GOP takes abortion off the table for 24 election


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
Donald Trump just publicly stated its a state issue and will not pursue a national abortion ban. Sorry dems and haters, but this drives a stake in your biggest scam get out the vote scheme.

Trump Declines to Endorse a Nationwide Abortion Ban, Says It Should Be Up to States​

LIV Golf Invitational - Miami - Day Three

Former U.S. President Donald Trump looks on at the 18th green during day three of the LIV Golf Invitational - Miami at Trump National Doral Miami on April 07, 2024 in Doral, Florida. Megan Briggs/Getty Images
Former President Donald Trump has opted not to endorse a nationwide abortion ban, instead asserting that the decision should be left to individual states—a stance that diverges from the desires of many religious conservatives.
“My view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both. And whatever they decide must be the law of the land,” Trump said in a campaign video on Monday. “Many states will be different… At the end of the day, this is all about the will of the people.”
Trump’s position is likely to disappoint members of his Republican base who have been urging him to advocate for stricter abortion regulations. He campaigned on the issue in 2016 and has since become a champion of the anti-abortion movement, but has waffled on the issue as Democrats have made abortion a central fight in the 2024 presidential election. Democrats continue to hold Trump accountable for the 2022 Supreme Court ruling that overturned the constitutional right to abortion. “Donald Trump made it clear once again today that he is—more than anyone in America— the person responsible for ending Roe v. Wade,” President Joe Biden said in a campaign statement responding to Trump’s abortion comments.
In the video, Trump took credit for the Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, saying that he was “proudly the person responsible” for overturning the constitutional right to abortion and commending the three conservative justices he appointed to the Supreme Court for having the “courage to allow this long term hard fought battle to finally end.” While the presumptive Republican presidential nominee previously hinted he might support an abortion ban after a certain number of weeks of pregnancy, possibly 15 or 16, his new position is that the abortion debate belongs in the states.
Critics swiftly responded to Trump’s stance. The president of the anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America argued Monday that by relinquishing a national stance on abortion, Trump was effectively conceding the debate to Democrats and jeopardizing states’ rights. “Unborn children and their mothers deserve national protections and national advocacy from the brutality of the abortion industry,” the group’s president Marjorie Dannenfelser said in a statement.
In nearly two years since the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, several Republican-led states have moved to enact stringent restrictions on abortion, including a six-week ban in Florida that Trump has said was a “terrible mistake.” Other states have implemented regulations limiting the procedure after a certain gestational period, while some Democratic-leaning states have also passed laws or ballot measures to safeguard broader access to abortion.
Trump began his video by affirming his support for in-vitro fertilization (IVF), a process that involves fertilizing eggs outside the womb to induce a pregnancy. IVF became a flashpoint in the national debate on reproductive rights after the Alabama Supreme Court ruled in February that embryos are considered children, raising questions about the legality of the widely-used treatment and whether Alabama doctors who dispose of fertilized eggs could be held liable. “We want to make it easier for mothers and families to have babies, not harder,” Trump said, praising Alabama Republicans for passing a law to protect IVF in the state after the controversial ruling.
Abortion remains a focal point in the 2024 presidential election, with Biden championing nationwide abortion access, including through medication abortion options like mifepristone. Democrats have utilized abortion rights to mobilize their base and drive voter turnout in various candidate and referendum elections across the country. “I am determined to restore the federal protections of Roe v. Wade,” Biden said in his Monday statement. “So it won't matter where you live in America: The fundamental right to choose for women will once again be the law of the land.”
After Republicans underperformed in the 2022 midterm elections, Trump blamed the losses on the party’s abortion stance and has repeatedly highlighted Republicans’ political vulnerability of the issue. “It was the ‘abortion issue,’ poorly handled by many Republicans, especially those that firmly insisted on No Exceptions,” he posted on social media after that election.
Trump has declined to comment on whether he would sign a federal abortion ban into law if Congress passes one, though as President he backed a bill that would ban abortions after 20 weeks.

HAPPENING NOW: Donald Trump is obliterating Republican Senator Lindsey Graham on Truth social today.

About time 🔥

Trump is specifically calling out Graham for his stance on abortion, saying it won't win elections.

