Fans burn Kaepernick's jersey...

I'm sorry but the single biggest issue with solving crime in black communities is the lack of people coming forward to testify. If the people want change, they have to start helping themselves. Crap like what kaepernick is doing shows the lack of understanding the core problems that are perpetuating the issues.
I'm sorry but the single biggest issue with solving crime in black communities is the lack of people coming forward to testify. If the people want change, they have to start helping themselves. Crap like what kaepernick is doing shows the lack of understanding the core problems that are perpetuating the issues.

Lol wat?
I'm an idiot bc I'm laughing at the fact that you said the "biggest" issue with crime in "black communities" is that "they" won't come forward to testify as witnesses in crimes?

You have to clean up your own house. Have you ever heard of the broken window theory? And yes, you're an idiot or perhaps just another under 30, Bernie voter that still lives with his parents.
You have to clean up your own house. Have you ever heard of the broken window theory? And yes, you're an idiot or perhaps just another under 30, Bernie voter that still lives with his parents.

And you are an old racist that can't get his head out of his ass?...see what I did there?
And you are an old racist that can't get his head out of his ass?...see what I did there?
I'm a 44 year old white guy that employees mainly minorities and females. I volunteer in section 8 housing to help my community. My brother in law is one of my best friends (he's black), my highest paid are all women, you're still an idiot.
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Congratulations!!!! So just racist against "black communities", huh?[/QUOTE
I'm not sure you understand the definition of 'racism'. Open a book that's not written by a liberal, fvck off and enjoy your Sunday.
@CLT-Tiger since you don't actually know how to quote and reply I'll just tag you...

Why are you so mad? Did someone turn off your Fox News?
The biggest issue in poor black communities is the break down of their families and the lack of good father's.

It actually got worse with welfare, because black moms didn't need the men to provide as much and got paid more, the more children they have. This meant more black male kids growing up with fathers too guide them. Then the kids get involved in gangs and crime.
Not mad, just frustrated that the pandering politicians & media do very little to help the underprivileged communities. People like you are part of the problem.

Wow, so what have you done to help those communities or than to act indignant about facts that you don't agree with or opinions that are counter to your own? Liberal hypocrite, I was waiting for you to throw the bigot, racist card for a minute there, oh wait, you did thought the racist card.
Wow, so what have you done to help those communities or than to act indignant about facts that you don't agree with or opinions that are counter to your own? Liberal hypocrite, I was waiting for you to throw the bigot, racist card for a minute there, oh wait, you did thought the racist card.
Was this for me??
Congratulations!!!! So just racist against "black communities", huh?

The problem is you are black and you don't want to admit that black people are the cause of their own problems. You hide behind your race and think the color of your skin makes the world unfair. When the truth is if black people would live more civilized 90 percent of their problems would disappear.
All you have to do is look at the statistics nation wide and you will see that a lack of education and civility are the biggest problem in black communities. Black people are more prone to solving problems with violence. They also won't rat on each other in many cases. Mostly because they are afraid of the guy who committed the crime and they don't trust the police to protect them. I believe we need to do more as a society to bring more trust between the black communities and the police. We already provide free education so I'm not sure what more we can reasonably do in that department.

Basically what I'm saying is the racism you refer to will always be there. Or at least until the black communities decide that they want to be a productive functional part of the American society. Quit whining about being treated unfairly, and dreaming about restitution for slavery over 150 years ago. We need to teach young black kids that being a drug dealer isn't a career, abusing the welfare system isn't a career, being a rap artist isn't a career. So taking a long look in the mirror might help solve your problems
Every one in that article was white. Therefore it will not gain any legs. White people protesting this is nothing.
I buy jerseys for my 12 year old son. Thank God he's not a caperdick fan. By the way at twelve years old his words of the kaperdick thing was "that's messed up". Sad a kid understands what some adults don't.
Congratulations!!!! So just racist against "black communities", huh?

