George Pickering


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
What a story!

Doctors at a hospital in Texas informed George Pickering that his son was in a state of brain death. They explained that his son showed "no brain activity" and the decision had been made to remove life support.

Pickering, however, was unconvinced by their assessment and resorted to extreme measures by drawing a firearm. He demanded that the doctors continue their efforts to save his son's life, threatening to use the gun if they refused.

This situation escalated into a tense standoff lasting three hours, during which Pickering faced off against the police while the medical team performed additional tests on his son.

The hospital was secured under lockdown as police negotiators tried to reason with Pickering, who remained adamant. In a pivotal moment, Pickering's son, previously declared braindead, responded to his father's request to squeeze his hand, indicating cognitive presence. Following this revelation, Pickering peacefully surrendered to the authorities.

George Pickering II subsequently served a prison sentence of 11 months. Remarkably, his son experienced a complete recovery.
i wonder how many other people died because of this moron.
Article fails to mention that the father was hammered drunk. Exactly what the country needs is gun-toting drunks getting drunk and toting their guns to the hospital any time they disagree with a diagnosis.

The end result is certainly a good thing, but how it happened is not.
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