Biden SCOTUS Desperation


Lake Baikal
Gold Member
Aug 18, 2002
Despite commissioning a study that recommended no major changes at the beginning of his term, Biden is now panicking about the Supreme Ct now that he is faced with certain defeat.

Faced with the prospect of Trump appointing SCOTUS nominees for the next 4 years Biden, in a sign of sheer desperation and what many will call too little too late, wants to enact term limits and ethics reform.

When Trump wins I would expect Clarence Thomas and Alito to step down to make way for younger appointees. This should solidify a conservative majority for decades to come.

This guy is a clown!
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So how exactly will this work. It would require Congress to enact some legislation I would imagine which the Republicans would quickly challenge legally. Then the Supreme Court would declare the law unconstitutional due to separation of powers.
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So how exactly will this work. It would require Congress to enact some legislation I would imagine which the Republicans would quickly challenge legally. Then the Supreme Court would declare the law unconstitutional due to separation of powers.
It’s not going to happen and that’s why it’s seen as an act of desperation.
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If it was so important he should have done jt at the beginning of his term before facing certain defeat.

Now, no matter how legitimate his idea is, it is seen as desperation.
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