Communism Flashback: When DUI laws were called communist


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Dec 10, 2004
Is this a young @OleFastball ?

Or the left calling everyone they don't like Hitler?

An excellent attempt at whataboutism, but you know that is not even a remotely fair comparison. I dont see dems at Biden rallies being interviewed and calling pubs hitlers. I dont read ten threads a day on here where a lib calls a pub hitler.
You don't remember all the LOCK HIM UP chants that Biden started?

Get your head out the dirt, lib!
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An excellent attempt at whataboutism, but you know that is not even a remotely fair comparison. I dont see dems at Biden rallies being interviewed and calling pubs hitlers. I dont read ten threads a day on here where a lib calls a pub hitler.
I'm not the 1 who brought up something from 1980something.
I LOVE this thread, because even back in the 80s EVERYONE knew that none of those Commie Russians drank at all (especially that impiralist pig drink... vodka). and that communism expressly forbids people from drinking... thus the laws against drinking MUST be communist.
Is this a young @OleFastball ?

Why are you ragging on your relatives? Aren't you from a small redneck town in SC who probably has relatives in that video?
I admire MADD, the lady who started the organization is from my town in NY.
You guys were years behind the movement to stop drinking and driving.

But of course you wanted to post some meaningless video to try and disparage anything republican or conservative when in fact it's you tards who can't get over the fact that your ancestors are the true southern racists and KKK originators.
Why are you ragging on your relatives? Aren't you from a small redneck town in SC who probably has relatives in that video?
I admire MADD, the lady who started the organization is from my town in NY.
You guys were years behind the movement to stop drinking and driving.

But of course you wanted to post some meaningless video to try and disparage anything republican or conservative when in fact it's you tards who can't get over the fact that your ancestors are the true southern racists and KKK originators.

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