
The Mixed Mamba

The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2015
Charlotte, NC
When I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Eating crow. Wow!

Independent who wasn't a fan of either candidate. Based on polling in the swing states, I was pretty sure this election would go in the opposite direction. Huge upset IMO. I believe in democracy and Americans showed up at the polls and chose our president.

Congrats to the Donald supporters. I hope this country can unite as much as possible.

This thread is probably getting nuked in 3, 2, 1...
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When I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Eating crow. Wow!

Independent who wasn't a fan of either candidate. Based on polling in the swing states, I was pretty sure this election would go in the opposite direction. Huge upset IMO. I believe in democracy and Americans showed up at the polls and chose our president.

Congrats to the Donald supporters. I hope this company can unite as much as possible.

This thread is probably getting nuked in 3, 2, 1...
I know we dont agree politically I have to say you have become one of my favorite posters on the gridiron. Another great one rladams5
I'll go along for the ride... the polls were spot on in Romney & McCain vs Obama and I beleived them this time around, largely due to the changing demographics seemingly favoring the dems... i underestimated the frustrated working class & small business owner vote. i was very loudly telling my democrat friends not to nominate hillary clinton for the past 4 years, i wish they had listened, although, i don't know it would have made much of a difference... maybe Joe Biden or Bernie could have retained more of the blue collar vote, but i don't know. (i would not have supported Bernie either)

I really think the Obama administration tried to force too much on the american people socially without meeting them in the middle on enough items... god bless america, Stand beside her and guide her through the night with the light from above.
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I'm no political expert by any means and I could be way off base here, but it seems the rural areas carried the votes this year. Also, it appeared the inner cities in some crucial states did not vote as much or they bought Trump's pitch and were not as strongly democratic as prior elections.
At least yours made it briefly. Mine are locked in to hit RT immediately!!!! Some sore losers are working overtime.
FWIW ... all political threads, as a long-standing policy on our premium board for 15 years, are moved to The Round Table. If we don't do this, it's utter destruction to our premium forum. It's a ton of mess to clean up and it evolves into nothing more than fist fights among our subscribers. The politics/religion threads have to be moved. We don't really have a choice.

It doesn't have anything to do with either candidate. We've been doing this for 15 years.

PS: Amy, we're on the same side, I assure you. :)
He won fair and square and, as they say, the people have spoken. However, how any can say "now let's unite" is ridiculous. This victory is a complete repudiation of any sort of compromise with even centrist political views.
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He won fair and square and, as they say, the people have spoken. However, how any can say "now let's unite" is ridiculous. This victory is a complete repudiation of any sort of compromise with even centrist political views.
i understand that you can make the paper argument that hillary is a centrist... but in all honesty, her nomination with only Bernie Sanders as a legit opponent was a complete repudiation of compromise and centrist ideals, the degree to which she was disliked and has been for years was incredible.
i understand that you can make the paper argument that hillary is a centrist... but in all honesty, her nomination with only Bernie Sanders as a legit opponent was a complete repudiation of compromise and centrist ideals, the degree to which she was disliked and has been for years was incredible.
Agree - Democratic Party 100% brought this on themselves by pre-determining her nominating AND for having such a corrupt, bloated machine that there were no other candidates in place to even complete. You could actually say the same thing about the Republican Party as well - Trump was not the party's choice by any stretch.

Honestly, all I can think of today is that I just hope he is a decent president. It is what it is. Republicans have complete control of every part of government now except for large cities. We will see what they choose to prioritize and who they look out for.
FWIW ... all political threads, as a long-standing policy on our premium board for 15 years, are moved to The Round Table. If we don't do this, it's utter destruction to our premium forum. It's a ton of mess to clean up and it evolves into nothing more than fist fights among our subscribers. The politics/religion threads have to be moved. We don't really have a choice.

It doesn't have anything to do with either candidate. We've been doing this for 15 years.

