1. Before launching boat check to make sure steering cable is not froze.
2. If boat is launched with frozen steering cable make sure teenage daughter is not driving.
3. If said event does occurr make sure mother in law and wife are not watching while disaster is occurring.
4. Be thankful the boat ramp you choose is not on intercoastal waterway on the Fourth of July. But still have to wade through mud and oyster beds to retrieve said boat make sure you have some thing besides flip flops.
5. Once boat is loaded stop by lowes foods in Shallotte and procure adult beverage of your choice and earplugs cause relieving it the second and third and fourth times are way worse than the first time.
Happy fourth everyone.
PS not a troll
2. If boat is launched with frozen steering cable make sure teenage daughter is not driving.
3. If said event does occurr make sure mother in law and wife are not watching while disaster is occurring.
4. Be thankful the boat ramp you choose is not on intercoastal waterway on the Fourth of July. But still have to wade through mud and oyster beds to retrieve said boat make sure you have some thing besides flip flops.
5. Once boat is loaded stop by lowes foods in Shallotte and procure adult beverage of your choice and earplugs cause relieving it the second and third and fourth times are way worse than the first time.
Happy fourth everyone.
PS not a troll