Colorado’s 2020 Election Results Make No Sense – No Way Biden Received Half a Million More Votes than Obama, Hillary or Trump. No Way!


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
This is just for our 2 resident political hacks @ClemTigsCo & @iceheart08 from CO. Did you guys help participate in the steal? Go ahead and brag?

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And I ask again... Do you have anything...ANYTHING? That would stand up in court? And I answer for you... "uh no... but there's just NO WAY" right?
More people voted in this election that have ever voted before. Trump got more votes than any Republican ever has... and he lost. Biden got more votes than any Democrat ever has... and he pulled in enough of the Independent vote that he won. Of course the article's quoted here are from the gatewaypundit... maybe that server that got seized in Europe is in Colorado?

And of course the "source".

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the reasoning section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

  • Overall, we rate The Gateway Pundit Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracies, and numerous instances of publishing false (fake) news.
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I agree OP, math can be difficult. Maybe leave it up to the experts if you’re not up for it.

Those articles are awesome in that they’re pure conjecture with not one fact. Again you fall for it just like last time around. But even you must be wondering by now ‘Wouldn’t they have more success in court if they had the evidence they claim?’
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I agree OP, math can be difficult. Maybe leave it up to the experts if you’re not up for it.

Those articles are awesome in that they’re pure conjecture with not one fact. Again you fall for it just like last time around. But even you must be wondering by now ‘Wouldn’t they have more success in court if they had the evidence they claim?’

The answer is ... nope.

You have to realize that Donald Trump is the Dear Leader... Above the Law and Practically Perfect in every way. MAYBE, not quite as good as Jesus... MAYBE... but certainly above Mary Poppins (if you get that... good on you).

But everyone who disagrees with Donald Trump is a Bad Person. They can't be a REAL American. So anyone who doesn't do exactly as he suggests is The Enemy. Even Republicans who disagree are Traitors and Deep State. So it's a short jump from there to simply say that the courts are Deep State too.. even the judges that Trump put in that disagree with him are Deep State.

So no... this election was stolen. Period. There's no proving it... there's NOTHING that will convince OP that this election was legit. The very THOUGHT that a President who never polled above 50% could actually lose an election has never even crossed his mind. Trump told him that Trump won in a landslide and that is the end of the discussion. Once Trump and Hannity tell him what he thinks... that's what he thinks.
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This is just for our 2 resident political hacks @ClemTigsCo & @iceheart08 from CO. Did you guys help participate in the steal? Go ahead and brag?

This is, literally, the dumbest thing I've ever read. I won't go further.
This is, literally, the dumbest thing I've ever read. I won't go further.

Afraid to say something that can be held against you in a court of law? Go ahead and tell us what you did illegally to help the cause. Remember the election is now over with.
Afraid to say something that can be held against you in a court of law? Go ahead and tell us what you did illegally to help the cause. Remember the election is now over with.

I think you’re mentally ill. You posted links to a bunch of articles that contain nothing but gateway pundit writers’ opinions. So weird.
I think you’re mentally ill. You posted links to a bunch of articles that contain nothing but gateway pundit writers’ opinions. So weird.

I think you are total F'ing dumbass. You are wrong also about GWP, but for the record I agree with just about everything that I link. Please feel free to ignore my posts.
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