Deshaun dropped by practice, today. I tell you what he looks really good, and he is definitely ready for summer workouts and practice to start. As if I am saying anything we don't already know, he said, "Coach, we are loaded on offense, this year. We talked a little while longer about how his mother was doing, how his rehab was going, and how he was doing in school. I have known this young man since he was a 6th grader, and I can honestly say he is the most modest bonafide stars I have ever known. He told me he was weighing 208-210, and that he had actually lost a few pounds from having a stomach bug. I have coached for many years and with many good to really good athletes, but he is a truly special young man, he has a mission for not only this year, but, also, for his future. At the end of our conversation, he gave me a big hug and said thank you coach for all the time and effort you gave me in helping me get back and forth to Clemson. Fellows, we have a lot of good things coming, and he wears #4.