Educate Me on the New World Liberal Order the Biden Agenda is Pushing


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Jan 25, 2009
Can someone who is an insider with the New World Liberal Order tell me of all the benefits it has

If good enough I may join the march to this new society
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Can someone who is an insider with the New World Liberal Order tell me of all the benefits it has

If good enough I may join the march to this new society
Brother, there are no benefits unless you want to give away everything you have worked for your whole life to support someone who has never worked a day in their life.

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I am noting that no replies from people to show what benefits I will receive from the New World Liberal Order the Biden administration is heading toward

My wife had me laughing this morning saying the speaker on the news this morning made it sound like Nazi Germany tactics with this

I told her it was an old fashioned train wreck
Can someone who is an insider with the New World Liberal Order tell me of all the benefits it has

If good enough I may join the march to this new society
Not an insider at all but they plan to weaken us and remove the constitution. Deep State is transitioning to use China as their dominant leader in the NWO in place of the US. They have been methodically transferring wealth technology and infrastructure over to them for a long time. They plan to make us weak enough to where we will beg for any help and that help will be a lifestyle and freedoms on a level with what China has currently. China is the new model.
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Giving them the benefit of the doubt..they see the writing on the wall. They can see the demise of the dollar. All unbacked paper currencies have eventually failed in history. The BRICS nations have been buying gold since 2006 while allowing their UStreasuries to roll off. Why gold? No counterparty risk. With the US effectively seizing Russian treasuries the dollar's death warrant was signed as the world reserve currency. The US became a counnterparty risk. Russia controls most of the world's natural in-process resources. BRICS will rollout a commodity backed currency in the near future. Totally guessing but it will be a basket of oil, gold, silver etc. As such we are in a financial war as well as kinetic. The dollar must be defended at all costs...even war. If the dollar loses reserve currency status we can't continue to print money without becoming Zimbabwe....which may actually be the plan. BTW, if you don't think a commodity backed currency would be devastating to the US; Russia could declare 300bbl/1oz gold tomorrow and the dollar is done.
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Giving them the benefit of the doubt..they see the writing on the wall. They can see the demise of the dollar. All unbacked paper currencies have eventually failed in history. The BRICS nations have been buying gold since 2006 while allowing their UStreasuries to roll off. Why gold? No counterparty risk. With the US effectively seizing Russian treasuries the dollar's death warrant was signed as the world reserve currency. The US became a counnterparty risk. Russia controls most of the world's natural in-process resources. BRICS will rollout a commodity backed currency in the near future. Totally guessing but it will be a basket of oil, gold, silver etc. As such we are in a financial war as well as kinetic. The dollar must be defended at all costs...even war. If the dollar loses reserve currency status we can't continue to print money without becoming Zimbabwe....which may actually be the plan. BTW, if you don't think a commodity backed currency would be devastating to the US; Russia could declare 300bbl/1oz gold tomorrow and the dollar is done.
Exactly right. The dollar is on the way out. India, China, Russia,Brazil and other countries are forming their own trade system using other currencies of their choice. Oil drives directly or indirectly the entire world economy. The US hegemony is predicated on the dollar being the world fiat currency. This is why the moment Biden took office he shut down the Keystone pipeline project and rejected an offer from Canada to build another pipeline. It’s why we went from being a net energy exporter two years ago- a first in 75 years back to being an importer. We have more natural gas than any other nation. We could easily power our entire electrical grid with natural gas turbines as we make some the of the best in the world, some of them right down the road in Greenville at the GE plant. As it is, coal and nuclear plants are shutting down due to Obama era policy with no replacements being brought on line. The recent scotus decision banning the EPA from unconstitutional over reach on this could reverse this but look for legislation from the Dems and rhinos to try to keep new plants from coming on line and continuing to cripple our power generation capacity. We are looking at rolling blackouts this summer along with exponentially higher natural gas prices. The elites want it this way. This is exactly what’s going on in the EU which is their model for an authoritarian government which the people cannot control. The director of EU environmental policy has stated publicly that policy is designed to control the population and not to save the environment. Even the most optimistic dream goal of crippling our economy and the worlds economy, driving traditional energy use costs up exponentially and thus impoverishing billions would hold the world temp increase to 1.5 degrees the next 100 years or so. There is no concrete formula or scientific evidence to prove this minuscule goal will do any good or is even achievable. Scientists who challenge this belief are castigated, shunned, fired , persecuted and have an extremely difficult time getting papers peer reviewed or published if at all. It is well known that wind and solar are not viable alternatives. This is well documented with failed policies in the EU and especially in Germany where blackouts and brown outs are regular occurrences and they pay 3-5 times as much for energy as we do. The elderly have a particularly bad time and thousands die in the EU in the winter from cardiopulmonary related illness due to not being able to afford to adequately heat their homes. All to say they are using energy to control the population and end the dollar hegemony. Just one of the ways they seek to eliminate the middle class and subjugate the population. When the dollar collapses they will also wipe out much of the wealthy, further solidifying their power.
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Exactly right. The dollar is on the way out. India, China, Russia,Brazil and other countries are forming their own trade system using other currencies of their choice. Oil drives directly or indirectly the entire world economy. The US hegemony is predicated on the dollar being the world fiat currency. This is why the moment Biden took office he shut down the Keystone pipeline project and rejected an offer from Canada to build another pipeline. It’s why we went from being a net energy exporter two years ago- a first in 75 years back to being an importer. We have more natural gas than any other nation. We could easily power our entire electrical grid with natural gas turbines as we make some the of the best in the world, some of them right down the road in Greenville at the GE plant. As it is, coal and nuclear plants are shutting down due to Obama era policy with no replacements being brought on line. The recent scotus decision banning the EPA from unconstitutional over reach on this could reverse this but look for legislation from the Dems and rhinos to try to keep new plants from coming on line and continuing to cripple our power generation capacity. We are looking at rolling blackouts this summer along with exponentially higher natural gas prices. The elites want it this way. This is exactly what’s going on in the EU which is their model for an authoritarian government which the people cannot control. The director of EU environmental policy has stated publicly that policy is designed to control the population and not to save the environment. Even the most optimistic dream goal of crippling our economy and the worlds economy, driving traditional energy use costs up exponentially and thus impoverishing billions would hold the world temp increase to 1.5 degrees the next 100 years or so. There is no concrete formula or scientific evidence to prove this minuscule goal will do any good or is even achievable. Scientists who challenge this belief are castigated, shunned, fired , persecuted and have an extremely difficult time getting papers peer reviewed or published if at all. It is well known that wind and solar are not viable alternatives. This is well documented with failed policies in the EU and especially in Germany where blackouts and brown outs are regular occurrences and they pay 3-5 times as much for energy as we do. The elderly have a particularly bad time and thousands die in the EU in the winter from cardiopulmonary related illness due to not being able to afford to adequately heat their homes. All to say they are using energy to control the population and end the dollar hegemony. Just one of the ways they seek to eliminate the middle class and subjugate the population. When the dollar collapses they will also wipe out much of the wealthy, further solidifying their power.
It's a bleak picture. This is why the deep state is after Trump so hard. He was absolutely planning to stop them and they were fearful that he could do it.
It's a bleak picture. This is why the deep state is after Trump so hard. He was absolutely planning to stop them and they were fearful that he could do it.
I disagree. Trump was either ignorant or in on it. He wouldn't have nudged the federal reserve to take ffr to negative. He also spent a shitbin of $$.
I disagree. Trump was either ignorant or in on it. He wouldn't have nudged the federal reserve to take ffr to negative. He also spent a shitbin of $$.
Good points but I do not think it's that simple. I absolutely think Trump was attacked due to the level of threat to the deep state. You absolutely make a great point though.
Can someone who is an insider with the New World Liberal Order tell me of all the benefits it has

