I’m picking people that are available, not thrilled with all my options. And yes, Paul is a good one of them. I’ll choose good, free thinkers over zealots. Noem is a zealot. If she wants to keep to South Dakota, fine. But she’s another dangerous person if on the national scale. For Noem, it’s about Noem.I'll settle for any politician willing to go back to the Constitution. The 6 that you mentioned are actually the types you are screaming about although I do love DeSantis. I think you meant to say Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Thomas Massie and the beautiful lady who governs the state of South Dakota Kristi Lynn Noem who refused to shut down her state.
And 100%, it is about the Constitution. This isn’t hard. And every freaking American to preserve protect and defend it. All enemies foreign and domestic. And to enforce the policies we have in place against EVERYONE.
The problem is.... those people that are politically aligned, they fail to see or even worse KNOW they support leaders that are domestic and foreign enemies.
I HATE labels, they limit people to properly identify and address issues. We are obsessed about figuring people out within 2 seconds politically. I literally do not care or even think political positions. It’s the dumbest thing.
If I’m anything, I’m a Constitutionalist because that is the document that sets up to properly govern. But we do have an obligation to serve the 350m people properly and that’s NOT easy and it’s NOT political. It’s a MATHEMATICAL TRUTH. The world was not set up to serve 7.5+ and growing billion human beings. Denying this will set us all up to fail and we’ll have nothing to compete for.