Trump effect in Mexico

People like this that enable the thousands of violent attacks and the deaths of thousands of Americans every year should be branded outcast if not worse. They enable the sex trafficking and rape of hundreds of thousands of women and children across the border every year...
People like who? You are aware we're talking about the costs of tariffs right?
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Are CNN and MSNBC going bankrupt and down the tubes with Fox News Killing It

Its the economy stupid. Trumps ran on his plans for America. Kamala ran on Orangeman bad. Its not rocket science. Kamala ran for they/them and Trump ran for YOU. The way they handled the hurricane disaster bit them hard in the ass also...
Trumps ADS said she ran on they/them, she never even mentioned trans issues so get that through your head. After that, please explain to me how Trump's policies are better for the economy when the majority of economists agree that her plans were much better. Here's a hint - across the board tariffs and tax cuts for the top 1% won't do a damn thing to help inflation, gdp or the deficit. You were just fooled.

Are CNN and MSNBC going bankrupt and down the tubes with Fox News Killing It

One of her absolute core beliefs and political philosophies is highlighted here. Equal outcomes over equal opportunities. That is a terribly dangerous position and Elon is right to call it out. Perhaps he could have done without the commie theatrics, but it’s still an extremely dangerous way of thinking. Everyone should run far, far away from politicians who think the way she does.
Without getting sidetracked over what she meant by those comments, she clearly is not Communist and went out of her way over the last few weeks of her campaign to clearly state that she is a Capitalist, hence the constant drumbeat of misinformation that Elon spread to his 200 million followers and non-followers who received his propaganda tweets anyway, was partly instrumental in Trump's win.

Complain about CNN, MSNBC or any other outlet all you want, but no one is guiltier of spreading abject lies to the masses than Elon - and worse, he doesn't give a shit and never corrects the falsehoods he spreads.
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