Durham: Perkins Coie Allies Connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Spied on Trump’s Internet Traffic While Trump Was President


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
ITS HAPPENING!! It will be confirmed that Trump was spied on as the sitting POTUS!! TREASON!!

By Cristina Laila
Published February 12, 2022 at 1:00pm

A new filing from Special Counsel John Durham reveals Perkins Coie allies connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign spied on Trump’s internet traffic – WHILE HE WAS PRESIDENT.
As previously reported, Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was indicted last September for lying to the FBI.
According to the indictment, Sussmann falsely told James Baker he wasn’t doing work “for any client” when he asked for a meeting with the FBI where he presented bogus evidence the Trump Tower was secretly communicating with Kremlin-tied Alfa Bank.
A “tech executive,” who retained Sussmann as his lawyer, was referenced as “Tech Executive-1” in Sussmann’s indictment and was eventually identified as Rodney Joffe.
TRENDING: BREAKING: The FED Announces Closed Meeting to be Held Monday Morning Under Expedited Procedures
To this day, Rodney Joffe has not been indicted, however Friday’s filing from Durham sheds new light on Joffe’s spying on the Executive Office of the President.
Via Techno Fog’s SubStack: According to Durham, Joffe and his associates exploited internet data from “the Executive Office of the President of the United States” to further their own political agenda. They had come to possess this data as part of a “sensitive arrangement” with the U.S. government. As Durham explains:

More from Techno Fog on Durham’s new filing:
We previously discussed how Rodney Joffe (identified as Tech Executive-1 in the Sussmann indictment and in the latest filing discussing the conflict) exploited proprietary – and perhaps classified – data provided by DARPA to further their own political attacks, and how that might result in charges. It was later confirmed that two former DARPA employees have given grand jury testimony, so it appears Durham is following this track.
I provide that background because of what we just learned. Durham also divulged, to an extent, that contractors and tech experts (meaning Joffe and his cohorts) – those same people involved in the Alfa Bank hoax – essentially spied on President Trump.
Joffe and his associates manipulated this information to further a conspiracy theory that Trump and those in Trump’s orbit were continuing their secret backchannels with the Russians. This was repackaged with the Alfa Bank hoax and given to Sussmann, who then laundered it to the CIA on February 9, 2017. Sussmann alleged to the CIA that the data showed “that Trump and/or his associates were using supposedly rare, Russian-made wireless phones in the vicinity of the White House and other locations.” Durham “identified no support for these allegations.”
One can’t help ask why Joffe (via Sussmann) risked legal exposure to continue to push false Trump-Russia allegations before and after the 2016 election. First to the FBI in 2016 then to the CIA in 2017. It seems that Joffe was desperate, and his desperation only increased after Trump’s election.
The source of Joffe’s desperation? It’s speculation at this point, but perhaps it goes to the origins of the purported Russia/DNC hack. To revise a previous question we have asked:
What if Crowdstrike was a patsy, there to unknowingly reach false conclusions of a “Russian hack” based on fraudulent information provided to them by Rodney Joffe and Perkins Coie and the DNC/Hillary Campaign?
Attorney Techno Fog said the spying wasn’t limited to the Executive Office of the President.
They also exploited data from Trump Tower, another Trump building, and a “healthcare provider.”
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“In a Stronger Period of Time in Our Country, This Crime Would Have Been Punishable by Death”- President Trump on the Now Proven Attempted Coup of His Administration​

By Joe Hoft
Published February 13, 2022 at 7:30am
President Trump released a statement on Saturday night. This was after evidence from the Durham investigation finally confirmed that President Trump and his Administration were spied on by paid operatives of the Hillary Campaign.
President Trump shared this:
The latest pleading from Special Counsel Robert Durham provides indisputable evidence that my campaign and presidency were spied on by operatives paid by the Hillary Clinton Campaign in an effort to develop a completely fabricated connection to Russia. This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution. In a stronger period of time in our country, this crime would have been punishable by death. In addition, reparations should be paid to those in our country who have been damaged by this.

