Does Trump’s Conviction Help or Hurt his Election Chances?

Does Trump’s Conviction Help or Hurt his Election Chances?

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Gold Member
Dec 15, 2005
Mount Pleasant, SC
I’ve been traveling and haven’t followed this closely, but there seem to be some visceral reactions against the dems from folks who aren’t necessarily pro Trump. I have no idea how this impacts the election at this point. Could fire up some new voting bloc or it could keep some traditional Republicans from voting Trump.
It's too soon to tell, and i wouldn't pay any mind to rushed polls that come out in the next 72 hours. I think it'll have a marginal affect on true conservatives, but i don't think they really planned on voting for Trump to begin with.

It may have an affect on people that never pay attention to politics, or that may have moral qualms about voting for a convicted felon, but who knows.
I am not in the camp that assumes this won't hurt him. I think that's naive. All I'm seeing is already fervent magas screeching about how this just makes them want to vote for him even more.

Well, so what? They only get one vote. There's no powerball upgrade or anything like that.
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My business partner is a huge lib. Lives in Chicago. We fought argued about Trump forever and got to the point where we didn't discuss politics for probably the last 2 years. Told me he was voting for Trump. He also went out to dinner with his "super left" friends, and they told him they were voting for Trump too. These are blue bloods flipping to Trump. It's over.

Additionally, you are going to see a massive shift in the black vote this cycle. They see Trump is a victim of the same system that they perceive punishes them. Blacks don't like Biden's immigration policy because it's eating into their government dollars. It's over.

Honestly, the democrats stood up and shit in their own nest on this one. Trump was cooked and done for after January 6th. All they had to do was let him drift off into irrelevancy. But they poked the bear one too many times and now they are going to have to pay. Get strapped in and ready for the ride, should be a good show over the next few years.
My business partner is a huge lib. Lives in Chicago. We fought argued about Trump forever and got to the point where we didn't discuss politics for probably the last 2 years. Told me he was voting for Trump. He also went out to dinner with his "super left" friends and they told him they were voting for Trump too. These are blue bloods flipping to Trump. It's over.
🤣 sure
It's too soon to tell, and i wouldn't pay any mind to rushed polls that come out in the next 72 hours. I think it'll have a marginal affect on true conservatives, but i don't think they really planned on voting for Trump to begin with.

It may have an affect on people that never pay attention to politics, or that may have moral qualms about voting for a convicted felon, but who knows.
This is a good post.

I'd love for there to be a "no effect" option as well b/c that's what I think will happen. As @WapPride says, this may cause a few folks to not vote for him and it may also make a few people change to his side. IMHO the key word there is FEW. Most folks have their minds made up on Trump and this conviction won't make any difference to them.

I of course am against Trump and always have been. This verdict doesn't change that even though I'm unsurprised. A not guilty verdict would have done the exact same thing. No effect.

As for his supporters. The man man was found in court to have used his charity as a piggy back and it was forced to close down. He's cheated on all 3 of his wives (one with a porn star). He owes half a billion for fraud and was found liable for sexual assault. Then he had to pay another $85 million for defaming the person after the sexual assault verdict. If people are supporting him after that, what's a little campaign fraud to pay off a porn star in the big picture? Not much.

As I often ask when this sort of thing happens with Trump, is there a SINGLE Trump supporter on this board that is going to stop supporting Trump because of this? Please sing out if you are and I'll give you a tip of the hat for sure. I'd be stunned if there is even one. As Trump pointed out when he first got elected. He could shoot someone down in the street and not lose a single vote.
I was in a gun store yesterday and i had many proud conservatives come up to me with tears in their eyes telling me that they couldn't vote for Trump anymore after this verdict. They told me all of their friends told them the same thing as well. These are red bloods flipping to Biden. It's over.
My business partner is a huge lib. Lives in Chicago. We fought argued about Trump forever and got to the point where we didn't discuss politics for probably the last 2 years. Told me he was voting for Trump. He also went out to dinner with his "super left" friends, and they told him they were voting for Trump too. These are blue bloods flipping to Trump. It's over.
Of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most 😅
I was in a gun store yesterday and i had many proud conservatives come up to me with tears in their eyes telling me that they couldn't vote for Trump anymore after this verdict. They told me all of their friends told them the same thing as well. These are red bloods flipping to Biden. It's over.
Of all the things that didn't happen, this didn't happen the most 😅
It literally just happened about 30 minutes ago. lol

They were supposed to be going out to the Matt Rife Comedy show last night which got cancelled. They went out to dinner instead.
It literally just happened about 30 minutes ago. lol

They were supposed to be going out to the Matt Rife Comedy show last night which got cancelled. They went out to dinner instead.
I'm sure it's true they went out to dinner...
I was in a gun store yesterday and i had many proud conservatives come up to me with tears in their eyes telling me that they couldn't vote for Trump anymore after this verdict. They told me all of their friends told them the same thing as well. These are red bloods flipping to Biden. It's over.
lol. No one believes you.
I don't know what ultimately caused them to flip their votes.