I'm sorry too say sir but you are a HUGE part of the problem. You don't have anything substantive to say. This is most likely because you're not informed on the subject and just subscribe to current narratives which are largely false. Let's present our cases, talk with one another and stop with hurling accusations of racism at every turn. You are not the arbiter of what is or is not racism. You probably don't know the motivations of the people posting here. It's important to keep that in mind and stop being part of the problem.
Congratulations!!!! So just racist against "black communities", huh?
Give it a rest dude. If you can't understand that what he's saying is fact and he's clearly not a racist against black communities, then you seriously need help, and are part of the reason we are having issues. I just don't get how some like you are blind to this kind of stuff?
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I'm sorry too say sir but you are a HUGE part of the problem. You don't have anything substantive to say. This is most likely because you're not informed on the subject and just subscribe to current narratives which are largely false. Let's present our cases, talk with one another and stop with hurling accusations of racism at every turn. You are not the arbiter of what is or is not racism. You probably don't know the motivations of the people posting here. It's important to keep that in mind and stop being part of the problem.

Ummmm...I was joking.

Of course this is the problem, it's the entire problem. That was my entire point. He made gross/sweeping generalizations about me (all of which aren't true) and so I "trollingly" made gross/sweeping generalizations about him. Surprised that was difficult to see.

As long as one person wants to call the other "idiot", "liberal", "racist", "old", "too young", etc etc etc we'll never get anywhere.
Give it a rest dude. If you can't understand that what he's saying is fact and he's clearly not a racist against black communities, then you seriously need help, and are part of the reason we are having issues. I just don't get how some like you are blind to this kind of stuff?

I guess we need a sarcasm button. This is exactly why I put "see what I did there"...

I don't know him so of course I don't actually think he's racist smh.

My point is I don't understand how one could call me an idiot, under 30, Bernie supporter who lives with my parents either (all of these, excepting perhaps idiot, do not describe me...especially "liberal"). It was an illustration :)
I guess we need a sarcasm button. This is exactly why I put "see what I did there"...

I don't know him so of course I don't actually think he's racist smh.

My point is I don't understand how one could call me an idiot, under 30, Bernie supporter who lives with my parents either (all of these, excepting perhaps idiot, do not describe me...especially "liberal"). It was an illustration :)
Ugh. You don't get it, and probably never will. Carry on.
I'm sorry but the single biggest issue with solving crime in black communities is the lack of people coming forward to testify. If the people want change, they have to start helping themselves. Crap like what kaepernick is doing shows the lack of understanding the core problems that are perpetuating the issues.

Not sure I follow you here. You believe crime in black communities is primarily characterized by lack of witnesses in the cott room? And more people testifying will deter them from committing crime?
The biggest issue in poor black communities is the break down of their families and the lack of good father's.

It actually got worse with welfare, because black moms didn't need the men to provide as much and got paid more, the more children they have. This meant more black male kids growing up with fathers too guide them. Then the kids get involved in gangs and crime.

I think this is misinterpreted cause and effect, Earl. Men are much more likely to leave the woman to relieve them from burden of financial responsibilities than the woman is to leave the man because welfare created some sort of baby making occupation.
Not sure I follow you here. You believe crime in black communities is primarily characterized by lack of witnesses in the cott room? And more people testifying will deter them from committing crime?
you're kidding right?
You as a self admitted troll are not worth the time. I've made my point.

I was trolling you b/c you immediately resorted to name calling. I have admitted as much and said that I would stop.

I am legitimately trying to understand exactly what I don't get. If you don't want to articulate it, that's fine, but don't tell me I don't "get" something that you're not even remotely describing.
The problem is you are black and you don't want to admit that black people are the cause of their own problems. You hide behind your race and think the color of your skin makes the world unfair. When the truth is if black people would live more civilized 90 percent of their problems would disappear.
All you have to do is look at the statistics nation wide and you will see that a lack of education and civility are the biggest problem in black communities. Black people are more prone to solving problems with violence. They also won't rat on each other in many cases. Mostly because they are afraid of the guy who committed the crime and they don't trust the police to protect them. I believe we need to do more as a society to bring more trust between the black communities and the police. We already provide free education so I'm not sure what more we can reasonably do in that department.

Basically what I'm saying is the racism you refer to will always be there. Or at least until the black communities decide that they want to be a productive functional part of the American society. Quit whining about being treated unfairly, and dreaming about restitution for slavery over 150 years ago. We need to teach young black kids that being a drug dealer isn't a career, abusing the welfare system isn't a career, being a rap artist isn't a career. So taking a long look in the mirror might help solve your problems

I hope, and pray, you are just trolling.

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