At work job. Lots of security at employees entrance to facility.

I get it. As a business owner if an unvaccinated person could cause my business harm/ personal financial hardship I understand.

I would simply say I can't afford to shut down/fall behind again due to someone getting sick and being out for weeks therefore I need you to be vaccinated so we can all have a job
Heres a reasonable American
I am actually in favor of letting people choose. I don’t want government mandates.

But I don’t want my taxes or health insurance premiums to go up because of antivaxxers taking deliberate risks. They should pay for they hospital stay because it was a conscious decision.

I would prefer less taxes as well. So i say we stop paying people not to work. Less than 50% of the people in this country are net income tax payers. Why should they not pay taxes to take the burden off of the rest of us?
Most professionals won’t quit. Most will grow up and get the vaccine.

It”s so simple. Quit the politics and get the damn shots for your family and economy. We have to get rid of this and the shots are the answer. Proven. And approved. If you could get a shot to not get cancer would you? Sad many would’t.
People are concerned about a vaccine that was developed so quickly. That’s actually a fairly reasonable concern. And for the record, I’m vaccinated because I’m about 40 lbs overweight, 50 years old, and smoked for close to 30 years. If I were in better shape and hadn’t smoked for all those years (like an idiot), I probably wouldn’t be vaccinated. Maybe I would because of what I’m reading and hearing now about the differences in severity of how it manifests between the vaxed and unvaxed. To think people shouldn’t question a doctor is just as naive as your thoughts of their ignorance for questioning them. Should we have questioned them when they were pushing pain meds during the last couple of decades? Maybe that’s a bad example but I hope you get the point. They make mistakes and our politicians have no idea. They ALWAYS have an agenda, both sides.
Makes sense doesn’t it. I’ve had covid twice. I’m unvaccinated, have the antibodies and fully recovered both times. I donate blood as much as I can as well. Keep up the good work.

I got Covid last July and got the vaccine a couple days ago. I wasn't worried about it until my relative who is a retired heart surgeon here in the state said that I probably wouldn't get that sick from it if I got it again but the issue is if I am unvaccinated even with the antibodies I will more than likely carry it for longer than if I was vaccinated, therefore putting other people at risk for longer.

That and there have been a couple people under 50 die right here in my community this past week

Also I have a friend who got vaccinated right when it came out, their kid is high risk. They give blood and plasma.
What is the huge societal problem that “antivaxxers” are a symptom of?
Lack of accountability for one's decisions. It affects all sides, so I'll be an equal opportunity offender here. Lack of fiscal responsibility (easy to spend other people's money) as an example affects both sides.
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lol what a comparison. Getting a vaccine for an illness that has a >99% survival rate is now viewed in the same vein as fighting for one’s country against tyranny and evil?

What times we live in 😁
Just you see no gray area other than living or dying? It isn’t so black and white. Not always live or die. If you survive you could be stuck with hundreds of thousands of dollars of medical bills. OR you can experience long hauler symptoms that can effect you for an indefinite period of time..maybe the rest of your life
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Im in the middle of it. Happy in some way that a firm decision was made. Had mine months ago. Its a major Pharmaceutical Company so i see the reason why. But...hate when we loose good people...and we did.
My company went the other way, $100 bonus for proof of vaccination. Managers and above not eligible. We're supposed to be responsible and intelligent enough on our own. LOL
My company went the other way, $100 bonus for proof of vaccination. Managers and above not eligible. We're supposed to be responsible and intelligent enough on our own. LOL
I think this is way more reasonable.
Does anyone know antivaccers that kids attend public schools?

Can your kids attend schools with all their shots?

My kids are little so I don't know for a fact but I feel like thats why all kids get shots up until they are 6 or so.
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Lack of accountability for one's decisions. It affects all sides, so I'll be an equal opportunity offender here. Lack of fiscal responsibility (easy to spend other people's money) as an example affects both sides.
I'll go along with that, but as a society do make certain calls. I don't believe in minimum wage because it creates unemployment. I do, however, believe in a minimum standard of living. Things like subsidized day care for women who make below x amount calculated on a sliding scale, say 40% decline as it gets above a certain level. There are hundreds of examples of how to implement a minimum standard of living that don't subsidize folks sitting on couches (usually).

