Oh boy! Could it happen this time?
By Joe Hoft
Published September 29, 2022 at 8:36pm
A group of individuals filed a class action lawsuit against Dominion Voting Systems, Facebook, CTCL and Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, which is now going to the US Supreme Court.
This group claims that the defendants worked together with government employees in a concerted and coordinated effort to change the results of the 2020 Presidential Election in ways that go against the US Constitution.
Here is a timeline of how they got here.
You can help them by donating through SOS to help prepare for the anticipated cost of SCOTUS litigation.
In the Appendix below that was filed with the US Supreme Court, the plaintiffs state:
In the Petition of Writ (below) to the Supreme Court the petitioners note the following:
Petition for Writ ORourke by Jim Hoft on Scribd
This case is still alive. Help support this group as it may be our last chance.

EXCLUSIVE: Petition Filed with the US Supreme Court Against Dominion, Facebook and CTCL in "A Case of Great National Importance" | The Gateway Pundit | by Joe Hoft
A group of individuals filed a class action lawsuit against Dominion Voting Systems, , CTCL and Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, which is now going to the US Supreme Court.

By Joe Hoft
Published September 29, 2022 at 8:36pm

A group of individuals filed a class action lawsuit against Dominion Voting Systems, Facebook, CTCL and Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, which is now going to the US Supreme Court.
This group claims that the defendants worked together with government employees in a concerted and coordinated effort to change the results of the 2020 Presidential Election in ways that go against the US Constitution.
Here is a timeline of how they got here.
- November 3rd, 2020 – 2 year Statute of Limitations begins
- December 22nd, 2020 – Dominion Class Action “Christmas Complaint” Filed in the Federal District Court of Colorado
- December 24th, 2020 – A website DominionClassAction.com is born.
- February 15th, 2021 – Gateway Pundit Publishes Article on Dominion Class Action

Group "Our Vote Matters" Is Suing Facebook, Dominion, Mark Zuckerberg, Certain State Officials, Others for Infringing Upon Right to Vote, Assemble and Speak Freely - You Can Join Too | The Gateway Pundit | by Joe Hoft
The group “Our Vote Matters” is suing , Dominion Voting Systems, Mark Zuckerberg, certain state officials, and others for infringing upon our right to vote, assemble and speak freely. You can join them too.

- February 16th, 2021 – Dominion and Facebook file Motions to Dismiss and send Gary and Ernie Rule 11 Sanctions letters. CTCL, Secretaries or State, and Governors follow with MTD over the following two months to which Plaintiffs respond.
- March 17th, 2021 – Plaintiffs file an Amended Complaint
- April 27th, 2021 – District Court Virtual Hearing before Federal Magistrate
- April 28th, 2021 – District Court grants motions to dismiss
- April 29th, 2021 – Plaintiffs file a Notice of Appeal to the 10th Circuit on issue of standing
- April 30th, 2021 – Plaintiffs and Supports form Save Our Suffrage www.SOS.vote 501(c)4 to support the cost of litigation
- May 13th, 2021 – Defendants begin file motions for $187,000 in sanctions
- July 16th, 2021 – District Court hearing on motions for sanctions
- August 3rd, 2021 – District Court grants motions for sanctions
- September 18th, 2021 – Appellants file Opening Brief in the 10th Circuit on the issue of standing
- December 22nd, 2021 – Plaintiffs file Notice of Appeal to the 10th Circuit on the issue of sanctions
- March 14th, 2022 – The Fielder Principle Podcast begins
- May 27th, 2022 – 10th Circuit Affirms the District Court
- June 27th, 2022 – 10th Circuit Denies motion for rehearing
- September 26th, 2022 – Plaintiffs file Writ of Cert with the Supreme Court
- Respondents Dominion, Meta, CTCL, Zuck, and Chan, must file their brief by Oct 31st
- While briefing is finished for the 10th Circuit Appeal on the Issue of sanctions the Court hasn’t made its decision yet
You can help them by donating through SOS to help prepare for the anticipated cost of SCOTUS litigation.
In the Appendix below that was filed with the US Supreme Court, the plaintiffs state:
Appendix ORourke by Jim Hoft on ScribdThis lawsuit arises out of the 2020 election for President of the United States. The original Complaint, filed December 22, 2020 (Dkt. #1) and which purports to be a class action lawsuit brought on behalf of 160 million registered voters, alleges a vast conspiracy between four state governors; secretaries of state; and various election officials of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Georgia; along with Dominion Voting Systems, Inc.—a private supplier of election and voting technology; the social media company Facebook, Inc.; the Center for Tech and Civic Life (“CTCL”)—a non-profit organization dedicated to making elections more secure and inclusive; as well as Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan.
I use the words “vast conspiracy” advisedly. That is what the Complaint, all 84 pages and 409-plus paragraphs, alleges: that “the Defendants engaged in concerted action to interfere with the 2020 presidential election through a coordinated effort to, among other thing, change voting laws without legislative approval, use unreliable voting machines, alter votes through an illegitimate adjudication process, provide illegal methods of voting, count illegal votes, suppress the speech of opposing voices, disproportionally and privately fund only certain municipalities and counties, and other methods, all prohibited by the Constitution.” Dkt. #1 at 2, ¶ 4.
In the Petition of Writ (below) to the Supreme Court the petitioners note the following:
Read the petition below:The rights of citizens, individually and as a class, to file a complaint against giant private persons who violate the rights of millions has been stripped by the decision of the 10th Circuit. Thus, this case is of great national importance.
Petition for Writ ORourke by Jim Hoft on Scribd
This case is still alive. Help support this group as it may be our last chance.