I've known about the word for at least a year. Read a tweet from a scientist that I follow who used it. It's one word that blames the changing climate on man. You can disagree with it and still believe the climate is changing. If someone ask if you believe in climate change, you need to ask them to be more specific. Most people don't. Many scientist believe the climate is changing. About half think man is causing it. I don't believe in anthropogenic climate change and it's not just because I like oil and believe we should drill our own oil or that I like cars that have lots of power or that I can't stand electric cars that weigh 5000 pounds and you can't track them. It's not because I like coal and natural gas fired power plants and think people are absolutely nuts that we should ban fossil and go with very unreliable wind and solar. None of those reasons are why I don't believe in anthropogenic climate change. I don't believe in anthropogenic climate change because I don't believe the atmospheric temperature can become unstable by a trace gas that absorbs the same infrared frequency as water vapor. Sure CO2 absorbs infrared heat but the increase in temperature is not sufficient to cause more heat to be absorbed by the water vapor in the air. If that were the case, then our atmosphere would be highly unstable. Moreover, all of the carbon that we are putting into the atmosphere came from living things that were once living on the surface. This means that there was a period when those living things were living were the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere include that carbon plus the carbon in existence today. Indeed, ice core samples prove that historical levels of CO2 were 20 times current levels and life on earth was just as plentiful as it is today.