If good enough I may join the march to this new society
You don’t want to do that! They’re all going to be the recipient of 16 Judgements. From GOD starting with the 6th Seal In Revelation 6. This goes for anyone who receives the RFID Chip in their hand or forehead (Mark of the Beast) & or Worships The Beast/Antichrist. (Revelation 13) After they perish they will spend eternity in the lake of Fire (Revelation 14 & Revelation 20:15) The ONLY people who are going to have any benefits is the “Global Elite” @ least for a short time. But, The Bible is clear, those who receive the Mark of the Beast & or Worship The Beast/Antichrist Will Have No Rest Day or Night. We’re in The Third Seal of the Tribulation, which is hyper inflation. The Fourth is about to open up, which is the Rider on the Pale Horse & his name is “Death.” The NWO Governments of the world will soon give humanity a choice….. Either Agree to be Re-Educated & Receive The RFID Chip (Mark Of The Beast) & Worship The Beast/Antichrist or Be Terminated By Guillotine (Revelation 13 & Revelation 20:4) Those Who Refuse To Worship The Beast will be Terminated. Those who refuse to Receive The RFID Chip in their hand or forehead will be terminated. Those who refuse to accept the Mark of the Beast Will Not Be Allowed to Buy or Sell.
Can someone who is an insider with the New World Liberal Order tell me of all the benefits it has

