Left leaning moderate here. Obviously this is not cool. But let's not pretend that there aren't just as many extremist idiots on the other side of the spectrum. Right wing extremists are just as dangerous.
Yeah, cause those 12 folks arrested in Michigan were such great dudes. And Kyle Rittenhouse. And Dylan Rouff. And the dudes who tracked hunted down the jogger. I can keep going. I don't watch any of the big 3, and maybe you should stop watching Fox News so much. All they do is spout hatred and fear-mongering.The old mommy he did it too argument from the left got old years ago. People from the right are not running around harassing people and burning down businesses. Stop watching MSN and search for the real news.
Was this you?
This one with sound on
Dude the caravan of right wing protesteors literally are travelling to states and cities they don't live in and marching in the streets with guns... killing people. Obviously this doosh bag is a POS for murdering this guy and he's going to be locked up and go to prison. This all doesn't address the actual problems we have in this country.The old mommy he did it too argument from the left got old years ago. People from the right are not running around harassing people and burning down businesses. Stop watching MSN and search for the real news.
Was this you?
This one with sound on
Yeah, cause those 12 folks arrested in Michigan were such great dudes. And Kyle Rittenhouse. And Dylan Rouff. And the dudes who tracked hunted down the jogger. I can keep going. I don't watch any of the big 3, and maybe you should stop watching Fox News so much. All they do is spout hatred and fear-mongering.
MSM focuses on a sole-perpetrator and does their best to paint that individual as the entire population of the opposing side. It's truly disgusting.
I claim myself as independent but do lean towards the right with most economic policies. No doubt there is extremist on both sides, but the moment you lumped Kyle Rittenhouse as an extremist is the moment u lost that argument. Anyone with half a brain that looks at all the evidence and videos knows it was self defense. Yes, he was too young and shouldn’t have been out there, but obviously you haven’t done your homework, and it’s obvious you are watching MSM. It was self defense, he was protecting businesses and was attacked. A few hours before that he was helping an injured BLM protestor because he has an EMT background. Sounds like some extremist out to kill, Right? Seriously everyone needs to do their homework before just spouting out names. I have a feeling u think all the cops from Breonna need to be in jail also.Yeah, cause those 12 folks arrested in Michigan were such great dudes. And Kyle Rittenhouse. And Dylan Rouff. And the dudes who tracked hunted down the jogger. I can keep going. I don't watch any of the big 3, and maybe you should stop watching Fox News so much. All they do is spout hatred and fear-mongering.
MSM focuses on a sole-perpetrator and does their best to paint that individual as the entire population of the opposing side. It's truly disgusting.
The old mommy he did it too argument from the left got old years ago. People from the right are not running around harassing people and burning down businesses. Stop watching MSN and search for the real news.
Was this you?
This one with sound on
Dude, no decent human being on the right or the left approves of this atrocity but your attempt to construe this as a result of liberal ideology is straight bs. If we have to claim him, you need to claim the KKK. Are you as outraged by the news over the weekend of the right wing militia that plotted to kidnap, try and execute the governor of Michigan? Or does it not matter because she is a Democrat?
Are you a supporter of ANTIFA? Nice straw man argument. Project much?
Am I against fascism - YES. Am I against murder, looting and rioting - YES. I am also against Trump supporters cherry picking stories to say this is why the other side is bad. He's still going down and this shock reporting won't make a difference.
ANTIFA are Communist and terrorist. It's obvious by now. The question isn't if you are anti fascist. I'm a free market Capitalist libertarian. That's not fascist by any means and I support the Trump re-election only because you Democrats are dumbass idiots that don't understand beans about energy, the environment nor economics and you are constantly trying to subvert the US Constitution. The question is are you part of this ANTIFA group?
Are you ANTIFA?
Answer the question because it sure sounds like it you are.
Watch how these scum planned this entire shooting. First they provoke the guy to get him to respond, then they shoot him point blank with a 45 ACP.
ANTIFA are Communist and terrorist. It's obvious by now. The question isn't if you are anti fascist. I'm a free market Capitalist libertarian. That's not fascist by any means and I support the Trump re-election only because you Democrats are dumbass idiots that don't understand beans about energy, the environment nor economics and you are constantly trying to subvert the US Constitution. The question is are you part of this ANTIFA group?
Are you ANTIFA?
Answer the question because it sure sounds like it you are.
Watch how these scum planned this entire shooting. First they provoke the guy to get him to respond, then they shoot him point blank with a 45 ACP.
You sound charming but no, you remedial asshat, I am NOT ANTIFA. I also have no idea what their platform or ideology is and I've never known or heard of anyone who is. There's no question that your videos depict some horrible shit but instead of calling them leftist, how about we just call them bad people doing bad things? Speaking of dumb, anyone who loudly supports the most dangerous, corrupt man in American political history is the truly dumb one. If we let him have his way, we will be in a Civil War, we won't be safe from any crisis because he can't manage them and it will be the end of our democracy. How do you look yourself in the mirror after he shovels dangerous lies in your face everyday and say that's my guy? If you can't see that he is a disaster of a human being, much less a President, you just don't give a fvck. We know what really drives your kind - you pee yourself because he insults people you don't like. That's the thing that really excites you and it's also the reason he and the crazies that he enables are going down. Americans are sick of the clown show. Enjoy his last few hate rallies while you can!