PS: Amy, we're on the same side, I assure you. :)

We love you Chris:)
He won fair and square and, as they say, the people have spoken. However, how any can say "now let's unite" is ridiculous. This victory is a complete repudiation of any sort of compromise with even centrist political views.
This may be the first election in a while that I think actually was fair and square. At least the most fair and square.
Agree - Democratic Party 100% brought this on themselves by pre-determining her nominating AND for having such a corrupt, bloated machine that there were no other candidates in place to even complete. You could actually say the same thing about the Republican Party as well - Trump was not the party's choice by any stretch.

Honestly, all I can think of today is that I just hope he is a decent president. It is what it is. Republicans have complete control of every part of government now except for large cities. We will see what they choose to prioritize and who they look out for.
exact opposite on the repbuclian party though, lame jeb bush grabbed all the early resources, field was too crowded for anyone to mount a united opposition until it was too late, and the social / fiscal conservative factions kept fighting one another until the end.

i hope we see the legislature step back into the role of the branch of government that determines direction and the executive is relegated back to enforcement of legislation. That's my ideal Trump presidency.
When I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Eating crow. Wow!

Independent who wasn't a fan of either candidate. Based on polling in the swing states, I was pretty sure this election would go in the opposite direction. Huge upset IMO. I believe in democracy and Americans showed up at the polls and chose our president.

Congrats to the Donald supporters. I hope this country can unite as much as possible.

This thread is probably getting nuked in 3, 2, 1...

I agree with the OP here. Wasn't a fan of either and am an Independent, but voted Hillary for my reasons that I've posted more than once here. Congratz to the Trump supporters and all my fellow Americans who came out and elected the person that they thought would do the best job. The majority has spoken and that's what Democracy is all about. Well done Republicans.

I am now an official Trump supporter and NOT a sore loser. I still don't like a lot of things about him and what he stands for, but I can honestly say that I hope I am 100% wrong about my concerns. He needs all the support he can get to move our country forward and he has mine now. With majorities in the Senate, House, and a sitting president, there is NO EXCUSE for not getting stuff done.

Go Trump!!
He won fair and square and, as they say, the people have spoken. However, how any can say "now let's unite" is ridiculous. This victory is a complete repudiation of any sort of compromise with even centrist political views.

The Right has been treated like utter shit with zero compromise. Obama's agenda hurt all people and America and he didn't give a shit. This was a vote against everything he force fed us. Screw the Liberals.
The Right has been treated like utter shit with zero compromise. Obama's agenda hurt all people and America and he didn't give a shit. This was a vote against everything he force fed us. Screw the Liberals.

As an independent, I wish I had a dislike button for this post... THIS is EXACTLY what's wrong with our country. You are not wrong... Liberals haven't been eager to compromise with conservatives. I'd also say that the opposite is very true as well. For the last 4 years the House and Senate have wasted time drafting legislation that had no chance of passage and blocking everything Democrats put up. The result... nothing gets done. Trump won the election and as I posted above, I fully support him. BUT, if everyone is going to take the opportunity to "screw the liberals" as you say. With the two independents in the Senate, the Dems only need ONE vote to derail things. That's easy mode... Once again, nothing will get done and just like Obama's first term, the midterm elections are likely to see a "protest" vote with the Dems getting the majority in the Senate and the gap close further in the House. And the same shiit show will continue...

If people want change then we have to change the way we do things...

Yes, Trump won, but Hillary will end up getting the majority of the vote at large. Very much like the election in 2000. Fair enough. That's the rules and we follow them. That's not a mandate or a "vote against everything Obama has done". That's squeaking by. And that's fine. But again, if Trump and company decide to use what political capital they have "screwing the liberals" then they won't have anything left to actually get stuff done.
As an independent, I wish I had a dislike button for this post... THIS is EXACTLY what's wrong with our country. You are not wrong... Liberals haven't been eager to compromise with conservatives. I'd also say that the opposite is very true as well. For the last 4 years the House and Senate have wasted time drafting legislation that had no chance of passage and blocking everything Democrats put up. The result... nothing gets done. Trump won the election and as I posted above, I fully support him. BUT, if everyone is going to take the opportunity to "screw the liberals" as you say. With the two independents in the Senate, the Dems only need ONE vote to derail things. That's easy mode... Once again, nothing will get done and just like Obama's first term, the midterm elections are likely to see a "protest" vote with the Dems getting the majority in the Senate and the gap close further in the House. And the same shiit show will continue...

