Another win for Trump

Another shameful attempt at the 14th amendment to keep Trump off the ballot!! You Dems are really
Old man yells at trees.

It’s funnier and funnier that the olds said we should stay off the internet because it’s all garbage and now it’s taking over their brains.
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Another shameful attempt at the 14th amendment to keep Trump off the ballot!! You Dems are really
Trump has been racking up historic losses since the mid-terms in his presidency and yet, this is what makes you say he's actually winning? LOL

You might have missed it but the same judge still said he "engaged in insurrection" The problem is Article 3 doesn't mention the Presidency or how to implement it and that's what the judge ruled on - it wasn't because he thought Trump was innocent.
Personally, I don't think he should be off the ballot. If he gets CONVICTED, THEN he should be off the ballot, but being accused is not enough.
Great news. trump is a loser; him being on the ballot is a guaranteed W for dems.
Got to agree here. ANY of the Republicans (except maybe Desantis) would win EASILY. Biden's pretty darn unpopular, nearly anyone could win this except even more unpopular Trump.

Bottom line here is that at the end of the day... Almost all the Republicans are going to vote for the Republican Nominee whoever that is.. AND almost all Democrats are going to vote for the Democratic Nominee whoever that is. That's going to be about 40% each... with a few per cent of each that would actually swing back and forth. That 15-20% of the Independents are the ones that swing EVERY election recently. And Independents DO NOT LIKE TRUMP.

But honestly it's a win win for the Trumpians on this board. If Trump wins, they are happy. If Trump loses, they get to bitch for 4 more years on how he was cheated again, even though polls are going to show he's going to lose.
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