Does anyone else see


Lake Baikal
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Watching notorious ACB confirmation:
How dems get a free pass on wanting Keller and citizens united overturned but roe and obergfell are precedent/law?

Also, every four years we have presidential debates where the only questions are taken from the dem narrative?

For instance, I can imagine a question "how will you get guns off the streets?" V. "Do you think the 2nd ammendment guarantees the right of Americans to own?"
I can answer that easily. When was the last time you purposely went to the Round Table? It's not the fact that it WILL be kicked out of the WEZ, it's the trail it leaves when kicked. Don't hate on the messenger.
Some folks actually think their opinion on politics means something on a sports message board when in reality it doesn’t. A very much “Dear Facebook” approach with all these threads that start in the WEZ.