Col. Phil Waldron Tells Michigan Lawmakers Truckloads of Ballots for Joe Biden Were Inserted into the 2020 Election


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001

By Jim Hoft
Published December 2, 2020 at 10:20pm
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Colonel Phil Waldron spoke tonight at a Michigan hearing following his explosive testimony in Arizona on Monday on the voting machines used in US elections. The Dominion systems were connected to the Internet as well, despite Dominion’s claims to the contrary.
According to Waldron the US has a copy of the traffic and the packets of information that were sent to Germany on Election night!

Yesterday, the first expert at the Arizona State Legislature hearing with Rudy Giuliani was US cybersecurity expert Colonel Phil Waldron.
Colonel Phil Waldron spoke first at the Arizona hearing about the voting machines used in US elections. The Dominion systems were connected to the Internet as well, despite Dominion’s claims to the contrary. The records within the system can be manipulated by outside parties and insiders as well:

TRENDING: MASSIVE CROWD! -- STOP THE FRAUD PRESS CONFERENCE: Lin Wood and Sidney Powell Schedule Presser Wednesday at 2:05 PM in Alpharetta, GA --LIVE STREAM RSBN VIDEO HERE

We also know there are many teams looking into the Dominion voting machine control weaknesses:

On Wednesday night Col. Waldron told the committee that they have witnesses now who delivered truckloads of ballots for Joe Biden from New York to Pennsylvania. Waldron said they likely did the same thing in Wisconsin.
Waldron explained that Democrats inserted truckloads of fraudulent ballots into the fraudulent 2020 election.
The fact that they don't even try to present any of this "evidence" in a court room should let you know how legitimate it is. If they had the evidence,I promise they wouldn't be 1-40 in court cases. This whole.production is a sham to keep rubes like you on the hook. Dude,wise up,they are working you like cheap Carnies.
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