President Trump was under constant attack by a group of individuals operating outside the law. These dirty and dishonest people did everything they could to have President Trump removed from office. They attempted a coup of the Trump Administration and to date, they have gotten away with it. To date, there has been no jail time for any of these individuals who attempted the coup. They eventually stole the 2020 Election to keep President Trump out of the White House.
We reported in October 2019 that this was a seditious coup that was taking place in America. We also noted that last time there was a coup attempt, the Democrat instigators were hanged.
TRENDING: BREAKING: The FED Announces Closed Meeting to be Held Monday Morning Under Expedited Procedures

On Saturday President Trump confirmed our previous reporting on this ugly chapter in American history.




Kash Patel: This story is the biggest political scandal and criminal scandal in US history… John Durham has interviewed 24 people in the Grand Jury to include, CIA case officers, FBI agents and directors, leadership in the Clinton Campaign cycle, and they’ve indicted her lawyer. So this is just starting. It’s how you build a criminal conspiracy case. And they’re not going to be able to ignore indictments once they start coming in… Michael Sussman and Marc Elias were the lead attorneys for the Clinton Campaign. They were paid millions and millions of dollars to perpetuate the Steele Dossier fraud. And now we know they were paid millions of dollars to go out and buy false information from a tech executive… And here’s the worst part. They secured a “sensitive arrangement” with someone in government to gain access to White House servers. That means someone in government gave them permission and paid the contracting tech executive company’s firm to allow that work to happen. That could only have been done with the utilization of the intelligence community willingly. And that to me is the biggest criminal scandal that we have yet to talk about… (on John Durham) He’s going to deliver. This guy is unraveling the biggest criminal conspiracy against a sitting president in the United States history.
ITS HAPPENING!! It will be confirmed that Trump was spied on as the sitting POTUS!! TREASON!!

By Cristina Laila
Published February 12, 2022 at 1:00pm

A new filing from Special Counsel John Durham reveals Perkins Coie allies connected to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign spied on Trump’s internet traffic – WHILE HE WAS PRESIDENT.
As previously reported, Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann was indicted last September for lying to the FBI.
According to the indictment, Sussmann falsely told James Baker he wasn’t doing work “for any client” when he asked for a meeting with the FBI where he presented bogus evidence the Trump Tower was secretly communicating with Kremlin-tied Alfa Bank.
A “tech executive,” who retained Sussmann as his lawyer, was referenced as “Tech Executive-1” in Sussmann’s indictment and was eventually identified as Rodney Joffe.
TRENDING: BREAKING: The FED Announces Closed Meeting to be Held Monday Morning Under Expedited Procedures
To this day, Rodney Joffe has not been indicted, however Friday’s filing from Durham sheds new light on Joffe’s spying on the Executive Office of the President.
Via Techno Fog’s SubStack: According to Durham, Joffe and his associates exploited internet data from “the Executive Office of the President of the United States” to further their own political agenda. They had come to possess this data as part of a “sensitive arrangement” with the U.S. government. As Durham explains:

More from Techno Fog on Durham’s new filing:

Attorney Techno Fog said the spying wasn’t limited to the Executive Office of the President.
They also exploited data from Trump Tower, another Trump building, and a “healthcare provider.”

lol at Attorney Techno Fog.

This is right out of trumps playbook. Your CPA claims pubicly that you have lied on to your company financial statements for ten years, and they are cooperating with the government. What do you do? Quick, talk about Hilary!
Rent free - 7 years!

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Can you C&P that? Can't see it.

