Gab is now down


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
The American communists are working hard to keep the people from any communication other than what they sanction. Sad day and I never dreamed so many would whole heartedly support it. Mass mind programming is real it looks like.

UPDATE - Gab is back, but incredibly slow.
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The American communists are working hard to keep the people from any communication other than what they sanction. Sad day and I never dreamed so many would whole heartedly support it. Mass mind programming is real it looks like.

Boohoo. It's so mean that they won't provide a platform for insurrectionists that want to plan assassinations of the top officials in our government. What's wrong with those Communists?
The American communists are working hard to keep the people from any communication other than what they sanction. Sad day and I never dreamed so many would whole heartedly support it. Mass mind programming is real it looks like.

what is gab? Some kind of gay conservative hangout?
I wonder if your homies on here will call you out for the derogatory comment?

Seems so ironic that the PC party has gay jokes. Maybe we should cancel and ban you for that?
Gay isn't a derogatory term unless you are homephobic.
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do you have a time machine to take me back to a time when that was true?

I guess we are going to give him the benefit of interpretation? Funny how that works......

Gay has been a neutral synonym for "homosexual" for decades. The fact that some bigots use the word as an insult doesn't make the word specifically problematic. It's like how you could call me a Democrat as an insult and I'd just be like "well, yeah. I am."

I think the joke here was in poor taste but the only reason that it's a joke is because we assume @TigerGrowls is a homophobe and, to him, something being gay is bad.
Gay has been a neutral synonym for "homosexual" for decades. The fact that some bigots use the word as an insult doesn't make the word specifically problematic. It's like how you could call me a Democrat as an insult and I'd just be like "well, yeah. I am."

I think the joke here was in poor taste but the only reason that it's a joke is because we assume @TigerGrowls is a homophobe and, to him, something being gay is bad.
This is how I see it. You have to understand that some homophobes think that everyone chooses to be gay, which is a real strong indicator that they in fact, have sexual feelings towards the same sex and its confusing them. So when you imply that they are gay, it really pisses them off.
Gay has been a neutral synonym for "homosexual" for decades. The fact that some bigots use the word as an insult doesn't make the word specifically problematic. It's like how you could call me a Democrat as an insult and I'd just be like "well, yeah. I am."

I think the joke here was in poor taste but the only reason that it's a joke is because we assume @TigerGrowls is a homophobe and, to him, something being gay is bad.

Incorrect related to me.
Mental gymnastics huh? Or no, wait.....mental somersaults? What's the phrase you use about every third post?
Yes, im consistent in saying the mental gymnastics conservatives are going to perform around 'censorship' on a private businesses platform vs big goverment control are the thing of Olympic quality. Do you think this meme is somehow contradictory? cuz its not.
I'm actually not comfortable with Twitter banning Trump. I don't really care for it, myself.

I'm not sure why ANY Republican would have a problem with it at all though. Twitter is a private company with their own rules. Trump is free to follow those rules or get off. Twitter is free to server anyone they want to or not.

To put this in perspective, pretend that Twitter is a baker and Trump is wanting a gay wedding cake. Does Twitter HAVE to serve Trump? There are other platforms (like gab) for him to get his gay cake from.
I'm actually not comfortable with Twitter banning Trump. I don't really care for it, myself.

I'm not sure why ANY Republican would have a problem with it at all though. Twitter is a private company with their own rules. Trump is free to follow those rules or get off. Twitter if free to server anyone they want to or not.

To put this in perspective, pretend that Twitter is a baker and Trump is wanting a gay wedding cake. Does Twitter HAVE to serve Trump? There are other platforms (like gab) for him to get his gay cake from.
Its almost like some here don't see the irony. The invisible hand of the free market censored Trump. End of storyif your are a conservative.
Its almost like some here don't see the irony. The invisible hand of the free market censored Trump. End of storyif your are a conservative.

