This was a pretty revealing little sound bite from the President. Nearly everything he said in it is either distorted or outright false.
"How many of you before had, in small towns in North Carolina, a — someone goes out and get a decent education, and the son or daughter comes in, “Mom, I can’t stay here. There’s no jobs for me. I got to leave.” Well, you’re going to be able to stay. You’re going to be able to stay. (Applause.)
And none of this is happening by accident. And it’s not just happening in North Carolina. It’s all part of my agenda to invest in America. American jobs. American innovation. Pride in our country. Dignity for workers and their families."
-It's always so gross when Presidents try to take credit for the economy as though their actions somehow create things. That's just not true. You can help foster a climate and policy can make things ripe for growth. Obama was an economic wizard compared to this guy. Hard to understand how he thinks it's the role of government to be so heavily involved in the economy for any other reason than he wants power.
"But unfortunately, extreme MAGA Republicans — not all — but extreme MAGA Republicans are threatening to undo all this progress. They’re putting our economy in jeopardy by threatening to refuse to pay America’s bills, not the ones —
I cut the deficit by $1.7 trillion in two years. But guess what? They’re talking about not paying our debt, which is accumulated over 200 years. All this — when you hear these trillion-dollar numbers, that’s 200 years of debt accumulated. Two hundred years."
-He says it like we had a huge debt built up over 200 years. The last three Presidents are responsible for tripling our debt and still counting. Obama took it from $11T to $19.5T, Trump took it from $19.5T to over $27T (Pre-Covid it was $22T so he still raised the debt a TON before Covid) and Biden has gone from $27T to almost $31T. It's pure madness. In 2020 the deficit was something like $4T and Biden is claiming his deficit reduction is off that emergency spending number. That's just horrible and willfully deceptive. It's gross and he is gross.
"And they want to repeal the Inflation Reduction Act, which means they want to cut the investments in clean energy manufacturing and encourage companies to expand and create jobs instead of — create jobs here.
They want to cede our clean energy future to China to make us dependent on overseas supplies and supply chains, export jobs overseas, and weaken our energy security."
-This is a flat-out lie and he knows it when he's saying it but he doesn't care. We have something like 11 million unfilled jobs. They were unfilled before and they are still unfilled. His "job creation" is just bogus and saying Republicans don't want to be energy independent is insanity. They certainly don't want to do it with China. Odd coming from him when his family has had a lot of dealings with China.
"MAGA Republicans in Congress, all — they want to cut — gut the CHIPS and Science Act, stripping our investments in the next generation of science and technology, like biomanufacturing, quantum computing, and morecula- — molecular electronics [microelectronics].
Look, folks, it would mean ceding the future of innovation and technology to China.
Well, I’ve got news for you and for MAGA Republicans who are in the Congress: Not on my watch. (Applause.)
We’re not going to let them undo all the progress we’ve made. There’s a number of Republicans that feel the same way."
-This is the usual spiel from Biden. I always love the term investments. We don't need "investments." We just need the government to get out of the way and stop trying to tax companies in such a way as to try and influence policy. The government doesn't do a huge amount of innovating. Mostly they just get in the way of progress. I could put up a Trump speech as well and find one lie after another coming out of his mouth. It's real hard to get anywhere we have such massive liars trying to manipulate everything. It would be wonderful if the media got back to doing what it is supposed to do which would include stomping out all this kind of rhetoric from our politicians.