Fox News is mangling Special Counsel John Durham's latest Trump-Russia filing

2:13 AM
On Friday night, Special Counsel John Durham filed a pretrial motion on possible conflicts of interest by the lawyer representing Michael Sussmans, a cybersecurity lawyer Durham has charged with allegedly lying to the FBI. But he also "slipped in a few extra sentences that set off a furor among right-wing outlets about purported spying on former President Donald J. Trump," Charlie Savage writes in Monday's New York Times.
Trump and allied media organizations say Durham's filing, as Fox News' Brooke Singman put it in a widely cited early report, shows that lawyers for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign "paid a technology company to 'infiltrate' servers belonging to Trump Tower, and later the White House, in order to establish an 'inference' and 'narrative' to bring to government agencies linking Donald Trump to Russia." Those claims were repeated Monday on Fox News' daytime news and prime time opinions shows.
"But the entire narrative appeared to be mostly wrong or old news," the conclusions "based on a misleading presentation of the facts or outright misinformation," Savage writes. Gabriel Malor, a lawyer who writes for several conservative media outlets, lays out a few specific points on Durham's filing, including that it never uses the word "infiltrate" or accuses the Clinton campaign of ordering Sussmans or anyone else to pass the tech company's analysis of DNS data to the FBI or CIA.

Savage summarizes the competing narratives from Durham and the cybersecurity experts who compiled the contested DNS data, adding that the right-wing mischaracterizations "involve dense and obscure issues, so dissecting them requires asking readers to expend significant mental energy and time — raising the question of whether news outlets should even cover such claims." Lawyer Marcy Wheeler, who writes at Emptywheel, has a lot more detail about Durham's filings and Kash Patel's involved role in this story.
And Wheeler, a critic of Durham's Trump-Russia meta-investigation, has a theory about why he dropped this information into an unrelated motion just days after the statute of limitations appears to have expired. "As I keep noting, Durham is obviously trying to pull his fevered conspiracy theories into an actual charged conspiracy, one tying together the DNC, Fusion GPS, Christopher Steele, and Hillary herself," she writes. "If he succeeds, these flimsy charges (against both Sussmann and [Igor] Danchenko) become stronger, but if he doesn't, he's going to have a harder time proving motive and materiality at trial."
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Everything happened during the Obama admin and all this was defending the WH from hackers. Joffe is someone used by the FBI thousands of times. All made up nonsense by Durham who didn't investigate before his indictment of Sussman. It is most likely going to be dropped.

None of this makes any sense and Kash Patel was in position to do something but he is responsible for trying to do nothing but gaslight. No substance.
lol at Attorney Techno Fog.

This is right out of trumps playbook. Your CPA claims pubicly that you have lied on to your company financial statements for ten years, and they are cooperating with the government. What do you do? Quick, talk about Hilary!
Everything happened during the Obama admin and all this was defending the WH from hackers. Joffe is someone used by the FBI thousands of times. All made up nonsense by Durham who didn't investigate before his indictment of Sussman. It is most likely going to be dropped.

None of this makes any sense and Kash Patel was in position to do something but he is responsible for trying to do nothing but gaslight. No substance.
So you are stating there is no substance to this at all? Additionally what is your current stance on whether Trump colluded with Russia or not?


President Trump Was a Victim of Espionage, Both Foreign and Domestic​

By Larry Johnson
Published February 15, 2022 at 7:15am
The recent Durham revelations that people working for Hillary Clinton spied on Donald Trump, his campaign and his administration is only part of the story. It is a very important part but should not obscure the role that foreign intelligence, the Brits in particular, reportedly played in trying to dig up dirt on Donald Trump.
In March 2017 I appeared on RT (i.e., Russia Today) to comment on Donald Trump’s now proven claim that he and his campaign had been spied on. Here is what I said on Sunday, March 5, 2017:

