Still support Trump, DGAF about the "insurrection" at the Capitol, and will never support Biden.
Just curious, as I really appreciate and give a lot of weight to this boards ideas
I'll give you a serious answer here. No. You are not. The US constitution has a very narrow definition of traitor. Here it is:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
In no way do you fit the bill for that.
My problem with you saying above is not giving a crap about the insurrection at the capitol. IMHO, there's nothing wrong with you supporting Trump. I don't understand it but it is absolutely your right as an American to do that.
As for the insurrection, you'll have to answer that for yourself. I personally don't give a shit what Trump said before the attack on the capitol either. Politicians use those words all the time.
BUT results matter. What happens matters.
Take this as an example: I live in the city limits and it is illegal to discharge a firearm within the city limits. Now lets say that I'm outside on the patio cleaning my rifle and drinking liquor. I stumble around and discharge my rifle. If that round goes straight up and does no harm... I MIGHT get a citation. I'd be surprised, but it could happen. I'd say maybe a 25% chance it happening. But if that round goes through my neighbor's window and through the head of their child, I'm going to jail (and rightfully so). Same intent, same actions, different result.
Results matter. And the fact of the matter is that the President of the US called on his supporters to march down to the capitol and fight like hell. Nothing wrong with that. And his supporters did. And there's plenty wrong with that. And President Trump owns some of it.
Trump is also the commander in chief. He certainly delayed in his response to an attack on the capitol building. Did he take delight in that attack as some have claimed? I don't know, and frankly don't care about that either. It's his JOB to lead and defend the US to the best of his ability. He took an oath to do that. The delay between the attack and the National Guard being ordered to deploy is unacceptable. Again, whether he delayed on purpose or he didn't know what was going on doesn't matter really.
Back to the example above... The BEST thing you could say about me is that I was a incompetent, drunken idiot that killed a kid by accident. That's no excuse and I'm going to go to jail for it.
The BEST you can say in this case is that Trump unwittingly encouraged an attack on the capitol building and was incompetent in organizing a response to an attack on the United States. There's no excuse for that level of failure at the Presidential level. He should have been impeached and convicted for it.
The fact of the matter is that there was an attack on the congress of the US. People died in that attack. IMHO, as an American you should probably care about that A LOT. What that says about you as a citizen, I'm not sure and only you can really answer that.
As for supporting Biden... I don't care whether you do or not. I don't love him and I don't expect others to do so either.