- Biden has managed to turn the southern border into a total cluster F**K in less than 2 months.
- Energy production. Trump had made the US the number one producer of energy in the world. Biden is in process of blowing that to hell. Gas prices going up up up!
- Jobs. Biden signings EO's that directly result in Americans being laid off from good paying jobs.
- Biden re joins Paris Climate Accords that when these policies that accompany it get enacted will cost all Americans more money to heat/cool their homes....Thanks Joe!
- Biden restarting war policies in the middle east. Watch it slowly escalate and Joe will claim that he had no choice.
- Biden hiding in the White House. No state of the union speech and no open pressers answering unscripted questions....why? President Trump directly answered questions from the press on an almost daily basis at all of his functions and communicated on twitter. The answer is that Joe is in a mid stage of dementia and they have to give him drugs and queue cards to keep him halfway lucid.
- North Korea now started enriching uranium again. This is all part of deep state/war machine strategy. They cant admit that it is to the American People. Watch the actions and not the BS they spew on all issues.
I am not even listing all of the stupid bad decisions that have been made so far with many more to come. Lets hope that they cannot muster enough support to reverse Trump tax policies. IT CAN GET MUCH WORSE.
- Energy production. Trump had made the US the number one producer of energy in the world. Biden is in process of blowing that to hell. Gas prices going up up up!
- Jobs. Biden signings EO's that directly result in Americans being laid off from good paying jobs.
- Biden re joins Paris Climate Accords that when these policies that accompany it get enacted will cost all Americans more money to heat/cool their homes....Thanks Joe!
- Biden restarting war policies in the middle east. Watch it slowly escalate and Joe will claim that he had no choice.
- Biden hiding in the White House. No state of the union speech and no open pressers answering unscripted questions....why? President Trump directly answered questions from the press on an almost daily basis at all of his functions and communicated on twitter. The answer is that Joe is in a mid stage of dementia and they have to give him drugs and queue cards to keep him halfway lucid.
- North Korea now started enriching uranium again. This is all part of deep state/war machine strategy. They cant admit that it is to the American People. Watch the actions and not the BS they spew on all issues.
I am not even listing all of the stupid bad decisions that have been made so far with many more to come. Lets hope that they cannot muster enough support to reverse Trump tax policies. IT CAN GET MUCH WORSE.