Pay close attention. After I gave this interview there was ZERO reaction/response from the media in the United States. They ignored it. It did not create a ripple on social media. Hell, even the Trump folks ignored it.
This is an important point. Three members of the US Intelligence Community–the CIA, the FBI and NSA–insisted that Russia was interfering in the US election using platforms like RT. But a minuscule number of Americans watched RT. The non-reaction to my interview illustrates that.
TRENDING: HILLARY HEALTH EXCLUSIVE: Witness Reveals in 2016 Presidential Campaign Hillary Used a Wheelchair, Couldn't Walk a Block and Had a "Med Bag" with Her at All Times
Two weeks later Judge Andrew Napolitano made the following claim on air:
that former US President Barack Obama asked British intelligence agency GCHQ to monitor President Donald Trump. . . .
Andrew Napolitano, a political commentator and former New Jersey judge, said on Tuesday Obama used GCHQ in order to “make sure there were no American fingerprints.”
“Three intelligence sources have informed Fox News that President Obama went outside the chain of command – he didn’t use the NSA, he didn’t use the CIA, he didn’t use the FBI and he didn’t use the Department of Justice,” said Napolitano. “He used GCHQ.”
Fox executives and the Brits went absolutely bonkers. GCHQ came as close to having a full blown aneurysm as any bureaucratic entity can. And Fox suspended Napolitano.
“We’ve made clear to the administration that these claims are ridiculous and they should be ignored and we’ve received assurances that these allegations will not be repeated,” a Downing Street spokesman told reporters.
One of Judge Napolitano’s sources apparently was Larry Johnson. However, according to Johnson, the Judge did not accurately report what Johnson had said. According to Mr. Johnson, President Obama did not order anything. Instead, information collected by GCHQ was passed to people in the U.S. intelligence community and then distributed in an unauthorized manner. To deny that GCHQ did not do anything in response to a request from President Obama, but that does not mean that GCHQ (aka General Communication’s Headquarters) was passive and doing nothing.
In the wake of Judge Napolitano’s suspension from his Fox duties I was invited to appear on Brian Stelter’s CNN Show–the hilariously, ironically named “Reliable Sources.”

GCHQ, by virtue of being a foreign entity can (and does) easily and routinely collect electronic communications information in the United States. The Brits can do this without having to worry about FISA courts, probable cause, etc. Want proof? Here is the NY Times piece on 17 March 2017 that cites one example:
The conspiracy theorizing also tested what is often called the special relationship between the United States and Britain. American intelligence agencies enjoy a closer collaboration with their British counterparts than any other in the world. GCHQ was the first agency to warn the United States government that Russia was hacking Democratic Party emails during the presidential campaign
Got that? US and UK have a “special relationship” and the GCHQ was THE FIRST (not the second or third) to warn Obama that Russia supposedly was hacking Democrat Party emails. When did they warn us? Before the discovery of the DNC hack or afterwards? If afterwards, how long? Who received that warning and what steps were taken to take counter measures? Lots of questions.
Here’s another one–if the Brits knew that the Russians were hacking the DNC emails then how did they completely miss the Russians passing that info to one Julian Assange, who happens to be holed up in London in the Ecuadorian Embassy? To this date the Brits have not provided one shred of evidence to prove that Assange got the DNC emails from the Russians.
So why the enormous pushback from the Brits on Fox News? If we were playing Poker I would call their reaction a tell. The Brits, normally implacable, allowed us to see their left eyebrow twitching. Judge Napolitano works for the Murdoch’s, who also happen to have significant economic interests in Great Britain. I heard from another friend at Fox News that the the British Government leaned hard on the Murdochs to do something about the Judge. S
To recap, we have the GCHQ routinely collecting on U.S. citizens and sharing that with the United States via NSA. Let me suggest one additional twist–the Brits decided, with encouragement from people in U.S. intelligence (John Brennan, perhaps? Mike Rogers?) to step up their collection on Donald Trump and associates and then passed that information, unfiltered and unmasked, to their U.S. counterparts.
Why in the world would the Brits do something so risky? I think the answer to that is pretty simple, straight forward and self-evident. Trump’s policy positions on Syria and NATO represented direct threats to British interests. In Syria, Trump expressed a willingness to side with Russia in defeating ISIS and to withdraw the U.S. from the business of nation building. Trump also turned over the apple cart of status quo foreign policy by stating quite plainly that NATO was an anachronism and needed to be given a good, hard look. Anyone want to argue that our British cousins were comfortable with these policy shifts?
Therefore, it is not a train to crazy town to suggest that GCHQ and MI6 were more than willing to lend a hand in helping take out Trump. Could that will be one of the key revelations coming down the pike in coming weeks.
Wouldn’t that be a shocker–learning that the Government of Great Britain was working hand in glove with U.S. counterparts to sandbag Donald Trump and his Presidency?
Most overlook an obvious but obscure issue–GCHQ has been collecting intelligence on American citizens for years. Especially Americans of Irish descent or those with ties to Irishmen in the Northern Ireland. That was especially true twenty years ago. You do not have to hold Top Secret clearances to understand this fact. The British were collecting intelligence on Americans with names like Moynihan, O’Keefe, Lang and Kelly. Make no mistake about that.
One final point. The dog that did not bark. By that I mean that notwithstanding all of these machinations, no significant intelligence was generated that provided a smoking gun that could have spelled the end of Donald Trump. If such information had been scooped up you can be assured that it would have found its way immediately to the front pages of the NY Times and the Washington Post. That has not happened. I think one more story still to be told is what did the Brits know and when did they know it? I suspect any further investigations into this matter will put a bit of a damper on US/UK relations.
“If third parties or members of the media have overstated, understated, or otherwise misinterpreted facts contained in the Government’s Motion, that does not in any way undermine the valid reasons for the Government’s inclusion of this information,” the Durham team wrote.

