Beijing Biden Ends President Trump’s Policy of Reducing Medical Costs on Insulin and EpiPens to Please Big Pharma


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Dec 21, 2001
What a D**K this shell of a man is.

By Joe Hoft
Published January 24, 2021 at 4:48pm
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Why would any American-loving politician increase the costs of insulin and epipens on American citizens?
100% Fed Up reports:
After decades of politicians saying they would reduce medical costs, none of them ever did. None of them, that is, until President Donald Trump who signed into law orders near the end of his first term to lower prescription drug costs and costs of procedures.
The Trump policy lowered the costs of Insulin and EpiPens and insulin by requiring community health centers to pass on all their insulin and epinephrine discount savings to patients.
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The only reason for doing this is to assist Big Pharma with its profits:
Biden is in the pocket of globalist big business, including Big Pharma as well as China. Big Pharma gets almost 100% of their prescriptions from China, which Trump sees as a huge threat to our nation. He is right, since China could (and did during Covid) shut us off from vital medical supplies on a whim. America would be unable to support itself during a real pandemic disaster if China decided to behave this way, again, because we no longer have multiple sources for so many medical products.
President Trump was the first president to actually understand Big Pharma and produce some kind of actions that lowered costs, simplified, and made transparent payment structures for Americans.

No politician that loves America would increase the costs on insulin to Americans.
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  • Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.
So, ignore the message and attack and attempt to discredit the messenger. Typical Marxist tactic. Typical delusional leftist.
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And, on the merits, Trump’s EO on insulin was a “toothless” “symbolic” politics ploy that did jack shit to actually bring prices down.

Now the new administration is reviewing all last-minute rule changes by the last admin, as is usual - including this particular worthless prop. are wrong.
So, ignore the message and attack and attempt to discredit the messenger. Typical Marxist tactic. Typical delusional leftist.

I want you to read CAREFULLY what you just wrote and then think about it for just a second...

I posted a message pointing out that stories posted by this news source were unreliable. You ignored that and attacked me calling me a Marxist and a delusional leftist.

Do you see any problems with what you are saying I should not do and what you are doing?