

Valles Marineris
Gold Member
Oct 26, 2011
So, now in the USA, we aren’t allowed different opinions! The “White house” is teaming up with big tech to decide who and what “disinformation” is!! And who’s to say what exactly the “White house” means? Who exactly is calling the shots? It’s NOT the dementia victim!
So, now in the USA, we aren’t allowed TO SPREAD LIES! The “White house” is teaming up with big tech to decide who and what “disinformation” is!! And who’s to say what exactly the “White house” means? Who exactly is calling the shots? It’s NOT the dementia victim!
Fixed it for ya
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A difference of opinion doesn’t mean lies. Have you heard of the first amendment. Or our constitution doesn’t matter any more.
After four years and 30,000 lies by someone who is supposed to serve and protect all Americans, the people decided we've had enough. We can no longer dismissively say that words don't matter. Big Tech realized the harm that dangerous misinformation can cause and I applaud them for taking steps to crack down on it.
After four years and 30,000 lies by someone who is supposed to serve and protect all Americans, the people decided we've had enough. We can no longer dismissively say that words don't matter. Big Tech realized the harm that dangerous misinformation can cause and I applaud them for taking steps to crack down on it.
So you support censorship? Big tech has their own agenda. And shouldn’t control free speech in order to achieve their goals. A deference of opinion doesn’t make it a lie.
I wonder how you’ll feel after 2022. Shall the new Congress censor the left???
So you support censorship? Big tech has their own agenda. And shouldn’t control free speech in order to achieve their goals. A deference of opinion doesn’t make it a lie.
I wonder how you’ll feel after 2022. Shall the new Congress censor the left???
You can call it censorship, but if the left created an alternate universe that caused harm to those they purposefully attacked because they are unhappy, I support the right of a private company to remove them from their platform. Don't get too cocky about 2022 just yet. Your voters are dropping like flies due to all the lies they believed on social media.

You can call it censorship, but if the left created an alternate universe that caused harm to those they purposefully attacked because they are unhappy, I support the right of a private company to remove them from their platform. Don't get too cocky about 2022 just yet. Your voters are dropping like flies due to all the lies they believed on social media.
Keep pushing CRT, defund police, illegal immigration

You can call it censorship, but if the left created an alternate universe that caused harm to those they purposefully attacked because they are unhappy, I support the right of a private company to remove them from their platform. Don't get too cocky about 2022 just yet. Your voters are dropping like flies due to all the lies they believed on social media.
Alternate universe??? What’s in your vape pipe??
After four years and 30,000 lies by someone who is supposed to serve and protect all Americans, the people decided we've had enough. We can no longer dismissively say that words don't matter. Big Tech realized the harm that dangerous misinformation can cause and I applaud them for taking steps to crack down on it.

You just lied there by trying to say Trump lied 30k times. Trump was the most truthful potus and kept the most campaign promises of any potus in us history....PERIOD!

You just lied there by trying to say Trump lied 30k times. Trump was the most truthful potus and kept the most campaign promises of any potus in us history....PERIOD!

You should just get an UH UH button you can press every time you see a fact.

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Oh yea right CRT, defund police, open borders are all make believe in your leftist head up your ass world
Those are things that are blown out of proportion by the creepy propagandists you listen to because they know Americans don't want Republican policies, so they're trying to inflame a culture war. They want to get you so enraged that you'll run to a message board and create stupid posts about corruption and censorship.
Those are things that are blown out of proportion by the creepy propagandists you listen to because they know Americans don't want Republican policies, so they're trying to inflame a culture war. They want to get you so enraged that you'll run to a message board and create stupid posts about corruption and censorship.
Republicans are flaming the culture war??? Really? Um, the Dems are the only playing the race card at every opportunity!
and you’re following the typical lib pattern. When you got nothing else you resort to insults. Do you need to insult to feel better about yourself?
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Republicans are flaming the culture war??? Really? Um, the Dems are the only playing the race card at every opportunity!
and you’re following the typical lib pattern. When you got nothing else you resort to insults. Do you need to insult to feel better about yourself?
I insult you rather than beat you with an American flag - it's classier.
Please speak to Mr. Growls about your concerns.
Who brought up Trump first? One of your libtard friends! Being concerned with censorship and the first amendment being trampled has nothing to do with Trump. So move on. Try really hard to come up with a different response then blaming everything on Trump. Shouldn’t be too hard for an over educated over sensitive genius like you.
There’s always hell to pay whenever you allow too much power into the hands of too few people. That’s the story of communism, in a nutshell. It’s a totalitarian system in which a little clique of elites has absolute power to dictate to everybody what they may say, how they may act, what goods and services they may receive, and with whom they may associate. In a word, communism is state-run slavery.

The elites who push it stop at nothing to maintain their power. So it shouldn’t surprise us that communist regimes have murdered 100 million people in the twentieth century. That’s probably a gross underestimate, but you get the picture. It’s summed up well in Professor R.J. Rummel’s opening words to his book, “Death by Government”: “Power kills; absolute power kills absolutely.”