@TigerGrowls -thoughts?
My thought is I am waiting to see what happens. The facts will come out and Durham will have to play his hand at some point no matter how left or right wing based media is slanting the story at any given time and we will see what happens. I am aware that the small bit of right wing media in existence does some slanting too and I take all that into account. I also have my own opinions and hopes on what will come out of all this.

I strongly feel that laws were broken over and over and it was an inside job from the highest levels of govt and I also feel that nothing more than a token hand slap to a few low level players will occur. I am hoping to be wrong.
My thought is I am waiting to see what happens. The facts will come out and Durham will have to play his hand at some point no matter how left or right wing based media is slanting the story at any given time and we will see what happens. I am aware that the small bit of right wing media in existence does some slanting too and I take all that into account. I also have my own opinions and hopes on what will come out of all this.
A kinder, gentler TG?
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You do know now that the only President the report referred to is President Obama, right? It was 2016. But the right wing never lets the facts get in the way of a lying story.
You do know now that the only President the report referred to is President Obama, right? It was 2016. But the right wing never lets the facts get in the way of a lying story.
Ok...for you and @clemben

Durham has not revealed everything he has, but the Obama admin referred to. This is due to the fact that they actively spied on Trump during the transition period with Obama and Biden's blessing and directives.

Answers: Trump Transition data was passed to the CIA​

A friend makes an observation of an October 2021 Durham filing​

Techno Fog
Feb 21

John H. Durham, the U.S. Attorney for Connecticut, was being drawn into another debate on CIA torture this week, rekindled this time by opponents of President Trump’s choice of career intelligence officer Gina Haspel to lead the agency.
Last week, we documented Special Counsel John Durham’s motion discussing the potential conflicts of interest of Michael Sussmann’s attorneys. That filing was important for a number of reasons, mainly because Durham stated that Sussmann’s client, Rodney Joffe (a federal contractor with access to “sensitive” data) “exploited” internet traffic data (domain name system, or DNS) pertaining to “the Executive Office of the President of the United States (“EOP”).”