If good enough I may join the march to this new society
People Also Need To Know JESUS Is The ONLY Way To Be Saved. Not From Physical But From Eternal Damnation In The Lake Of Fire. (Revelation 14 & Revelation 20:15)

GOD Loves You & Wants You To Spend Eternity In Heaven With HIM, JESUS & The Angels. Satan, On The Other Hates You & Wants You To Spend Eternity In The Lake Of Fire With him.

We All Have A Choice To Make, No One Is Exempt!

I Want You To Be Saved, That’s Why I Put Up With People Mocking, Scoffing & Making Fun. But If ONLY One Person Receives JESUS As Savior & Lord, It’s Worth It.

This World Is Passing Away & The Thing That’s Going To Matter Is, Is Your Written In The Lambs Book Of Life!

I Encourage You To Say This Prayer …. Dear Heavenly FATHER, I Come To You In The Name Of JESUS. I Believe JESUS Died On The Cross For My Sins & Believe You Raised HIM On The Third Day. I Ask YOU To Forgive Me For All Of My Sins. I Turn To You With All My Heart, Soul, Mind & Strength! Thank You For Saving Me! I Invite You To Come Live Inside Of Me. Thank You For Saving Me.

If & When You Say That Prayer, Your Name Is Written In The Lambs Book Of Life. (Revelation 20:15) If You Were To Die, Angels Would Usher You In To GOD’s Kingdom. I Encourage You To Read Revelation 21 & 22 Which Goes Into Detail About How Glorious Heaven Is. Paul, Who Wrote Most Of The New Testament Said This, “Eye Has Not Seen Nor Ear Heard Or Mind Conceived What GOD Has Prepared For Those Who Love HIM.

Once You Say That Prayer, Tell Someone What You Did.

JESUS Said, If You Confess Me Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before My Father & His Angels But If You’re Ashamed Of Me & My Words, I’ll Be Ashamed Of You When You Stand Before MY FATHER And HIS Angels.

Start Reading The Bible. GOD Will Begin To Speak To You Through HIS Word. Start With John, The Read Mathew, Mark & Luke.

Pray Everyday In JESUS’s Name! It’s Because Of HIM, We Have Access To GOD! GOD Will Begin To Bless You!

GOD Bless You
I am noting that no replies from people to show what benefits I will receive from the New World Liberal Order the Biden administration is heading toward

My wife had me laughing this morning saying the speaker on the news this morning made it sound like Nazi Germany tactics with this

I told her it was an old fashioned train wreck
It is Brother, I encourage you to read Daniel 7…. The Fourth Beast in Daniel 7 is the NWO. Daniel Prophecied this 2600 years ago. He describes the NWO as being Dreadful, Terrifying & Exceedingly Powerful. He says it Devours The Whole World & Stamps Out The Residue.
The NWO is going to make EVERY person on the planet make a choice. Either Agree To Be Re-Educated, Receive The RFID Chip (Mark Of The Beast) in your hand or forehead (Those Who Refuse Won’t Be Able To Buy Or Sell) & Worship The Beast/Antichrist Who I Believe Is This Current Pope, Based On Saint Malachi’s Prophecy. Those Who Refuse To Worship The Beast/Antichrist Will Be Beheaded. (Revelation 13 & Revelation 20:4) Sometime during the opening of the Fourth Seal, Which is the Fourth Horseman Of The Apocalypse, Which Is The Pale Horse & The Rider’s Name is Death. He’s given authority over 1/4 part of the earth to kill with The Sword (Guns, Artillery, Guillotines, Bombs, EMP’s) Famine due to NWO Controlled Food Shortages, NWO Manufactured Pestilences & Wild Beasts Of The Earth.
Make no mistake about it, we are going to see global food shortages, famine & between now & 2026, America Will Be Hit With The Fleecing Of Our Funds Out Of Our Accounts (Russia or China or a combination of the two will be blamed for the “False Flag Cyber Attack) Tactical Nukes Will Hit A HandfulOf Our Cities, An EMP Attack (Electronic Magnetic Pulse) Will Be Released A Couple of Hundred Miles Above The United States, Winds Will Carry The Enriched Plutonium Across The United States, shutting down everything run on electricity. Martial Law Will Be Enacted. NWO Authorities Will Go Door To Door telling people, “we were attacked by Russia, China or a combination of the two. Citizens Will be encouraged & if need be, forced to military vehicles where they will be transported to FEMA Camps. There are over 800 of them in the United States. Citizens Will be told, “You Will Be Provided Food, Water, Shelter, Clothing & Protection. You’ll Be Able To Return Home As Soon As We Feel It’s Safe.