Without going down a rabbit hole, my point is that we need to have one or the other. Much of my education is in economics (below PHD level), so I can't support minimum wage. I do think that if you are willing to work, you deserve a decent living. We need to do more to support the working poor and to help them build wealth.
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I got Covid last July and got the vaccine a couple days ago. I wasn't worried about it until my relative who is a retired heart surgeon here in the state said that I probably wouldn't get that sick from it if I got it again but the issue is if I am unvaccinated even with the antibodies I will more than likely carry it for longer than if I was vaccinated, therefore putting other people at risk for longer.

That and there have been a couple people under 50 die right here in my community this past week

Also I have a friend who got vaccinated right when it came out, their kid is high risk. They give blood and plasma.
I do understand. There is a lot of fear associated with this virus. A lot of people are getting very sick. I’m 39, don’t have any underlying issues, very fit and active, get great sleep, have very little stress, and have had it twice with no real issues. I have just made my choice to not get the vax. I don’t blame you for getting it. I have known a few people to get covid and die from it, but they had health issues. The majority of people get it and heal from it.
Does anyone know antivaccers that kids attend public schools?

Can your kids attend schools with all their shots?

My kids are little so I don't know for a fact but I feel like thats why all kids get shots up until they are 6 or so.
There are Exemptions.
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Tensions are running high. My body my choice
Yeah, my wife told me religion was a reason, what are the others? I guess the reason I ask can you just say no I don't want my kid to take them and that it?
In SC its Religious and/or Medical Exemption. You have to go to the Health Dept (county) to receive it.
I do understand. There is a lot of fear associated with this virus. A lot of people are getting very sick. I’m 39, don’t have any underlying issues, very fit and active, get great sleep, have very little stress, and have had it twice with no real issues. I have just made my choice to not get the vax. I don’t blame you for getting it. I have known a few people to get covid and die from it, but they had health issues. The majority of people get it and heal from it.

I hear ya, I am 40 with no issues other than too much alcohol in big games, or grilling or golfing or fishing or....... you get it.

I know there is a kid ( mid 30s) in Clemson right now who just got out of the hospital and his wife was turned away due to being full, he got out after a couple of days and she got admitted.
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I would prefer less taxes as well. So i say we stop paying people not to work. Less than 50% of the people in this country are net income tax payers. Why should they not pay taxes to take the burden off of the rest of us?
More taxes, more regulations, more vaccinations
I'll go along with that, but as a society do make certain calls. I don't believe in minimum wage because it creates unemployment. I do, however, believe in a minimum standard of living. Things like subsidized day care for women who make below x amount calculated on a sliding scale, say 40% decline as it gets above a certain level. There are hundreds of examples of how to implement a minimum standard of living that don't subsidize folks sitting on couches (usually).

Without going down a rabbit hole, my point is that we need to have one or the other. Much of my education is in economics (below PHD level), so I can't support minimum wage. I do think that if you are willing to work, you deserve a decent living. We need to do more to support the working poor and to help them build wealth.
Totally agree on all points by the way. I had a post in the Round Table where I expressed I felt lost politically because I am not in favor of socialism and strongly in favor of meritocracy, but gotta admit the system feels broken for a large portion of the population.

The fact that a minimum wage worker can work hard full time and yet not afford rent for a single bedroom apartment in 93% of the counties in the U.S. seems like a problem to me. A shrinking middle class and struggling working poor doesn’t feel like the right pillar of our society going forward.

The younger generations do not believe in the American dream anymore. We need to fix that so that people innovate, start businesses, work hard to be independent and contribute to society. If not, they’ll reach for the “easy” solution of the government “providing”, which comes at a huge cost from a control and loss of autonomy standpoint.
Yeah, 628k have died FROM Covid.

lol we can’t have a reasonable discussion when you start with such obviously incorrect numbers.

But let’s assume that number is correct. Why do we not require schools to mandate the flu vaccine and masks? That disease is very much more of a threat to that age group than Covid is.

This is about power, control and money. Less than 1% death rate and no talk of antibodies but just “get muh vaccine”. Do what you feel comfortable with and stop dictating to everyone else.
Because schools require teachers?
I hear ya, I am 40 with no issues other than too much alcohol in big games, or grilling or golfing or fishing or....... you get it.

I know there is a kid ( mid 30s) in Clemson right now who just got out of the hospital and his wife was turned away due to being full, he got out after a couple of days and she got admitted.
Prayers to them!
Hospital's begging the public to get the vax, but none are close to 80% vax for their employees. Very interesting conundrum. Lots would leave if mandated. Not a good time to lose health care workers.
And this, in and of itself, is very telling!
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No kiddin'
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What a dumb dumb short sided post.