We also asked why Joffe and Sussmann continued to push false allegations of Trump’s ties to Russia after the election. One could theorize that they made the Trump/Russia connection in the summer and fall of 2016 to hurt Trump politically. After all, the bogus story of a secret Alfa Bank/Trump Organization back-channel made it to Slate via Franklin Foer on October 31, 2016 – just before the November 8, 2016 presidential election, and not long after Sussmann went to the FBI to relay these same allegations.
But why continue to push a Trump/Russia hoax in February 2017?
It’s within the realm of possibilities that they wanted to continue to damage Trump, as this was the general goal of the political and bureaucratic establishment during the Trump years – especially in the early period, when Trump’s political power and his ability to implement his agenda would be at its height. It’s why James Comey leaked classified memos through his lawyer, why there were leaks against Flynn in early January 2017, and why Kevin Clinesmith falsified a CIA e-mail so that the FISA warrants against Carter Page could continue.
Or, perhaps Sussmann and Joffe wanted to spur additional intelligence community investigations into Trump. It is accurate to say that they were desperate to prove Trump’s links to Russia. So desperate, in fact, that they were providing manipulated data to the federal government to further false Trump/Russia conspiracies.
And consider whether Sussmann took this information to the CIA on behalf of a type of “whistleblower,” allowing Joffe to remain nameless.
What did the CIA do with that information?
Did the CIA pass it to the FBI, allowing Joffe to theoretically keep his hands clean and his identity unknown?
All good questions. We don’t have the answers – yet.
But there is an answer we do have. After Sussmann’s attorney responded to the Durham filing, stating that Sussmann provided the CIA with Executive Office of the President data from “when Barack Obama was president,” we theorized that this data was from the transition period because that’s when there would be access to Trump’s team:
If Sussmann’s attorney is telling the truth (never a given), then we suspect the Executive Office of the President data included that from the 74 day the Trump transition period (between the November 8, 2016 election and the January 20, 2017 inauguration) – which would still be spying on the incoming Trump Administration.
Then our friend Margot Cleveland reviewed a Durham filing in the Sussmann case from October 21, 2021 and put it all together:
February 19th 2022
63 Retweets206 Likes

As the October 2021 filing states:

That would confirm the data Sussmann and Joffe passed to the CIA was from the Trump transition period. While Washington and the press focus on January 6, the more dangerous and anti-democratic acts occurred in the shadows in 2016 and 2017. They didn’t seize the Capitol because they didn’t have to. The FBI and the CIA were willing to do their bidding, operating in secret to spy on and undermine the President.
Predictably, after Durham filed his motion the establishment/left media downplayed its significance in two ways.
First, Charlie Savage of the New York Times noted that the data from the Executive Office of the President “came from Barack Obama’s presidency.” That’s a curious way of saying the transition period – especially when the data involved those associated with Trump. (The content of the data being more important than the timing of the data.)
Second, Philip Bump over at the Washington Post condemned the reaction to the Durham allegations and claimed “it’s not clear that it [the Trump Tower, Trump Apartment, Trump Transition/EOP data] was or that it was used for any reason other than normal tracking of potential threats.” To say that, Bump must ignore the political motivations of Sussmann and Joffe, and disregard the findings that these allegations they brought – whether to the FBI or the CIA – were found to be baseless.
What these writers and publications are missing, of course, is the outright scandal of the CIA collecting information on a sitting president.
Before I close, let me say a few more words about Philip Bump, a national correspondent for The Washington Post. This is the same guy who, in 2019, downplayed the theory that “biased FBI agents and other officials used faulty information to target Page to spy on the campaign.” In reality, the FBI agents were biased, the information was faulty, and the campaign was spied on.
Bump’s problems go beyond indefensible conclusions about matters of public record. His writing is just as bad, evidencing deficiency of thought. He has a rich history of blunders. These are weekly occurrences for him, though I’ll focus on just one article.
When discussing questions regarding the hacking of the DNC server, for example, Bump stated “This server thing shows one direction of sprawl, and a narrow one.” But sprawl is defined as “to spread or develop irregularly or without restraint.” We call it “suburban sprawl” because suburban developments spread in every direction (the sprawl) from an urban center. Sprawl across your bed and you leave little room for your partner. “Narrow” sprawl doesn’t make sense.
Or consider this Bump-ism when discussing some of the Carter Page allegations:
“Fox News personalities such as Hannity and his cadre of guests were simply walking backward, trying to find a hole in the wall. This is the hole they found, and they ran with it.”
Think about that last sentence for a moment. How can you run with a hole in the wall?
You can’t.
And that, my friends, is The Washington Post.