Once @ The FEMA Camps, Families Will Be Segregated. Men Will Go With Other Men, Woman With Woman & Children With Children. These NWO Authorities Are Satanic. I Don’t Need To Describe What Will Happen To The Woman & Children.

It’s Here Where I Described Above How The Mark Of The Beast & Worship Of The Beast/Antichrist Will Be Implemented & The Consequences For Those Who Both Receive The Mark Of The Beast & Or Worship The Beast/Antichrist. Those Who Have Received JESUS As Their Lord & Savior & Who Refused To Receive The Mark Of The Beast & Who Refused To Worship The Beast/Antichrist Will Be Terminated, BUT They Will Spend Eternity In Heaven With JESUS. Again, Those Who Receive The RFID Chip (Mark Of The Beast) & Or Worship The Beast/Antichrist Will Be The Recipient Of One Or More Than 16 Judgements From GOD ranging From Massive Earthquakes, Which Will Move Every Island & Mountain Out Of It’s Places….. Fires…..An Asteroid impacting One Of Our Oceans & Destroying 1/3 Of The Ships & Sea Life….. Another Asteroid Called Wormwood, Which Impacts A Large Body Of Fresh Water, Many People Die From The Water Because It’s Made Bitter….. Demons Ascending Out Of The Abyss & Onto The Earth, They Have The Sting Of A Scorpion & The Pain Lasts For 5 Months. They’ve Been Instructed To Sting Those Who Have Received The Mark Of The Beast & Or Worshiped The Beast/Antichrist. The Sting Is So Painful, Men Seek Death But Can’t Die….. The Sun Becomes So Hot, Men Are Scorched To Death, (Due To The NWO’s Chemtrail Program & HAARP Technology)….. Painful Boils Break Out All Over Men & They Naw Their Tongues In Pain….. All Seas Are Turned Into Blood & All Sea Life Dies….. All Fresh Water Turns To Blood & Fresh Water Wildlife Dies…. Hailstones, Weighing 100 LBS Fall On Humanity…… An Earthquake So Powerful, Every Island & Mountain Are Flattened & Cities Are Flattened.

What I’ve described is not out of a sci-Fi movie, it’s straight out of Revelation, in the Bible. This is what those who have Received The Mark Of The Beast & Worshiped The Beast/Antichrist Have To Look Forward To. After They Perish, They’ll Spend Eternity In The Lake Of Fire. Hope This Helps!
Exactly right. The dollar is on the way out. India, China, Russia,Brazil and other countries are forming their own trade system using other currencies of their choice. Oil drives directly or indirectly the entire world economy. The US hegemony is predicated on the dollar being the world fiat currency. This is why the moment Biden took office he shut down the Keystone pipeline project and rejected an offer from Canada to build another pipeline. It’s why we went from being a net energy exporter two years ago- a first in 75 years back to being an importer. We have more natural gas than any other nation. We could easily power our entire electrical grid with natural gas turbines as we make some the of the best in the world, some of them right down the road in Greenville at the GE plant. As it is, coal and nuclear plants are shutting down due to Obama era policy with no replacements being brought on line. The recent scotus decision banning the EPA from unconstitutional over reach on this could reverse this but look for legislation from the Dems and rhinos to try to keep new plants from coming on line and continuing to cripple our power generation capacity. We are looking at rolling blackouts this summer along with exponentially higher natural gas prices. The elites want it this way. This is exactly what’s going on in the EU which is their model for an authoritarian government which the people cannot control. The director of EU environmental policy has stated publicly that policy is designed to control the population and not to save the environment. Even the most optimistic dream goal of crippling our economy and the worlds economy, driving traditional energy use costs up exponentially and thus impoverishing billions would hold the world temp increase to 1.5 degrees the next 100 years or so. There is no concrete formula or scientific evidence to prove this minuscule goal will do any good or is even achievable. Scientists who challenge this belief are castigated, shunned, fired , persecuted and have an extremely difficult time getting papers peer reviewed or published if at all. It is well known that wind and solar are not viable alternatives. This is well documented with failed policies in the EU and especially in Germany where blackouts and brown outs are regular occurrences and they pay 3-5 times as much for energy as we do. The elderly have a particularly bad time and thousands die in the EU in the winter from cardiopulmonary related illness due to not being able to afford to adequately heat their homes. All to say they are using energy to control the population and end the dollar hegemony. Just one of the ways they seek to eliminate the middle class and subjugate the population. When the dollar collapses they will also wipe out much of the wealthy, further solidifying their power.
All of this bullshit can be undone by a few solar panels and a couple batteries. Real master plan.
The most sinister, powerful group of people in the world somehow control everything but struggle to get even a split US Congress.

