Clear winner on Election Night (Marijuana)


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Aug 20, 2008
Pocatello, ID
Well, the Presidential election may be a big old mess, but the party of green, sticky buds won in a landslide. In all 4, states had adult legalization on the ballot:

New Jersey
South Dakota

The measures passed in all 4 states, giving stoners everywhere the legal right to fire one up in 15 states. AND if one can "limp" effectively, or if you have "anxiety" you can smoke it up in 36 states (for medical purposes of course).

I know a couple of other states had measures trying to get enough signatures to get on the ballot (including my own Idaho) , but the pandemic threw a monkey wrench into those plans by restricting the ability to gather enough signatures in person and conservative courts refused to allow electronic signatures. Oh well... progress for sure... and we'll see how it goes in 2022.

Nationally, the news isn't so good. The Moore Act (removing Marijuanna from the list of Scheduled 1 drugs) has been delayed again in the House of Representatives and with Moscow Mitch running the Senate, it's unlikely he would ever allow a vote on any marijuana measure at a federal level... It would likely pass in the Senate, but will never get past the gatekeeper.
Nothing personal, but I hate weed so damn much. Family problems that I don’t want to get into. I really hate it

Hey man. I can respect that. My wife hardly drinks b/c of the alcoholism in her family. I have to admit that I watch my intake of alcohol, because I know she's watching. After 25 years of marriage, she knows I'm not going over the edge and become a drunk, but she watches anyway. Can't help herself. Family shit ALWAYS leaves the best scars.

I certainly don't take it personally. If someone in my family was dead b/c of weed or some other drug, I'd probably feel differently. My 1st cousin was in a motorcycle wreck when I was in high school. He was a really smart dude and funny as shit. Now he's got a room temperature IQ and talking to him is like talking to a 10 or 12 year old. I don't ride motorcycles...
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Well, the Presidential election may be a big old mess, but the party of green, sticky buds won in a landslide. In all 4, states had adult legalization on the ballot:

New Jersey
South Dakota

The measures passed in all 4 states, giving stoners everywhere the legal right to fire one up in 15 states. AND if one can "limp" effectively, or if you have "anxiety" you can smoke it up in 36 states (for medical purposes of course).

I know a couple of other states had measures trying to get enough signatures to get on the ballot (including my own Idaho) , but the pandemic threw a monkey wrench into those plans by restricting the ability to gather enough signatures in person and conservative courts refused to allow electronic signatures. Oh well... progress for sure... and we'll see how it goes in 2022.

Nationally, the news isn't so good. The Moore Act (removing Marijuanna from the list of Scheduled 1 drugs) has been delayed again in the House of Representatives and with Moscow Mitch running the Senate, it's unlikely he would ever allow a vote on any marijuana measure at a federal level... It would likely pass in the Senate, but will never get past the gatekeeper.
Mississippi also approved medical majrinuana.

And Oregon decriminalized cocaine, heroin, and LSD.
I eat mushrooms about once a month. They're just the greatest.
The ultimate beach food!! When in Hawaii we would go into a pasture near the Hilo airport and pick as many as we needed then it was off to the beach. BTW having a 747 coming in for a landing directly over head was a sight to behold.