are to be on OBAMACARE this year.
5% of medicaid users consume 50% of the resources.
75 million enrolled in medicaid.
thats roughly 3-4 million americans consuming over 50% of the funding.
republicans should cut a deal.
we will give the liberals "national healthcare" in exchange for-
1- eliminating the dept of education and returning all control of education by to the school districts and parents.
2- elimination of the corporate and personal income tax. replaced by a national sales tax collected by states.
time for compromise.....
5% of medicaid users consume 50% of the resources.
75 million enrolled in medicaid.
thats roughly 3-4 million americans consuming over 50% of the funding.
republicans should cut a deal.
we will give the liberals "national healthcare" in exchange for-
1- eliminating the dept of education and returning all control of education by to the school districts and parents.
2- elimination of the corporate and personal income tax. replaced by a national sales tax collected by states.
time for compromise.....