Biden in Hawaii


Valles Marineris
Gold Member
Oct 26, 2011
Did he actually have the audacity to compare his so called kitchen fire, and almost losing his 67 Vet to the terrible tragedy the people of Maui are suffering??
And then CNN said he was the “empathizer in chief” and what a good job he did. It’s unbelievable how the media covers for this idiot.
Clown show!
It was sarcasm. Joe always acts like he died in combat when he died from cancer.
And he actually used the term "Trickle down economics" during his Bideconomics scribbling session today.
Thomas Sowell and every other economist are laughing their asses off at this clueless bag of bones. There is no such thing as Trickle down economics. Lol
Crazy world we live in..... why would anyone intentionally set a forest on fire in the middle of a climate crisis?

I'm guessing Greece doesn't have D.E.W yet. Crazy world indeed and scary times. Unfortunately, we have them and are using them on our own citizens.

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