Don't look. Unless you ever post using, faggity, fag, gay, Aids, queer

or similar as an insult,slur or derogatory reference. It was never cool-it's less cool than ever. Yes, this is a "man cave" of sorts, a paid access, private board- a free speech society. I'd say that type of insult or joke is more demeaning to the speaker/writer and reflects negatively on the boards/mods who allow or encourage it. Given the state of the nation, current events it is worth calling out ignorance and prejudice.
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Did you ever learn how to write in paragraphs?

Many people use those words to refer to their friends who are actually not gay...

But you do make some good points. I don't see this thread going well though.
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I don't think this a problem on this board. Any specific examples you care to cite?
I don't think this a problem on this board. Any specific examples you care to cite?
it only happens every few days it seems. You are right that it does not seem that prevalent on TI. That said, I don't pour over all posts. I don't look hoping to be annoyed by such. lol. Gay, "catching aids" as a punchline, fag, queer, the "faggity, ******y" other versions. Given current events , it felt worth stating. I fully accept , expect the perception of being "destroyed" for calling it out. lol.
I've never used the word AIDS referring to someone who is gay. Also I'll add faggitty to my vocabulary. Although it probably won't be used. Like mentioned above I don't believe it's a big issue on here as most could really care less if you if you are a butt pirate.
it only happens every few days it seems. You are right that it does not seem that prevalent on TI. That said, I don't pour over all posts. I don't look hoping to be annoyed by such. lol. Gay, "catching aids" as a punchline, fag, queer, the "faggity, ******y" other versions. Given current events , it felt worth stating. I fully accept , expect the perception of being "destroyed" for calling it out. lol.

Your post is frying my brain man, what, why where, how...? The first post seemed bizarre enough and strangely left field. Then the second, possible explanation, post does nothing to clear the air and only further chases the rabbit hole. I cannot even come up with something clever to post or reply. Did you just find out one of your children are homosexual? Do you now consider yourself transgender? I am truly curious what spawned this terribly random thread.
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We finally found the guy who decided to marry @amynhop . Awful decision bro. Ts and Ps
I have had enough ahole. I haven't replied or posted a thing since yesterday afternoon. You are an immature punk and I bet you still live at home with mommy and daddy. Tag me again in a derogatory post and I'm talking to Chris-
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I understand that. @Ancheaux's Revenge
There is no easy way to make a point about prejudice without stirring up some of that same negativity. However, in the same way, you eventually have to stand up to bullies, it deserved to be said. If I don't suspend or cancel my account I will address the posters in question as it happens. I have also simply shrugged it off more often than not.
Your post is frying my brain man, what, why where, how...? The first post seemed bizarre enough and strangely left field. Then the second, possible explanation, post does nothing to clear the air and only further chases the rabbit hole. I cannot even come up with something clever to post or reply. Did you just find out one of your children are homosexual? Do you now consider yourself transgender? I am truly curious what spawned this terribly random thread.

Don't be puzzled or brain fried. It doesn't have anything to do with you if you've never posted or "liked" some form of f*gs, f*ggoty, faggity, queers, homos, Aids as humor or a put down of another post/poster. I could have posted this closer to the Orlando killings. I did not want to fan or deal with any flames on this sports board at that time.
Your post is frying my brain man, what, why where, how...? The first post seemed bizarre enough and strangely left field. Then the second, possible explanation, post does nothing to clear the air and only further chases the rabbit hole. I cannot even come up with something clever to post or reply. Did you just find out one of your children are homosexual? Do you now consider yourself transgender? I am truly curious what spawned this terribly random thread.
You said "rabbit hole". Possibly on the banned term list.
I have had enough ahole. I haven't replied or posted a thing since yesterday afternoon. You are an immature punk and I bet you still live at home with mommy and daddy. Tag me again in a derogatory post and I'm talking to Chris-