My insurance premiums have gone up over the years due to the amount of people throwing down coca cola, chicken fingers, and cheesecake... But they're good.

People without the covid vaccine tho...despite how healthy you may be...nope, you get less care, for more it.

Gonna toss in the folks who have been in and out of “rehab” facilities three, four, five times and the outrageous amounts of monies the insurance companies payout simply because they would rather stay under some form of intoxication rather than be “forced” to live life. SMH. These are personal choices as well.
I have been hospitalized a couple of times over the last few years for blood clots in my lungs and the one thing I have noticed is a majority of nurses/ health care workers appear to be some of the unhealthiest and over weight people working the front lines.
So you really want to go down this slippery slope? Where will it end? Do you want fat people to pay more for their insurance than skinny people as well? What if someone is fat due to an undiagnosed medical condition. Do we just say "You eat too much and that's a direct correlation to you being a fat ass, so pay up!" Should diabetics pay higher premiums than those who aren't diabetic? Let's just punish anyone who makes any health and life choices that aren't deemed ideal by some government bureaucrat. Will that make you happy?

Republican here, and fat people, people with type 2 diabetes, smokers, drug users and anyone else who has an increased likelihood of medical expense due to controllable factors should ABSOLUTELY pay higher insurance premiums. The only excuse is a diagnosed, unpreventable medical condition.

Not at the direction of a government bureaucrat, at the direction of an actuary who uses basic math to calculate risk and cost.

Personal responsibility.
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Who said you were responsible for everyone's health? That's the opposite of my point. They should be responsible for their own health. If they want to weigh 400 pounds and destroy their heart and arteries, fine, they should have to pay higher premiums to cover for the related medical issues. We absolutely do that for smokers already.

Your second point is absolute B.S. I absolutely do not limit my push for responsibility to this topic. I've had a number of rants on the concept of responsibility and the antivaxxers stance is a just a symptom of a huge societal problem right now. So, I don't know where you pulled this one out because this certainly isn't the case. I get it, you were trying to pigeonhole me into a biased position. But no, I'm actually very consistent across the board there.
No, you said that you didn't want your health insurance to go up do to unvaccinated people. You complained about hospitals being full. My question to you was why you didn't have the same issues all along with fat people with heart disease and diabetes running up our health premiums and filling up hospitals. The drivel you typed about personal responsibility has zero to do with my response to you. If your reason for wanting people vaccinated is your health premiums and hospitals vacancy as you stated, then you should be concerned with all people who make poor life choices and clog up our health care system. You only seem to be concerned about vaccinated though. Now feel free to not answer the question and talk around the subject again, but the point remains, health care premiums have gone up and the system clogged by people making poor life choices for years, but glad you just became interested as it pertains to vaccinations
We need to do more to support the working poor and to help them build wealth.

Helping people build wealth is a great idea, but in reality most people make choices and those choices have consequences. The average American lives paycheck to paycheck b/c they consume everything they make. They choose and justify buying things that they can do without. It is their choice, so more power to them. Certainly there are people who don’t make enough to for ends to meet.

There are plenty of people who make great incomes who mostly live paycheck to paycheck, they choose to spend Today and worry about saving tomorrow, keeping up with the Jones requires it.
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No, you said that you didn't want your health insurance to go up do to unvaccinated people. You complained about hospitals being full. My question to you was why you didn't have the same issues all along with fat people with heart disease and diabetes running up our health premiums and filling up hospitals. The drivel you typed about personal responsibility has zero to do with my response to you. If your reason for wanting people vaccinated is your health premiums and hospitals vacancy as you stated, then you should be concerned with all people who make poor life choices and clog up our health care system. You only seem to be concerned about vaccinated though. Now feel free to not answer the question and talk around the subject again, but the point remains, health care premiums have gone up and the system clogged by people making poor life choices for years, but glad you just became interested as it pertains to vaccinations
I have been pushing for responsibility to matter for 25+ years. I already told you I’m consistent across the board. I know you don’t want to hear it though.

You are making up the fact that “now I care” to because it’s related to Covid and like I already told you that’s total BS. I have worried about healthcare costs for two decades as rising costs have consistently outpaced inflation. So, you can live in your made-up or you can accept reality and find a different way to attack my views.