Let's play anti-vaxxers bingo, how many of the following boxes do you check?
Types of COVID vaccine skeptics
Medical skepticism: You have people that are anti-vaxxers to start with. They are skeptical of the medical establishment or healthcare system and believe in alternative solutions like essential oils. People in this category aren't against the COVID vaccine, they are against all vaccines.
Religious fatalism: some people believe everything should be left in the hands of God. Whatever happens (good or bad) happens for a reason. Taking the vaccine is going against the will of God as humans are trying to game the system and go against fate. Some feel like God will protect them through it all (they're part of his favorites vs. the other ones that don't make the cut) or that if they do die, it was meant to be.
Government rejection: some reject this not because the fear the vaccine but because it feels like a violation of free will and government overreach. They feel like the government is meddling with their personal affairs by telling them how to deal with medical concerns. Some would probably choose to take the vaccine under different circumstances but not if it's the government asking.
Cost/benefit disagreement: some believe the shot is not worth taking through a combination of beliefs that COVID isn't a serious problem (only kills others, "not me") and that the vaccine hasn't been proven to be safe ("too risky").
Individualism: A variation around the prior group, this group believes it's not their problem or not worth the risk to try get the shot to reduce (using reduce on purpose, not eliminate) the risk of contagion to loved ones and others. The people that can't get the vaccine aren't their problem.
From your "sheep" comment, I would guess you at least hit the government rejection one. And your "smarter than you" comment is hilarious at best. 97% of doctors in the U.S. are vaccinated but you somehow are smarter than all of the people that do this for a living, all the doctors, all scientists with PhDs? This type of cognitive blindspot and bias is astonishing.
Sorry but your comments are part of a mindset issue that I want to address. If I had to guess based on your comments, you are part of the biggest group of hypocrites in American history, the one that found a like minded leader in Trump and his bumper sticker sized thoughts and 'Murica bravado. Let me introduce you to the concept of the Republican Jellyfish: spineless, heartless, brainless. It's a subset of the Republican party but seems to have taken over, to the chagrin of the reasonable branch of the Republican party. The party's soul is in the balance and the next few years will determine if the party will go back to reason and principles or not.
They are spineless and failed to stand up to grave attacks on our democracy like the hyperpoliticization of the Justice department by Trump, his flirtation with the alt-right (the dogwhistles and ambiguous comments to keep their votes), or bromance with Putin and North Korea (I can't imagine how many real Republicans turned in their grave...). They are also spineless and constantly play victimization games. I absolutely hate snowflakes and I cannot believe the Jellyfish have taken over that crown. All they talk about is how the world is against them and its not fair, it's a constant circle jerk they quite enjoy. They are heartless in how they gloat about the pain and suffering in others, anybody that is not a fellow Jellyfish. Wearing masks/socially distancing/getting vaccinated to protect loved ones and neighbors, or eww, society at large, are you kidding me? 4 people die and they'll Benghazi and politicize the shit out of the situation but 628,000 people die and who cares, right? Double standard much? (Personal note: anybody dying is a tragedy and what happened over there is horrible - just pointing out the magnitude difference in toll and reaction not matching magnitude) And they are brainless in that they believe in alternate facts and will believe anything as long as it supports their biased worldviews. They think that self-justification, the process of finding excuses for their beliefs, is a form of rational thinking, lol.
Republican Jellyfish are the type of people that will say that it's okay if a Black man has been shot dead by a cop "because he should have listened". But what if several of our unvaccinated players get COVID and can't play, and lo and behold, we lose a game (NC State baseball forfeit anyone?). Will they say "they should have listened to the ACC"? Heck no, they are going to raise hell about this "injustice," lol. To them, listening to authority is for others, not them. Rules are only good if they serve them.
Republican Jellyfish will constantly demonize the socialist policies of the left and are totally happy with letting society pay for their COVID hospital stays when they could have avoided those with a free vaccine. So, which is it? People should own the consequences of their actions or you need the rest of the country to pay for yours?
So, lol at your "sheep" and "smarter" comments. We are witnessing the dumbification of America, it's like watching the movie Idiocracy in slow motion. The people trusting their Aunts' medical advice on Facebook are calling the rest of us sheep and believe they are smarter. SMH...