China Joe's 81M getting loud?

Where is all of China Joe's people? That is a hell of a lot of people there that do not like China Joe and we do not even have an election this year. Why are all these people here and all over the nation pissed off enough to go out and wait on China Joe just to boo his crusty sorry ass?

Why are you calling people you do not even know rednecks? You are sounding racist. Please explain yourself.




at this the only real question is when is your pride month?

not really sure what that last one means. too scared to ask.
Not really sure what your first question means, I'm afraid to ask.

The last shirt you're questioning , is likely being worn by a young liberal woman who was led off into liberal-la-la-land and now doesn't know how to stand up for herself and surrounds herself with male Karen's, so if some crazy left-wing a-hole try's to smell her hair, she's letting them know, she will tell her brother.

I'm just guessing here..?