Some of the insane shit y'all post has me worried about your mental health
Some Republicans are NWO…. Mitt Romney, The Bush’s, Mike Pence, John McCain, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney! Give me a minute & I’ll give you more current Republicans who are NWO
The most sinister, powerful group of people in the world somehow control everything but struggle to get even a split US Congress.

Some of the insane shit y'all post has me worried about your mental health
The NWO liberals pose & run as Republicans & they plan out who’s going to vote for what to push their agenda forward. They always make it a small margin of victory. This is done so they don’t blow their cover but they still move their agenda forward.

Take the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe Vs Wade. I’m all for it & yes, many babies will be saved.

But, the REAL
Reason why it was overturned is so the Supreme Court could have an unscalable fence raised due to threats to the Justices.

When Biden was elected & The NWO controlled both the House & The Senate & The Supreme Court, part of Revelation 13 was fulfilled. The Second Beast in Revelation 13 is America, The Lamb With The Two Horns, representing Civil & Religious Liberty. But it says, the lamb starts speaking like a dragon, which is happening now.

Wait till you see what they’re about ready to do with our monetary system & Gun laws.

They’re going to need that unscalable fence.

We’re a communist country & time will prove that to be accurate. Our NWO Government hasn’t finished implementing their draconian laws.

Most people think we have a conservative Supreme Court, which not the case. A year & a half ago, the Supreme Court passed a Pro Transgender Bill. With proof of rampant voter fraud, the Supreme Court wasn’t even willing to take a look @ the possibility of Voter Fraud. With what was @ stake with our country, Freedom vs Socialism, they weren’t even willing to take a look @ the possibility of voter fraud. That’s deplorable! One more thing, Amy Barrett, had a chance to squash Obamacare & she voted to keep it. Those three things I just mentioned prove we DON’T have a Conservative Supreme Court!
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Some Republicans are NWO…. Mitt Romney, The Bush’s, Mike Pence, John McCain, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney! Give me a minute & I’ll give you more current Republicans who are NWO
So all the Republicans who have spoken out against Trump? I do agree with the systematic shift and coordinated efforts to weaken/destroy the dollar's position as the world reserve currency. Ending the petro dollar being the center of it. The BRICS nations being the main authors. However the notion that Trump or anyone could stop this shows absolute delusion. This game has been being played for a long time and no one is stopping it unfortunately. And Trump of all people is a friend of Putin and reportedly in financial debt to him. Trump is a business man first. He loves money and prestige more than this country. And Trump is not much different from most Republicans and Democrats for that matter. They've all sold out this nation. I'm shocked so many are die hard either side. Smh.

