Except that at the heart of the limited government views that a lot of conservatives hold is the desire for free market capitalism to the fullest extent that can be achieved responsibly. By definition, a free market is a market wherein the consumer can get a product or service from any company willing and able to provide that product or service. When one or multiple corporate giants unilaterally step in and disrupt that by disallowing consumers to get a product or service from a company that can and does provide that service, then that is - by definition - no longer a free market.
And, when viewed historically, government (in this country at least) has very seldom been the cause of a market not functioning freely. The industries that have had issues with monopolies limiting the free market functions within them historically, (railroads, steel, oil, tobacco, etc.) were a problem, because private companies were the root cause of the markets within those industries not functioning freely. Ultimately, what restored free (free-er, at least) markets within those industries was government intervention.
So, to act like government is the sole or even primary hindrance to free market capitalism in this country is historically just not accurate even though that isn’t all that expedient for your gotcha political motivations. It has actually been the impetus for the creation of more free markets, far more often than it has hindered them.