Dianne Feinstein passed...

Wild that we have 90 year olds serving in congress. Or octogenarians in the exec branch for that matter.

I’m probably retiring in my 50s. No idea why anyone would want to do that shit that long.
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I mean thats sad i guess. She served for a long time in san fran. If im being honest... bye bye im glad you are out of office. Boomers need to retire.
Republicans should be mourning too sge constantly sided with pubs.
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I mean--sympathies to the family.

She should've retired 20 years ago. Way too many old people in politics.
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Feinstein is another example of the insidious DC meat grinder. They literally were wheeling her in for votes still to the end when she was obviously demented. No morals or ethics.
Agreed. Term limits and age limits. We shouldn’t be electing 80 year olds as president.
I agree with this. Age limits are tough because there are some 75 year olds who are still healthy, lucid, and trustworthy and some who, well, ain’t.

I’d also support longer terms. I think that one of the massive problems we have is that we are constantly in an election cycle. This is especially true in the HOR where the reps just never actually stop campaigning.

I’d be interested in upping HOR terms to 4 years with 2 term limit, Senate to 8 years with 2 term limit, and Pres to 6 years with 2 term limit. This would lessen the number of candidates up for re-election, reduce the need for constant campaigning, allow reps (senators especially) to make decisions without re-election consequences breathing down their neck, and stabilize leadership.

I’d also strongly support limits on Supreme Court justices. Make it, say, a 15 year term instead of lifetime.

Anyway, just some thoughts.