This new blockchain tech, DLT is the only thing that may save our status in the world or at least allow us to share in that status. However that system comes with its own ills. Maybe the lesser of two evils tho.
You don’t want to do that! They’re all going to be the recipient of 16 Judgements. From GOD starting with the 6th Seal In Revelation 6. This goes for anyone who receives the RFID Chip in their hand or forehead (Mark of the Beast) & or Worships The Beast/Antichrist. (Revelation 13) After they perish they will spend eternity in the lake of Fire (Revelation 14 & Revelation 20:15) The ONLY people who are going to have any benefits is the “Global Elite” @ least for a short time. But, The Bible is clear, those who receive the Mark of the Beast & or Worship The Beast/Antichrist Will Have No Rest Day or Night. We’re in The Third Seal of the Tribulation, which is hyper inflation. The Fourth is about to open up, which is the Rider on the Pale Horse & his name is “Death.” The NWO Governments of the world will soon give humanity a choice….. Either Agree to be Re-Educated & Receive The RFID Chip (Mark Of The Beast) & Worship The Beast/Antichrist or Be Terminated By Guillotine (Revelation 13 & Revelation 20:4) Those Who Refuse To Worship The Beast will be Terminated. Those who refuse to Receive The RFID Chip in their hand or forehead will be terminated. Those who refuse to accept the Mark of the Beast Will Not Be Allowed to Buy or Sell.
So all the Republicans who have spoken out against Trump? I do agree with the systematic shift and coordinated efforts to weaken/destroy the dollar's position as the world reserve currency. Ending the petro dollar being the center of it. The BRICS nations being the main authors. However the notion that Trump or anyone could stop this shows absolute delusion. This game has been being played for a long time and no one is stopping it unfortunately. And Trump of all people is a friend of Putin and reportedly in financial debt to him. Trump is a business man first. He loves money and prestige more than this country. And Trump is not much different from most Republicans and Democrats for that matter. They've all sold out this nation. I'm shocked so many are die hard either side. Smh.

This new blockchain tech, DLT is the only thing that may save our status in the world or at least allow us to share in that status. However that system comes with its own ills. Maybe the lesser of two evils tho.
All Global Leaders are working together, including Zelensky, Biden, Putin, The Chinese Government, The UN, NATO … etc.

I believe the NWO is going to fleece our money out of our banking & investment accounts & China or Russia or a combination of the two will shoulder the blame for the “False flag cyber attack.” A Government issued Crypto Currency Will Replace the Dollar. According to Committee of 300 Member, George Soros, The Phoenix holding the arrows on the back of the dollar will be the symbol.
All Global Leaders are working together, including Zelensky, Biden, Putin, The Chinese Government, The UN, NATO … etc.

I believe the NWO is going to fleece our money out of our banking & investment accounts & China or Russia or a combination of the two will shoulder the blame for the “False flag cyber attack.” A Government issued Crypto Currency Will Replace the Dollar. According to Committee of 300 Member, George Soros, The Phoenix holding the arrows on the back of the dollar will be the symbol.
Even if what you stated has some details off a bit in the end it doesn't matter. I agree with what you said in general enough. Yes I believe this is all coordinated and they are all in on it. All of them.
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So all the Republicans who have spoken out against Trump? I do agree with the systematic shift and coordinated efforts to weaken/destroy the dollar's position as the world reserve currency. Ending the petro dollar being the center of it. The BRICS nations being the main authors. However the notion that Trump or anyone could stop this shows absolute delusion. This game has been being played for a long time and no one is stopping it unfortunately. And Trump of all people is a friend of Putin and reportedly in financial debt to him. Trump is a business man first. He loves money and prestige more than this country. And Trump is not much different from most Republicans and Democrats for that matter. They've all sold out this nation. I'm shocked so many are die hard either side. Smh.

This new blockchain tech, DLT is the only thing that may save our status in the world or at least allow us to share in that status. However that system comes with its own ills. Maybe the lesser of two evils tho.
A NWO issued Crypto Currency Will be the one world currency & it could be the one I mentioned in my last post.
Even if what you stated has some details off a bit in the end it doesn't matter. I agree with what you said in general enough. Yes I believe this is all coordinated and they are all in on it. All of them.
You’re right!
All Global Leaders are working together, including Zelensky, Biden, Putin, The Chinese Government, The UN, NATO … etc.

I believe the NWO is going to fleece our money out of our banking & investment accounts & China or Russia or a combination of the two will shoulder the blame for the “False flag cyber attack.” A Government issued Crypto Currency Will Replace the Dollar. According to Committee of 300 Member, George Soros, The Phoenix holding the arrows on the back of the dollar will be the symbol.
It will be programmable digital currency. Not crypto. They will determine where and how you spend your money. Listen to this carefully. This is Augustin Carstins. He us head of the BIS. He is the central bankers central banker. I'm still shocked he said this openly.
It will be programmable digital currency. Not crypto. They will determine where and how you spend your money. Listen to this carefully. This is Augustin Carstins. He us head of the BIS. He is the central bankers central banker. I'm still shocked he said this openly.
Crypto is digital currency
It will be programmable digital currency. Not crypto. They will determine where and how you spend your money. Listen to this carefully. This is Augustin Carstins. He us head of the BIS. He is the central bankers central banker. I'm still shocked he said this openly.
Sad part is you're going to have people acting "shocked" when this comes about........