If people want change then we have to change the way we do things...

Yes, Trump won, but Hillary will end up getting the majority of the vote at large. Very much like the election in 2000. Fair enough. That's the rules and we follow them. That's not a mandate or a "vote against everything Obama has done". That's squeaking by. And that's fine. But again, if Trump and company decide to use what political capital they have "screwing the liberals" then they won't have anything left to actually get stuff done.

Two states...CA and NY...make that majority vote. Otherwise, yes...solid win.

So who makes these rules bubba? We have been on a fast train to Socialism and, Thank God, we slowed it down. Is that what you wanted? That is NOT...I repeat...NOT what Obama said he'd do in 2008 and the GD people didn't want it.

You can dress the pig anyway you want, but give me a fvcking break for having a sense of HOPE for the first morning in 8 years while watching the Constitution used as toilet paper by ALL politicians...especially Obama.

Change? You say CHANGE? Wasn't that what got Obama in?

You GD right I come across as pissed and am pissed after 8 years of this pointed destruction of America. I've been told to STFU and do as I am told. Fvck that. Go put a COEXIST sticker on your car.
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Two states...CA and NY...make that majority vote. Otherwise, yes...solid win.

So who makes these rules bubba? We have been on a fast train to Socialism and, Thank God, we slowed it down. Is that what you wanted? That is NOT...I repeat...NOT what Obama said he'd do in 2008 and the GD people didn't want it.

You can dress the pig anyway you want, but give me a fvcking break for having a sense of HOPE for the first morning in 8 years while watching the Constitution used as toilet paper by ALL politicians...especially Obama.

Change? You say CHANGE? Wasn't that what got Obama in?

You GD right I come across as pissed and am pissed after 8 years of this pointed destruction of America. I've been told to STFU and do as I am told. Fvck that. Go put a COEXIST sticker on your car.

What are you talking about man? I understand why you are hopeful. The guy that you think is gong to make America great got elected. Why wouldn't you be happy about that? Change got Obama in, that's true. Isn't it equally as true that Change got Trump in? Nothing bad about that. That's how you fix bad things... you change them.

My only problem is that the first words out of your mouth aren't about hope, change for the better, and making America great again. You said:

The Right has been treated like utter shit with zero compromise. Obama's agenda hurt all people and America and he didn't give a shit. This was a vote against everything he force fed us. Screw the Liberals.

Again, your guy won. You've got majorities in the House and Senate and a President of the same party. The possibilities to balance the budget, get control of the borders, deal with terrorism in a different way, getting better trade deals, and getting jobs back for ailing sectors of America are all right there. But the hate that you have for your fellow Americans is what you are leading with and screwing them is your first priority (or at least that's how your post comes across). All I'm saying is that the above list is something that everyone (or at least a vast majority) of Americans can agree on. So why not work on that together?

I've never told you to STFU and do what you're told, I've been completely civil. You and I probably agree on 65-75% percent of all issues and as Regan once said: If someone agrees with you 70% of the time, that person is your friend, not your enemy. But just b/c I said we should all work together, you reply with a swear laced rant, label me as a liberal and tell me to put a COEXIST sticker on my car (and believe me brother, I get the same shiit from the other side as well... usually something about not caring about anyone and being a facists). That's the point I'm trying to make... and what I think is wrong with the country... if we could just stop hating on each other long enough to work together, we could get some stuff done that would make our country better.

And again, I'm not busting on conservatives. As my last post said, you are not wrong about that lack of compromise. Liberals are just as bad and have indeed treated the right like crap. So now it's time to treat them like crap again, until the balance of power switches back? Bill Clinton..... George W Bush... Obama... now Trump. See how it goes back and forth? We spend all this time trying to screw the other party over... until the balance swings back, then the other party reverses the trend. The result is that we all lose and so does our country.

