Not sure what you mean by the tin foil hat analogy. Here’s the Reuters article talking about Harvard already running tests on this in Sweden
Not sure what you mean by the tin foil hat analogy. Here’s the Reuters article talking about Harvard already running tests on this in Sweden
Planned Harvard balloon test stirs solar geoengineering unease
An early experiment toward using sun-dimming technology to cool global warming has opponents fearing a slippery slope toward engineering the
Well I guess you just showed me... who watches the Simpsons, Professor Chaos & South Park 😆Easy, bro. That hat is the standard costume of Professor Chaos (the evil secret identity of Butters), and the gif is a reference to the South Park episode where each of his bad-guy plans was revealed to have already been done by the Simpsons. That included blocking out the sun, as Mr. Burns famously did.
Well I guess you just showed me... who watches the Simpsons, Professor Chaos & South Park 😆