It’s about taking responsibility. If you willingly take a risk, you should willingly accept the consequences of that risk. Regarding your example, the ACA allows health insurance providers to charge up to 50% more for premiums for smokers. So, if you accept the health risks of smoking, you accept the increased cost of health insurance. And life insurance is more expensive based on your health risks as well.
Why can’t people who refuse to get vaccinated also have the balls to own that choice? Why should my health premiums or taxes go up because you end up in the ICU because you chose to not get vaccinated? Very socialist of people to want others to pay for their problems… Antivaxers sound like angry teenagers, they want independence and their choice respected, they want the world to change and adapt to them, but yet the parents have to be the adult ones and pay for everything.
I have yet to see an antivaxer put their money where their mouth is and say they won’t go to the hospital if they get sick or sell their house to pay for it and not be a burden to society. So, they’re all proudly independent until they need society/others to help/save them. All talk, no walk.
What about the 40% of obese Americans who eat unhealthy and or don’t exercise?
No doctor for them?