Alabama Sec of State accuse Biden Admin


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
Of facilitating registration of illegals to vote. We know this is occurring nationwide. What will happen if Biden magically pulls over a hundred million votes in November?

HERE WE GO 🚨 Proof Illegal Migrants Signed Up To Vote

“After inviting millions of illegals into this country over three and a half years, the Alabama Secretary of State says he's got evidence that the Biden Admin is working to now sign these people up to vote in his State”

“Color me shocked. Saying Biden's current federal policies mandate that anyone who comes into contact with certain state agencies be provided with voter registration information.

This policy mandates that noncitizens receive information regarding registering to vote in Alabama and registration forms required to register to vote.

He continued on Biden's attempt to take advantage of the crisis he created at the border by tying the hands of agencies such as Medicaid and forcing them to enact his scheme is disgraceful. Now this follows a very clear pattern that we have seen since really 2020, if not longer.

The Biden administration is just cultivating the grounds to make it easier to subvert our elections, to subvert this republic. They know the far left of their party, sitting in all these little NGOs, is going to do anything that they can to get power, to retain power. They know that these Marxists don't care about the rules, and that includes bending them, breaking them to upend any election and voting integrity measures.

Now they're making it very easy for illegals to register to vote if they so please, and then they're letting their radical left NGOs take care of the rest. That's how this works.

Alabama secretary of state, Wes Allen, joins us tonight. And, sir, it's good to have you on. So I want you to explain for us as clear as you can exactly what you're seeing, how how this is working.

—What we saw, uh, is we got a complaint about a deceased a relative of a deceased individual that received a voter registration form. And so that caused alarm bells obviously to go off in my mind. And so we started asking some questions, um, for where this voter registration card came from, but it led us down another path to to basically, uh, discover that anyone that comes in contact with certain state agencies, uh, whether or not they receive benefits or not, uh, receive a voter registration form in the mail and we just find that appalling.

And, it's because of the National Voter Registration Act that was passed back in 1993. And, uh, you know, the state agency's hands are tied because they're following, uh, federal law, but it goes right along with Biden's executive order that he, uh, that he signed back in 2021 that really weaponizes and mobilizes the entire federal government apparatus to be voter registration agencies. And so, uh, we're just, uh, shocked at at what we found and, you know, we wanted to alert and expose this and to make sure that, uh, the public knows about it.
Of facilitating registration of illegals to vote. We know this is occurring nationwide. What will happen if Biden magically pulls over a hundred million votes in November?

HERE WE GO 🚨 Proof Illegal Migrants Signed Up To Vote

“After inviting millions of illegals into this country over three and a half years, the Alabama Secretary of State says he's got evidence that the Biden Admin is working to now sign these people up to vote in his State”

“Color me shocked. Saying Biden's current federal policies mandate that anyone who comes into contact with certain state agencies be provided with voter registration information.

This policy mandates that noncitizens receive information regarding registering to vote in Alabama and registration forms required to register to vote.

He continued on Biden's attempt to take advantage of the crisis he created at the border by tying the hands of agencies such as Medicaid and forcing them to enact his scheme is disgraceful. Now this follows a very clear pattern that we have seen since really 2020, if not longer.

The Biden administration is just cultivating the grounds to make it easier to subvert our elections, to subvert this republic. They know the far left of their party, sitting in all these little NGOs, is going to do anything that they can to get power, to retain power. They know that these Marxists don't care about the rules, and that includes bending them, breaking them to upend any election and voting integrity measures.

Now they're making it very easy for illegals to register to vote if they so please, and then they're letting their radical left NGOs take care of the rest. That's how this works.

Alabama secretary of state, Wes Allen, joins us tonight. And, sir, it's good to have you on. So I want you to explain for us as clear as you can exactly what you're seeing, how how this is working.

—What we saw, uh, is we got a complaint about a deceased a relative of a deceased individual that received a voter registration form. And so that caused alarm bells obviously to go off in my mind. And so we started asking some questions, um, for where this voter registration card came from, but it led us down another path to to basically, uh, discover that anyone that comes in contact with certain state agencies, uh, whether or not they receive benefits or not, uh, receive a voter registration form in the mail and we just find that appalling.

And, it's because of the National Voter Registration Act that was passed back in 1993. And, uh, you know, the state agency's hands are tied because they're following, uh, federal law, but it goes right along with Biden's executive order that he, uh, that he signed back in 2021 that really weaponizes and mobilizes the entire federal government apparatus to be voter registration agencies. And so, uh, we're just, uh, shocked at at what we found and, you know, we wanted to alert and expose this and to make sure that, uh, the public knows about it.

This is the most maga thing ever.

Alabama SOS: "I have evidence that Joe Biden is illegally registering illegal aliens to vote."

The world: "Are you taking your evidence to a court of law?"

Alabama SOS: "Nope. Just gonna talk about it on that cable news."

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