What a sad statement on the moral decline of our country. The GOP and religious right, those who claim to have moral superiority over the rest of us, now are claiming that trump should be immune from prosecution due to the statue [sic] of limitations.
Forget that he boned a porn star while married, lied about it and then used campaign funds to pay her off with hush money. That is immaterial. I am only in my 40s but I remember the GOP of old, where trump would have been easily disqualified from running by his own party. Now they line up to defend him, and in
@palmetto tiger 's case, will only be supporting him more ardently.
The message of the modern GOP: gay and trans bad, banging porn stars while married good. Just think, in a decade, fascist GOP red states will be telling professors around their states that they are not allowed to teach of trump's transgressions lest they make GOP voters feel bad.
And don't bring up Bill Clinton. I did not vote for his second term. Yall impeached him for the same behavior.
So what perfect candidate will you propose I can vote for that is Conservative and has no baggage
I will actually support a candidate you suggest if he vets out
I will ask that you pray to The Lord in making that decision on whom you recommend
Ask the Lord in making that decision to give you the Wisdom of Solomon
And no I will not discriminate against any religion other than the Christian
When given few choices i have to vote for what's in front of me
I have a perfect candidate for the President but my MOM died in 2014 at 89 so she has to pass
My dad passed away many years earlier so he too are off the choices
In the meantime there are several better choices than anything the Democrats offer starting with Trump, DeSantis, Nicky Haley, Ben Carson , Tim Scott (Love the guy and he loves steak house in North Charleston)
Used to speak to Tim at lunch before I retired and now cook my steaks on my grill
Used to talk to Nickie's Parents at Exotica in Orangeburg when she was still a kid running around in the store
Give me that Magic Silver Bullet Candidate and you will get my vote
I named some up above but getting on the ballot is the showstopper for all but one
And on the infidelity issue I am not sure that we have had a president ever who has not been accused of that
FDR had his bimbo as live in in Warm Springs during the WW2
I don't let perfect get in the way of BEST
And hey again i was referring to your post where I write too long of wandering posts where you said you don't pay me any attention or read my posts
Please I want to encourage your former choice as a good one