
  1. T

    Cris? Clemson Basketball?

    Cris, I consider you the voice one reason and you do a great job of it. I understand Brad Browell is a polarizing figure on this board. I'm certainly on the suporter side whereas others want him gone even if he makes a run in NCAA Tourney. Is he perfect, of course not. My questions: 1. Why...
  2. rbtiger

    C/L/P- New Season Forecast

    In a fantasy world that we could go back and redo your season forecast, I wonder what it would look like now after a 2 game sample size?
  3. T

    Stephanie Abrams & Biden Cris, Brandon getting handsy with your girl. Your thoughts?
  4. BURTON1200

    Tre’ Williams

    Cris, Larry or Paul could you find out what his injury is and if he will play again this season?
  5. G


    Chris, Has there been a response from Clemson, Dabo, Larry, or you about Pearman? I saw Larry’s piece yesterday, but I am curious if there has been more investigative journalism on the matter. We’re getting posts from you about Norvell mass texting his team, but silence on the elephant in...
  6. Clemson Goat

    OT...Best option to invest in grandchildren's education?

    Which is the best option ? 1) 529 2) saving bonds 3) stocks 4) other ? Ages - 2 years old and newborn.