There’s always hell to pay whenever you allow too much power into the hands of too few people. That’s the story of communism, in a nutshell. It’s a totalitarian system in which a little clique of elites has absolute power to dictate to everybody what they may say, how they may act, what goods and services they may receive, and with whom they may associate. In a word, communism is state-run
The elites who push it stop at nothing to maintain their power. So it shouldn’t surprise us that communist regimes have murdered
100 million people in the twentieth century. That’s probably a gross underestimate, but you get the picture. It’s summed up well in Professor R.J. Rummel’s opening words to his book, “
Death by Government”: “Power kills; absolute power kills absolutely.”
It’s tragic that the free world has never held the lethal ideology of communism accountable for its crimes against humanity. Worse, the ideology is making a comeback, mindlessly promoted and celebrated, often by American youth who have never been taught to know better.
Identity politics (especially in the form of
critical race theory,) mob rule, and censorship enforced by Big Tech in America today are the same tools communist regimes have always used to enforce their utopian schemes. If more of us recognized the ideology as the murderous perversion that it is and understood how its tools pave the path to oppression, we’d be more vigilant.