Admin Approved.
Tiger fans, we have 6 Box Suite season tickets available for the 2015 season. Tickets include all Food, all Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and all IPTAY requirements. There are no commitments required for future seasons, however the purchaser will have first right of refusal for future seasons if they so desire.
This is a family oriented box of true Clemson Fans, no corporate stuffiness. Can get rowdy for the big games, but all in fun. We have a good time for sure! You can purchase any number of tickets, 2, 4, or all 6. $2,850/ea.
As many of you know, boxes have been totally renovated, including windows that open completely to the field.
Suite 31, North Stands.
Contact me for further information.
Tiger fans, we have 6 Box Suite season tickets available for the 2015 season. Tickets include all Food, all Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, and all IPTAY requirements. There are no commitments required for future seasons, however the purchaser will have first right of refusal for future seasons if they so desire.
This is a family oriented box of true Clemson Fans, no corporate stuffiness. Can get rowdy for the big games, but all in fun. We have a good time for sure! You can purchase any number of tickets, 2, 4, or all 6. $2,850/ea.
As many of you know, boxes have been totally renovated, including windows that open completely to the field.
Suite 31, North Stands.
Contact me for further information.