Absolutely. I don't for a MINUTE think that twitter somehow thought that all of a sudden Trump went too far and banned him b/c of that. They thought that it was more profitable for their company to ditch him. Morals don't drive companies, profits do. We'll see if they are correct.
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Absolutely. I don't for a MINUTE think that twitter somehow thought that all of a sudden Trump went too far and banned him b/c of that. They thought that it was more profitable for their company to ditch him. Morals don't drive companies, profits do. We'll see if they are correct.
Of course they did. Now was the time to cut him lose for maximum virtue signaling and he was going to be out of office any way. It's like how Papa Johns kicked out Papa John by leaking him saying racist remarks. It was a profitable move for them to do so, or so they thought.
Giant demigod corporate citizens who never die and can lobby congress and take advantage of citizens United ruling should scare everyone way more than Trump getting black listed. if Trump getting black listed shows conservatives the power coporations have gained under their governance... then fine by me. Time for them to wake up.
Absolutely. I don't for a MINUTE think that twitter somehow thought that all of a sudden Trump went too far and banned him b/c of that. They thought that it was more profitable for their company to ditch him. Morals don't drive companies, profits do. We'll see if they are correct.

This is spot on. None of these companies have morales behind closed doors. Money rules the roost.......
Of course they did. Now was the time to cut him lose for maximum virtue signaling and he was going to be out of office any way. It's like how Papa Johns kicked out Papa John by leaking him saying racist remarks. It was a profitable move for them to do so, or so they thought.
Giant demigod corporate citizens who never die and can lobby congress and take advantage of citizens United ruling should scare everyone way more than Trump getting black listed. if Trump getting black listed shows conservatives the power coporations have gained under their governance... then fine by me. Time for them to wake up.

Now extend that sentence to also include giant demigod politicians that never die and can take advantage of citizens and we are all one step closer to unity.
Now extend that sentence to also include giant demigod politicians that never die and can take advantage of citizens and we are all one step closer to unity.
politicians die, corporations successfully used laws passed to free the slaves to make themselves into citizens, who never die and money is now considered free speech.
I'm actually not comfortable with Twitter banning Trump. I don't really care for it, myself.

I'm not sure why ANY Republican would have a problem with it at all though. Twitter is a private company with their own rules. Trump is free to follow those rules or get off. Twitter is free to server anyone they want to or not.

To put this in perspective, pretend that Twitter is a baker and Trump is wanting a gay wedding cake. Does Twitter HAVE to serve Trump? There are other platforms (like gab) for him to get his gay cake from.

I think we should always be concerned when voices are silenced, but am I concerned about that right now? Hell no - these are extraordinary times and they call for extraordinary measures. It's not like we're trying to keep people from criticizing Biden, we're trying to disrupt their plans to assassinate him. I fully support Twitter on this.
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Yes, im consistent in saying the mental gymnastics conservatives are going to perform around 'censorship' on a private businesses platform vs big goverment control are the thing of Olympic quality. Do you think this meme is somehow contradictory? cuz its not.

Except that at the heart of the limited government views that a lot of conservatives hold is the desire for free market capitalism to the fullest extent that can be achieved responsibly. By definition, a free market is a market wherein the consumer can get a product or service from any company willing and able to provide that product or service. When one or multiple corporate giants unilaterally step in and disrupt that by disallowing consumers to get a product or service from a company that can and does provide that service, then that is - by definition - no longer a free market.

And, when viewed historically, government (in this country at least) has very seldom been the cause of a market not functioning freely. The industries that have had issues with monopolies limiting the free market functions within them historically, (railroads, steel, oil, tobacco, etc.) were a problem, because private companies were the root cause of the markets within those industries not functioning freely. Ultimately, what restored free (free-er, at least) markets within those industries was government intervention.

So, to act like government is the sole or even primary hindrance to free market capitalism in this country is historically just not accurate even though that isn’t all that expedient for your gotcha political motivations. It has actually been the impetus for the creation of more free markets, far more often than it has hindered them.
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I'm actually not comfortable with Twitter banning Trump. I don't really care for it, myself.

I'm not sure why ANY Republican would have a problem with it at all though. Twitter is a private company with their own rules. Trump is free to follow those rules or get off. Twitter is free to server anyone they want to or not.

To put this in perspective, pretend that Twitter is a baker and Trump is wanting a gay wedding cake. Does Twitter HAVE to serve Trump? There are other platforms (like gab) for him to get his gay cake from.

