Couple of Serious Questions


The Jack Dunlap Club
Nov 21, 2005
If a baby is born alive, does he/she have an automatic entitlement to any and all medical care available?

If a baby is born alive, would it not constitute murder to kill him/her?

Is the Hippocratic Oath still a thing?

So, all of the Dem Senators, who are running for President voted no. In fact, all of the Dems voted no except 3.
If a baby is born alive, does he/she have an automatic entitlement to any and all medical care available?

If a baby is born alive, would it not constitute murder to kill him/her?

Is the Hippocratic Oath still a thing?

So, all of the Dem Senators, who are running for President voted no. In fact, all of the Dems voted no except 3.
From what I can tell this bill wasn't a serious bill about preventing a problem, but was a political football being toss around.

In 2002, Congress passed the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act (as opposed to the Born-Alive Survivors Protection Act), which guaranteed to infants born at any stage of development full legal rights. This included emergency medical care.

From the article you linked: "In other words, the born-alive bill would’ve done nothing more than insist that health-care providers treat children born alive after attempted abortions the same way that they’d treat any other infant."

But the 2002 bill already does that.

The article also states: "What this bill does is address the health care of a baby that is born alive after a botched abortion." but further research shows that the committee was unable to find a single example of this scenario (not that it matters because the 2002 bill would cover it).

For the record I am not really strongly pro-life or anti-abortion, it's a complicated issue that I am relatively ignorant about.