I wonder if it was the high inlfation? No one likes to see their savings smashed due to inflation.

Maybe the high crime? It is Chicago .....

or maybe it was the increase to long term capital gains? They are both wealthy so maybe that had something to do with it.

Or maybe it's because they are Jewish and can no longer support Biden.

I'll see if I can ask and find out.
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My business partner is a huge lib. Lives in Chicago. We fought argued about Trump forever and got to the point where we didn't discuss politics for probably the last 2 years. Told me he was voting for Trump. He also went out to dinner with his "super left" friends, and they told him they were voting for Trump too. These are blue bloods flipping to Trump. It's over.

Additionally, you are going to see a massive shift in the black vote this cycle. They see Trump is a victim of the same system that they perceive punishes them. Blacks don't like Biden's immigration policy because it's eating into their government dollars. It's over.

Honestly, the democrats stood up and shit in their own nest on this one. Trump was cooked and done for after January 6th. All they had to do was let him drift off into irrelevancy. But they poked the bear one too many times and now they are going to have to pay. Get strapped in and ready for the ride, should be a good show over the next few years.

Before I held my nose and voted Trump despite me wanting other choices

Now that the Left Wing Elitists Hate Mongers have manipulated the Laws of America i am all in on Trump

Will be writing HELL OF A NICE CONTRIBUTION TO TRUMP which is peanuts in the big picture but a lot for me

Long live Trump in his fight to save Democracy
Before I held my nose and voted Trump despite me wanting other choices

Now that the Left Wing Elitists Hate Mongers have manipulated the Laws of America i am all in on Trump

Will be writing HELL OF A NICE CONTRIBUTION TO TRUMP which is peanuts in the big picture but a lot for me

Long live Trump in his fight to save Democracy
Dude... You are a Trumpian through and through. EVERYONE knows it. As I posted in another thread where you accused me of being biased, you would NEVER accept a guilty verdict. While I fully admit I don't like Trump, I would have not questioned a not guilty verdict. I believe our justice system works as set up in our constitution. I believe that Trump is going to get a fair trial in Georgia and Florida even though they are both red states, because MOST Dems AND Republicans can be fair and impartial as part of a jury regardless of their personal beliefs.

Unless there is STRONG evidence to the contrary. In this case, I'm not buying what the far right is selling... Namely that Biden is corrupt, the DOJ is corrupt, the FBI is corrupt, The DA in NYC is corrupt, the grand jury is corrupt, the judge is corrupt, the trial jury is corrupt. EVERYONE is corrupt BUT Trump and he is the only one telling the truth. Coming from a serial liar and guy who regularly cheats on his wives, not buying it.
Dude... You are a Trumpian through and through. EVERYONE knows it. As I posted in another thread where you accused me of being biased, you would NEVER accept a guilty verdict. While I fully admit I don't like Trump, I would have not questioned a not guilty verdict. I believe our justice system works as set up in our constitution. I believe that Trump is going to get a fair trial in Georgia and Florida even though they are both red states, because MOST Dems AND Republicans can be fair and impartial as part of a jury regardless of their personal beliefs.

Unless there is STRONG evidence to the contrary. In this case, I'm not buying what the far right is selling... Namely that Biden is corrupt, the DOJ is corrupt, the FBI is corrupt, The DA in NYC is corrupt, the grand jury is corrupt, the judge is corrupt, the trial jury is corrupt. EVERYONE is corrupt BUT Trump and he is the only one telling the truth. Coming from a serial liar and guy who regularly cheats on his wives, not buying it.

This is what absolutely blows my mind. They believe that everyone in America is corrupt except Donald J Trump, a man with decades of documented corruption,lies,adultery,failed businesses, etc.

They have doubled down on one of the biggest liars and cons I've ever seen, being the sole arbiter of truth. It's literally insane.
Dude... You are a Trumpian through and through. EVERYONE knows it. As I posted in another thread where you accused me of being biased, you would NEVER accept a guilty verdict. While I fully admit I don't like Trump, I would have not questioned a not guilty verdict. I believe our justice system works as set up in our constitution. I believe that Trump is going to get a fair trial in Georgia and Florida even though they are both red states, because MOST Dems AND Republicans can be fair and impartial as part of a jury regardless of their personal beliefs.