Let's try something different for once... And that's where I actually do have some hope as well. Say what you will about Trump, but he knows how to make a deal with other folks that he may or may not like.

Edit: Something that didn't exactly fit in with the above, but is important for me to say, b/c I think you misunderstood my point. The rules I was referring to are about how we elect the president with the electorial college instead of a popular vote (making it possible to win the election and lose the popular vote). There was no sarcasm there. Those are the rules that are set up by the constitution and we follow them... period. The way the constitution was set up gave some extra weight to states that have lower populations. Like every state gets 2 Senators in the Senate regardless of population. This is fine as it keeps lower population states from being completely ignored/bullied and I have no problem with that.
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Edit: Something that didn't exactly fit in with the above, but is important for me to say, b/c I think you misunderstood my point. The rules I was referring to are about how we elect the president with the electorial college instead of a popular vote (making it possible to win the election and lose the popular vote). There was no sarcasm there. Those are the rules that are set up by the constitution and we follow them... period. The way the constitution was set up gave some extra weight to states that have lower populations. Like every state gets 2 Senators in the Senate regardless of population. This is fine as it keeps lower population states from being completely ignored/bullied and I have no problem with that.[/QUOTE]

Damn you write a lot for a silly post by me that was said (half way) tongue in cheek. Here's the reality....Trump won. That journey included harassment and his true message blocked and lied about by the media, the DNC, the RNC, key power figures from both parties and every other swinging dick. But he won.

He owes NO favors to anyone. Already the Liberal message is bi-partisan politics...when they fvcking LOSE....which has never happened in the past 8 years.

Continued kowtowing to Libs? TOGETHER now that Libs lost?

Sir...I have no clue of your party affiliation and don't care. What I DO care about is what President elect Trump promised. Read his fiest 90 day Goals(conveniently never printed or referred to by the Lib media). And yes...fvck the Libs because as President HW Bush can never work with or TRUST a Lib. They lie like a cheap Muslim prayer rug.

GB America.
What are you talking about man? I understand why you are hopeful. The guy that you think is gong to make America great got elected. Why wouldn't you be happy about that? Change got Obama in, that's true. Isn't it equally as true that Change got Trump in? Nothing bad about that. That's how you fix bad things... you change them.

My only problem is that the first words out of your mouth aren't about hope, change for the better, and making America great again. You said:

The Right has been treated like utter shit with zero compromise. Obama's agenda hurt all people and America and he didn't give a shit. This was a vote against everything he force fed us. Screw the Liberals.

Again, your guy won. You've got majorities in the House and Senate and a President of the same party. The possibilities to balance the budget, get control of the borders, deal with terrorism in a different way, getting better trade deals, and getting jobs back for ailing sectors of America are all right there. But the hate that you have for your fellow Americans is what you are leading with and screwing them is your first priority (or at least that's how your post comes across). All I'm saying is that the above list is something that everyone (or at least a vast majority) of Americans can agree on. So why not work on that together?

I've never told you to STFU and do what you're told, I've been completely civil. You and I probably agree on 65-75% percent of all issues and as Regan once said: If someone agrees with you 70% of the time, that person is your friend, not your enemy. But just b/c I said we should all work together, you reply with a swear laced rant, label me as a liberal and tell me to put a COEXIST sticker on my car (and believe me brother, I get the same shiit from the other side as well... usually something about not caring about anyone and being a facists). That's the point I'm trying to make... and what I think is wrong with the country... if we could just stop hating on each other long enough to work together, we could get some stuff done that would make our country better.

And again, I'm not busting on conservatives. As my last post said, you are not wrong about that lack of compromise. Liberals are just as bad and have indeed treated the right like crap. So now it's time to treat them like crap again, until the balance of power switches back? Bill Clinton..... George W Bush... Obama... now Trump. See how it goes back and forth? We spend all this time trying to screw the other party over... until the balance swings back, then the other party reverses the trend. The result is that we all lose and so does our country.