I think I missed your riff on the right wing folks who tried to kidnap and then try the Michigan Governor. I’d dare say this right wing group is more dangerous than anything I have seen from Antifa.
It's time to treat ANTIFA like terrorists.
You sound charming but no, you remedial asshat, I am NOT ANTIFA. I also have no idea what their platform or ideology is and I've never known or heard of anyone who is. There's no question that your videos depict some horrible shit but instead of calling them leftist, how about we just call them bad people doing bad things? Speaking of dumb, anyone who loudly supports the most dangerous, corrupt man in American political history is the truly dumb one. If we let him have his way, we will be in a Civil War, we won't be safe from any crisis because he can't manage them and it will be the end of our democracy. How do you look yourself in the mirror after he shovels dangerous lies in your face everyday and say that's my guy? If you can't see that he is a disaster of a human being, much less a President, you just don't give a fvck. We know what really drives your kind - you pee yourself because he insults people you don't like. That's the thing that really excites you and it's also the reason he and the crazies that he enables are going down. Americans are sick of the clown show. Enjoy his last few hate rallies while you can!
I think I missed your riff on the right wing folks who tried to kidnap and then try the Michigan Governor. I’d dare say this right wing group is more dangerous than anything I have seen from Antifa.
At this point, I could care less who wins but at least cut the bullsh*t.......he doesn't lie any more or any less than Biden or Harris. Voting is a popularity contest, they say what you want to hear and then do the same thing again 3.6 years into their term. They raise millions of dollars of honest people's money in campaign funding, to dig up dirt, spread lies, run misleading campaigns, create racist agendas....etc. Imagine if the millions were spent to shelter homeless or funnel funding back into to under privileged communities or maybe invest in police training (could use that right about now couldn't we)? Imagine if Nancy spent more time negotiating workable stimulus deals instead of trying to invoke the 25th amendment, or impeaching Trump on bogus nonsense. Imagine if Trump spent less time arguing with Lebron James over building schools and more time focused on building bridges with the Dems or figuring out why Cuomo and Di Blasio can't tie their own shoes (sorry, that was a low blow). The point here is, all of them could be better. Hell, Biden has had 40+ years to get better.
I think I missed your riff on the right wing folks who tried to kidnap and then try the Michigan Governor. I’d dare say this right wing group is more dangerous than anything I have seen from Antifa.
Hey bud, I respect you and I know you're a smart guy so that's why I know you know better than this.
And if I understand your comment correctly, it sounds like you were in the military, so thank you for your service. But again, I know you know better than this....
Problem is, voters don't make their decisions to vote for or against a candidate because of their policies. If they did, Hillary Clinton would have won the general election in 2016 and Elizabeth ("I have a plan for that") Warren would be this year's Democratic nominee. Trump doesn't advocate a single plan. Quick, what is his health-care plan? (He's promised one for 4 years.) "It's going to be tremendous" is not a plan.Ha! First, no one has ever accused me of being smart! Logical maybe, smart definitely not
Correct, I was indeed in the military and served (indirectly) under president Bill Clinton, who despite me not agreeing with some of his policies, I thought he was a pretty decent president. That said, he also lied to the American people which further rectifies my point that honesty isn't necessarily something politicians live and die by, especially if it might cost them votes or their office.
Look, I'm not here to tell you who to vote for or even remotely try to influence who you vote for. If you believe in what the Biden/Harris ticket is proposing then by all means, vote blue as that is exactly how democracy is meant to work and that's how you ensure your own views and stances are carried out via political policy/legislation. I'm not here to fight with anyone, I'd gladly have a beer with you and hear all of your points without so much as an awkward facial expression but I feel like this election and the last one have been the worst in American history as far as media bias, mudslinging and fraud/waste/abuse of tax payer dollars. Neither candidate represents an amazing outcome for this country for many reasons and that's where I stand. That said, I don't vote on personal feeling about a candidate, I vote based on confidence of delivery of policies which are well funded by my tax dollars (and yours).
What I'd like to see going forward is the following format for campaigns overall:
-Each candidate shows up to a debate type panel with a "due diligence" like deck (anyone in M&A will know how painful these are) that details out their plans
-Each candidate has to take the public and a panel through the deck which should contain granular detail of their policies with factual data points around how they will fund them, how long they will take and what we will get as a nation upon delivery of said policy
-Post that deck getting picked a part, dissected and questioned, candidates can refine and then take said deck out on the campaign trail.
-Those decks should be made public so as to have a baseline that doesn't get altered or tweaked to satisfy certain audiences
-That eliminates or at least curbs some of the ability to lie about where they stand as they have a starting point of facts the public gets to hold them to.
All a pipe dream I know........
Problem is, voters don't make their decisions to vote for or against a candidate because of their policies. If they did, Hillary Clinton would have won the general election in 2016 and Elizabeth ("I have a plan for that") Warren would be this year's Democratic nominee. Trump doesn't advocate a single plan. Quick, what is his health-care plan? (He's promised one for 4 years.) "It's going to be tremendous" is not a plan.
Voters - particularly this year - are looking at character and compassion and those don't translate to powerpoint slides. Women historically have faced a 'likeability' issue regardless of their plans ("Do the voters like her?")
How about we just get moderators to say, "Whoa there. You just spent 3 mins dodging my question. I am going to ask it again and if you don't answer, you lose time the next round of questioning"?
Are you a supporter of ANTIFA? Nice straw man argument. Project much?