Unless there is STRONG evidence to the contrary. In this case, I'm not buying what the far right is selling... Namely that Biden is corrupt, the DOJ is corrupt, the FBI is corrupt, The DA in NYC is corrupt, the grand jury is corrupt, the judge is corrupt, the trial jury is corrupt. EVERYONE is corrupt BUT Trump and he is the only one telling the truth. Coming from a serial liar and guy who regularly cheats on his wives, not buying it.
You believe the justice system has worked? Hillary Clinton, Obama, Comey, Clapper, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Marc Elias, and violent non-whites agree with you. Basically if you are a democrat the justice system works. Everyone else, not so much.
I was in a gun store yesterday and i had many proud conservatives come up to me with tears in their eyes telling me that they couldn't vote for Trump anymore after this verdict. They told me all of their friends told them the same thing as well. These are red bloods flipping to Biden. It's over.
Such a telling post!

...and no, I am not going to explain it to you.
This is what absolutely blows my mind. They believe that everyone in America is corrupt except Donald J Trump, a man with decades of documented corruption,lies,adultery,failed businesses, etc.

They have doubled down on one of the biggest liars and cons I've ever seen, being the sole arbiter of truth. It's literally insane.
There's nowhere for them to go at this point but further into the thick of it. It's really like a child who has been caught red-handed but just will not accept it.
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This is what absolutely blows my mind. They believe that everyone in America is corrupt except Donald J Trump, a man with decades of documented corruption,lies,adultery,failed businesses, etc.

They have doubled down on one of the biggest liars and cons I've ever seen, being the sole arbiter of truth. It's literally insane.
You are getting so old crying about this. In your mind, Donald J Trump is the only politician that has done any of this. LMAO
They are all slimmy!
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You are getting so old crying about this. In your mind, Donald J Trump is the only politician that has done any of this. LMAO
They are all slimmy!

The difference is the others are rumor and innuendo with Trump it is documented facts proven in a court of law.

There have been many dirty politicians on both sides of the aisles. I love the excuse that, " Yeah he's a scumbag, but many others were too". You know he's trash and a liar yet you still support him.
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You are citing a case where Trump is being prosecuted for the exact same crime that Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Mike Pence among others are not being prosecuted for. Perfect example.

JFC you don't even attempt to be a serious person do you?

You willfully ignore the fact that his intent was completely different? You would defend him if he shot someone dead in the street on camera. You'd claim others have killed people. They had it coming.
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You are citing a case where Trump is being prosecuted for the exact same crime that Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Mike Pence among others are not being prosecuted for. Perfect example.
He would have never been prosecuted if he just returned the documents when they asked for them, again and again and again. The others you mention cooperated. See the difference?
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JFC you don't even attempt to be a serious person do you?

You willfully ignore the fact that his intent was completely different? You would defend him if he shot someone dead in the street on camera. You'd claim others have killed people. They had it coming.

He would have never been prosecuted if he just returned the documents when they asked for them, again and again and again. The others you mention cooperated. See the difference?

I thought everyone was treated the same under the law?

They all committed the same crime
I thought everyone was treated the same under the law?

They all committed the same crime
But it wasn't the same crime. In his case he was charged with

" mishandling top secret documents at his Florida estate. The indictment alleges that Trump repeatedly enlisted aides and lawyers to help him hide records demanded by investigators and cavalierly showed off a Pentagon “plan of attack” and classified map."

A charge of obstruction "accusing Trump of asking for surveillance footage at his Mar-a-Lago estate to be deleted after FBI and Justice Department investigators visited in June 2022 to collect classified documents he took with him after leaving the White House.

"The new indictment also charges him with illegally holding onto a document he’s alleged to have shown off to visitors in New Jersey.""

These are not crimes committed by the others. You're smart enough to get this, you just don't want to accept it.

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I thought everyone was treated the same under the law?

They all committed the same crime


So you think intent has nothing to do with it?

He was asked multiple times to send the documents back. He lied,his them, and directed others to do it for him. That's why they charged him. All of those others sent documents back when asked, that's why they weren't charged

Once again, for Ole Fatpiggy Fastball Trump is everybody's victim.

At what point do you say, " Mr Trump, why didn't you just send them back?".
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You are getting so old crying about this. In your mind, Donald J Trump is the only politician that has done any of this. LMAO
They are all slimmy!
trump is a lot of things, but slim isnt one of them


a felon with B cups.
I’ve been traveling and haven’t followed this closely, but there seem to be some visceral reactions against the dems from folks who aren’t necessarily pro Trump. I have no idea how this impacts the election at this point. Could fire up some new voting bloc or it could keep some traditional Republicans from voting Trump.

I believe 25% of the electorate is either undecided or decided but would be willing to change their vote. those are the only people that this matters to.

I saw today that maga minions in congress are calling for a congressional investigation into the daughter of the judge on the case. You just cannot make this sh*t up.
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