Let's try something different for once... And that's where I actually do have some hope as well. Say what you will about Trump, but he knows how to make a deal with other folks that he may or may not like.

Edit: Something that didn't exactly fit in with the above, but is important for me to say, b/c I think you misunderstood my point. The rules I was referring to are about how we elect the president with the electorial college instead of a popular vote (making it possible to win the election and lose the popular vote). There was no sarcasm there. Those are the rules that are set up by the constitution and we follow them... period. The way the constitution was set up gave some extra

you make some very good points - wouldn't waste your time trying to convince people like this. So much hate in this guy.
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Can't we all just get along? The right and the left? :) So happy I get to keep my avatar.
I believe the right voted as they did because the policies of the liberals and elite were undermining their way of life... Justifiably i fear for my way of life this morning, because my way of life depends on a global economy, I've lived in three countries in the past 5 years, if my work and my ability to support myself is going to be undermined by a cause then i likely won't get along, if compromises can be made that are good for all Americans and .not just blue collar Americans then I imagine I'll get along while being quietly embarrassed... Fwiw, would have been equally embarrassed by Clinton, but less afraid for my livelihood.
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I believe the right voted as they did because the policies of the liberals and elite were undermining their way of life... Justifiably i fear for my way of life this morning, because my way of life depends on a global economy, I've lived in three countries in the past 5 years, if my work and my ability to support myself is going to be undermined by a cause then i likely won't get along, if compromises can be made that are good for all Americans and .not just blue collar Americans then I imagine I'll get along while being quietly embarrassed... Fwiw, would have been equally embarrassed by Clinton, but less afraid for my livelihood.

Amazing how some of us have such vastly different views. I certainly in part voted for platform and policy. I do not think this county could have survived another 4 years of the progressive left agenda being stuffed down our throats. I'm excited to see what Trump will do. Wiping out Obamacare, etc. I like him because he's not a politician. He's refreshing. Sick of government and the Washington establishment.
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Amazing how some of us have such vastly different views. I certainly in part voted for platform and policy. I do not think this county could have survived another 4 years of the progressive left agenda being stuffed down our throats. I'm excited to see what Trump will do. Wiping out Obamacare, etc. I like him because he's not a politician. He's refreshing. Sick of government and the Washington establishment.
voted against obama twice myself, and do not consider myself a liberal...

health care costs were rising out of control before obama care, and i agree, the justice department of the obama adminstration focused far too much on perceived social injustices instead of letting states handle things themselves. i find trump less than refreshing because the ethos his campaign espouses is contrary to the ethos i believe our country stands for... most people vote with their wallets and the election was clearly a referendum on nafta, TPP, and obamacare... but in the process we also elected a candidate who said a federal judge couldn't do his job because of his heritage (when his own lawyers had not asked the judge to recuse himself), claimed the president was not born in america AFTER the president released his birth certificate, and who proposed the banning of persons of a religion from entering the country (before retracting that and making it geographical distinction)... where i'm going with this is that politicians choose their words carefully because in positions of power word choice matters... i'm pro HSAs, I'm anti corruption (i agree hillary was corrupt), I'm pro deregulation of business, and yet i'm disgusted by the quality of human we've selected and the quality of human that was put up to run against him. this was a campaign of sentiment and feeling, not one of ideas and detailed proposals... trumps proposals are vague and even his own supporters largely think they will be moderated in execution... and it scares me that we as a country said it is ok for a presidential candidate not to have ideas and proposals but run on rhetoric that his own supporters aren't sure if he'll follow through on. will this be a model for success in the future? will the rural voters essentially take over the country at bend the laws to disenfranchise the high tech / global economy?

If this is a one off thing to reset washington and force the liberals back to the middle a bit then I think this could be good for the country in the long run... if this is the new normal then i think it could be disastrous for our country.
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