It’s tragic that the free world has never held the lethal ideology of communism accountable for its crimes against humanity. Worse, the ideology is making a comeback, mindlessly promoted and celebrated, often by American youth who have never been taught to know better.

Identity politics (especially in the form of critical race theory,) mob rule, and censorship enforced by Big Tech in America today are the same tools communist regimes have always used to enforce their utopian schemes. If more of us recognized the ideology as the murderous perversion that it is and understood how its tools pave the path to oppression, we’d be more vigilant.
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There’s always hell to pay whenever you allow too much power into the hands of too few people. That’s the story of communism, in a nutshell. It’s a totalitarian system in which a little clique of elites has absolute power to dictate to everybody what they may say, how they may act, what goods and services they may receive, and with whom they may associate. In a word, communism is state-run slavery.

The elites who push it stop at nothing to maintain their power. So it shouldn’t surprise us that communist regimes have murdered 100 million people in the twentieth century. That’s probably a gross underestimate, but you get the picture. It’s summed up well in Professor R.J. Rummel’s opening words to his book, “Death by Government”: “Power kills; absolute power kills absolutely.”

It’s tragic that the free world has never held the lethal ideology of communism accountable for its crimes against humanity. Worse, the ideology is making a comeback, mindlessly promoted and celebrated, often by American youth who have never been taught to know better.

Identity politics (especially in the form of critical race theory,) mob rule, and censorship enforced by Big Tech in America today are the same tools communist regimes have always used to enforce their utopian schemes. If more of us recognized the ideology as the murderous perversion that it is and understood how its tools pave the path to oppression, we’d be more vigilant.
A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate The Federalist Questionable and far-Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right and promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.
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A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate The Federalist Questionable and far-Right Biased based on story selection and editorial positions that always favor the right and promotion of propaganda, conspiracy theories, and numerous failed fact checks.

In the second half of the twentieth century the free world, led by the United States, managed to defeat the Soviet-style communist regimes; but the ideology that had produced those regimes did not disappear with them. In addition to being today a state ideology in China and other countries such as Cuba, Vietnam, Venezuela or more recently Argentina, it has subtly penetrated into the folds of Western societies, where it has established itself in the twenty-first century. It has strengthened itself precisely by virtue of dissimulation and a special alliance. Communism’s criminogenic essence is hidden behind proclamations of peace and liberation. Its alliance with the media-cultural establishment has generated the paradigm of political correctness.

The old Iron Curtain cut Europe and the world itself in two (on the one hand the free world, and the communist world on the other), and served to lock up populations subjected to Soviet totalitarianism. The new one, instead, is internal to the West and cuts it into two concepts of society and life, and serves to isolate all those who do not submit to politically correct cultural totalitarianism. In both, the Marxist ideology with all its derivations operates as a factor of division. The old curtain was like a long war front that, after all, made things clear: on the one side the communist regimes, on the other the free democracies. The new curtain, conversely, is an internal front, which brings this enemy of the West right into our institutional, cultural and even our mental world, disrupting us, weakening us
In the second half of the twentieth century the free world, led by the United States, managed to defeat the Soviet-style communist regimes; but the ideology that had produced those regimes did not disappear with them. In addition to being today a state ideology in China and other countries such as Cuba, Vietnam, Venezuela or more recently Argentina, it has subtly penetrated into the folds of Western societies, where it has established itself in the twenty-first century. It has strengthened itself precisely by virtue of dissimulation and a special alliance. Communism’s criminogenic essence is hidden behind proclamations of peace and liberation. Its alliance with the media-cultural establishment has generated the paradigm of political correctness.

The old Iron Curtain cut Europe and the world itself in two (on the one hand the free world, and the communist world on the other), and served to lock up populations subjected to Soviet totalitarianism. The new one, instead, is internal to the West and cuts it into two concepts of society and life, and serves to isolate all those who do not submit to politically correct cultural totalitarianism. In both, the Marxist ideology with all its derivations operates as a factor of division. The old curtain was like a long war front that, after all, made things clear: on the one side the communist regimes, on the other the free democracies. The new curtain, conversely, is an internal front, which brings this enemy of the West right into our institutional, cultural and even our mental world, disrupting us, weakening us
you like to talk about Marxism and communism interchangeably. are you aware they're something different?
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you like to talk about Marxism and communism interchangeably. are you aware they're something different?
Communism is based on Marxism, so they’re really not separate. Marxism is the theory and political ideology based on Karl Marx’s ideas, and Communism is the practical implementation of the political system which is based on Marxist ideology.

Not surprising that you know a thing or two about the subject ;)
Communism is based on Marxism, so they’re really not separate. Marxism is the theory and political ideology based on Karl Marx’s ideas, and Communism is the practical implementation of the political system which is based on Marxist ideology.

Not surprising that you know a thing or two about the subject ;)
Shia v Sunni would disagree with line #1, but as long as you’re just peddling the bullshit you read on Facebook; keep on keepin on.
So… honest question for you libs. What is your vision for our country? I know you’re great at knocking and tearing down. But what do you want???