GOP Rep. Kinzinger’s Family DISOWNS Him For Supporting Trump Impeachment: 11 Relatives Sign Letter…”We were once so proud of your accomplishments!"


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Dec 21, 2001

GOP Traitor Rep. Adam Kinzinger’s Family DISOWNS Him For Supporting Trump Impeachment: 11 Relatives Sign Handwritten Letter…”We were once so proud of your accomplishments!”
By Patty McMurray
Published February 17, 2021 at 2:16pm
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100 Percent Fed Up reports – Republican lawmakers who supported President Trump’s impeachment are dealing with their decisions to side with unhinged Democrats, whose only goal was to prevent Trump from ever running for President again. Traitors like Rep. Liz Cheney are facing censure from the Republican Party in her home state of Wyoming, while others are like Rep Adam Kinzinger, the young Republican Representative from Illinois is facing backlash from his own family.
Kinzinger, who was first elected to the United States Congress during Barack Obama’s first term as president, recently voted to impeach Trump; he also voted to remove the popular, pro-Trump, freshman Rep. Majorie Taylor-Greene (R-GA) from all of her committee assignments.
Kinzinger took his dislike for Trump to a whole new level when he announced last week that he’d formed a new PAC to challenge Republicans who still support Trump.
The Daily Mail reports – Illinois Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger has released a scathing handwritten letter he received from a number of his relatives, calling him a ‘disappointment to God’ and a stain on their family’s name for backing the impeachment of Donald Trump.
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Kinzinger told the New York Times he received the disparaging note just two days after he called for Trump to be removed from office following the Capitol riots on January 6.
Penned by 11 members of his extended family, Kinzinger was accused in the letter of being in cahoots with ‘the devil’s army (Democrats and the fake news media)’ for publicly opposing the then-president and requesting the 25th Amendment be invoked against him.
‘Oh my, what a disappointment you are to me and to God!’ the letter, dated January 8, begins. ‘We were once so proud of your accomplishments! Instead, you go against your Christian principles and join the “devil’s army”.’
‘How do you call yourself a Christian when you join the “devil’s army” believing in abortion!’ the note continues. ‘We thought you were “smart” enough to see how the left is brainwashing so many.’
Kinzinger’s family then go on to accuse him, and ‘many other GOP members’, of being ‘brainwashed’ by Democrats and ‘falling for their socialism ideals’.

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