most Democrats and moderate voters are very high on Clinton now, 17 years removed from his scandal. The Bush brand is still very down with independent voters and even with some Republicans. Jeb will have to face many questions about his brother's Presidency, fair or not, and will likely have to say some hard things and distance himself from W.

When I look at the Republican pool right now, Jeb is the only one that I think actually has the resume that a Presidential candidate should have, has the ability to gain ground on the Latino vote (and win Florida, which would be huge), and carries the proper poise, aka "seems presidential." What remains to be seen if he can overcome the negative feelings towards George W. particularly since many of Jeb's policy ideas will be similar.

The truth about the Republican party is that it needs to split into two parties. You need the more establishment Republicans to shift a bit more to the center and disconnect themselves from the conservative wing. More and more there is a clear separation between the two different wings of the party and with the Conservatives pulling the Republicans further to the right it's allowing Democrats to grown their tent and take up more of the electorate. This is not likely to happen during this election cycle and maybe not even the next one, and if the status quo remains then the Republicans will have a hard time no matter who their candidate is and no matter who their opponent is.

That's a lot bs based on two elections where Obama beat two republican scrubs. You're dead wrong. The conservative vote stayed home in the last two elections bc of crap candidates. That's the fact. Keep dreaming, home slice. Democrats are delirious these days.
Just because you type a lot of tripe doesn't mean you have a lot to say ddork. Let me give you a quick math lesson as you are apparently a liberal arts major. Obama got less than 51% of the vote. Yes , Africian Americans who flock to the Democratic Party like mindless drones had higher than normal turnout--which is unfortunate as the dems treat them like sheeple. The dems specialize in division and they are good at it. Compare this to the repubs that stayed at home because Romney was a Mormon. The result was a gift wrapped election to Obama. Don't be fooled in thinking Hillary will receive the same emotional turnout.

So, you suck at math. That's ok. Your mom still loves you. I hope that gives you solace.
Unfortunately, for the rest of us we are left between a party of division and a party to divided ideologically to do anything.
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That's a lot bs based on two elections where Obama beat two republican scrubs. You're dead wrong. The conservative vote stayed home in the last two elections bc of crap candidates. That's the fact. Keep dreaming, home slice. Democrats are delirious these days.
No, that's actually not the fact. Here's an article that appeared in the Wall Street Journal, written by Karl Rove, about the conservative turnout in 2008 and 2012. Not only was the turnout not down, it was actually higher both by gross number and by percentage of voters than it was in 2000 and 2004.

See how my point is based on the actual numbers and yours is based on just what you think might have happened? So much for "dead wrong."
No, that's actually not the fact. Here's an article that appeared in the Wall Street Journal, written by Karl Rove, about the conservative turnout in 2008 and 2012. Not only was the turnout not down, it was actually higher both by gross number and by percentage of voters than it was in 2000 and 2004.

See how my point is based on the actual numbers and yours is based on just what you think might have happened? So much for "dead wrong."

Quoting Rove? You just lost all accountability. He's the Democrats favorite "republican." He's clueless. To take him as fact proves your a democrat, firebreathing lefty.
I'm not going to argue anymore with you and your ocd love for wsj opinion pieces. We'll see what happens. According to you, no Republican will ever win again. We've got your "sane" opinion. We'll discuss it after the next election.
Did you read anything I wrote? At no point did I say a Republican would never win again. What I did do, was explain why they didn't win last time, why they do have an uphill battle this time, and what likely needs to happen to shift the electorate back into their favor.

I'll be happy to discuss it after the next election, and I hope at that point your ability to be reasonable and understand how numbers work will be improved.