I agree with the concept. With so many roles today that can be filled just as easily as a man then yes make it across the board if they decide to keep the selective service system in place. But on the other hand there are changes coming.
There will be new combat physical testing requirements that will be implemented by next year that no longer gives results based upon age, gender, etc. No matter if you are a 19yoa wide eyed recruit, or a 45 yoa lifer in the military the numbers that have to be reached are the same. If you cannot pass it then you will be cut.
I believe this is a response by the military on how fat and just plain out of shape the younger generations (within the age range to be drafted) are with less kids actually playing outside (physical exercise) instead choosing to be sedentary playing video games.
This new testing may take many females out of certain combat roles in itself, but may inhibit many males simply because they would rather sit eating a twinkie on the couch playing a shooter video game than go shoot hoops for an hour.