So what you bastions of freedom think about what apple/twitter/amazon did to parler?
Except that at the heart of the limited government views that a lot of conservatives hold is the desire for free market capitalism to the fullest extent that can be achieved responsibly. By definition, a free market is a market wherein the consumer can get a product or service from any company willing and able to provide that product or service. When one or multiple corporate giants unilaterally step in and disrupt that by disallowing consumers to get a product or service from a company that can and does provide that service, then that is - by definition - no longer a free market.

And, when viewed historically, government (in this country at least) has very seldom been the cause of a market not functioning freely. The industries that have had issues with monopolies limiting the free market functions within them historically, (railroads, steel, oil, tobacco, etc.) were a problem, because private companies were the root cause of the markets within those industries not functioning freely. Ultimately, what restored free (free-er, at least) markets within those industries was government intervention.

So, to act like government is the sole or even primary hindrance to free market capitalism in this country is historically just not accurate even though that isn’t all that expedient for your gotcha political motivations. It has actually been the impetus for the creation of more free markets, far more often than it has hindered them.
If true why did the conservatives not support net neutrality? Making the internet a utility (which is what we did for telphone, radio waves, tv wavesi) is how we would be able to enforce free market ideas by making sure ISP's could not hinder based on content. It was actually a thing that libs wanted but con's got hood winked. Why are cons so bad at seeing the big picture in a case such as Net neutrality? Why did Trump's FCC work fervently against it? I have the answer: They were paid to by the Big Tech to do so.
If true why did the conservatives not support net neutrality? Making the internet a utility (which is what we did for telphone, radio waves, tv wavesi) is how we would be able to enforce free market ideas by making sure ISP's could not hinder based on content. It was actually a thing that libs wanted but con's got hood winked. Why are cons so bad at seeing the big picture in a case such as Net neutrality? Why did Trump's FCC work fervently against it? I have the answer: They were paid to by the Big Tech to do so.

They should have, and it was short-sighted and stupid not to...
So what you bastions of freedom think about what apple/twitter/amazon did to parler?

If you mean that three for profit companies used the Capitol riots as an excuse to get rid of some competition, I say that's rough for Parler. As I said, I don't particularly like shutting down accounts.

What tickles me is that a guy who supports martial law and believes in the unlawful things Trump has said in the past few days is trying to tell me that he's concerned with "freedom". You don't give a rat's ass about it. All you want to do is argue any and everything that could give Trump an advantage. You tossed your belief in the Constitution and Rule of Law out the window a LONG time ago and replaced it with Trump worship. Even the Trump supporters on here don't believe you give a rat's ass about freedom of speech.
If you mean that three for profit companies used the Capitol riots as an excuse to get rid of some competition, I say that's rough for Parler. As I said, I don't particularly like shutting down accounts.

What tickles me is that a guy who supports martial law and believes in the unlawful things Trump has said in the past few days is trying to tell me that he's concerned with "freedom". You don't give a rat's ass about it. All you want to do is argue any and everything that could give Trump an advantage. You tossed your belief in the Constitution and Rule of Law out the window a LONG time ago and replaced it with Trump worship. Even the Trump supporters on here don't believe you give a rat's ass about freedom of speech.

Your interpretation of reality is incorrect as usual, but I applaud your right to voice it.
So what you bastions of freedom think about what apple/twitter/amazon did to parler?

Capitalism is gonna capitalism. Conservatives hating on basic capitalism is not something I had on my 2021 bingo card.

Weren't you conservatives all for a Baker's right to not bake a cake??

The reality is that Amazon laid the smackdown by showing just how much violent speech, threats to elected reps, was going on with Parler and how they didn't filter anything or protect themselves. Amazon should tolerate violence and direct threats??

Weak sauce arguments.

Also--WHAT ABOUT THE POPE BEING ARRESTED?? Tik Tok. Tik tok. Biden clock...
Capitalism is gonna capitalism. Conservatives hating on basic capitalism is not something I had on my 2021 bingo card.

Weren't you conservatives all for a Baker's right to not bake a cake??

The reality is that Amazon laid the smackdown by showing just how much violent speech, threats to elected reps, was going on with Parler and how they didn't filter anything or protect themselves. Amazon should tolerate violence and direct threats??

Weak sauce arguments.

Also--WHAT ABOUT THE POPE BEING ARRESTED?? Tik Tok. Tik tok. Biden clock...

How do you think that’s capitalism?