"I blame myself for Lindsey Graham, because the only reason he won in the Great State of South Carolina is because I Endorsed him!"

"Senator Lindsey Graham and Marjorie Dannenfelser should study the 10th Amendment and States’ Rights. When they do, they should proudly get on with helping Republicans to WIN ELECTIONS, rather than making it impossible for them to do so!"

"Senator Lindsey Graham is doing a great disservice to the Republican Party, and to our Country."
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HAPPENING NOW: Donald Trump is obliterating Republican Senator Lindsey Graham on Truth social today.

About time 🔥

Trump is specifically calling out Graham for his stance on abortion, saying it won't win elections.

"I blame myself for Lindsey Graham, because the only reason he won in the Great State of South Carolina is because I Endorsed him!"

"Senator Lindsey Graham and Marjorie Dannenfelser should study the 10th Amendment and States’ Rights. When they do, they should proudly get on with helping Republicans to WIN ELECTIONS, rather than making it impossible for them to do so!"

"Senator Lindsey Graham is doing a great disservice to the Republican Party, and to our Country."

So he is admitting he doesn't care about any issues, he wants to win elections. What you applaud is one more example of Donald Trump having no character or convictions
So he is admitting he doesn't care about any issues, he wants to win elections. What you applaud is one more example of Donald Trump having no character or convictions
No he is admitting that is what We The People have demanded no matter if he agrees with it or not. Like a literally Hitler dictator
So he is admitting he doesn't care about any issues, he wants to win elections. What you applaud is one more example of Donald Trump having no character or convictions
Yoshi quit trying so hard to make a big deal out of it. I know it hurts you that General Trump took the issue off the table. He has been consistent in stating that abortion is an issue to be decided on the state level. Go ahead and change your bloomers and move on.
You really don't see how calling him General is really insulting to actual soldiers who served? He's literally a draft dodger whole has repeatedly insulted soldiers and POWs.
Once again Yoshi, put on a dry pair of bloomers and take a lap for this bad take you just blurted out. General Trump is on active duty at this time fighting your commie heros that are trying to destroy the republic.
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Once again Yoshi, put on a dry pair of bloomers and take a lap for this bad take you just blurted out. General Trump is on active duty at this time fighting your commie heros that are trying to destroy the republic.
He’s never been on active duty though. Isn’t it ironic that the one thing you want him to be is the thing he’s furthest from?
Yoshi quit trying so hard to make a big deal out of it. I know it hurts you that General Trump took the issue off the table. He has been consistent in stating that abortion is an issue to be decided on the state level. Go ahead and change your bloomers and move on.

While this position helps, it doesn’t take it off the table. You still have states passing 6 week laws, considering banning in vitro, considering not allowing exceptions for rape/incest/etc, etc.

The hardline republicans and super conservative state legislatures are still making it an issue. Pro choice people still want to see the federal government step in and protect some of these categories, which makes Trumps position still unfavorable to them.

And there are A LOT of pro choice moderate conservative women out there. This issue could be enough to tip many of them.
While this position helps, it doesn’t take it off the table. You still have states passing 6 week laws, considering banning in vitro, considering not allowing exceptions for rape/incest/etc, etc.

The hardline republicans and super conservative state legislatures are still making it an issue. Pro choice people still want to see the federal government step in and protect some of these categories, which makes Trumps position still unfavorable to them.

And there are A LOT of pro choice moderate conservative women out there. This issue could be enough to tip many of them.
Trumps declaration is going to help overall imo.
While this position helps, it doesn’t take it off the table. You still have states passing 6 week laws, considering banning in vitro, considering not allowing exceptions for rape/incest/etc, etc.

The hardline republicans and super conservative state legislatures are still making it an issue. Pro choice people still want to see the federal government step in and protect some of these categories, which makes Trumps position still unfavorable to them.

And there are A LOT of pro choice moderate conservative women out there. This issue could be enough to tip many of them.

And as well all saw in the last election, Moderate women already don't like Trump, this issue makes him completely unelectable for them. The Republican party is going to own the crazy abortion laws that are being put into place. Trump is the defacto head of the party so he owns this.
And as well all saw in the last election, Moderate women already don't like Trump, this issue makes him completely unelectable for them. The Republican party is going to own the crazy abortion laws that are being put into place. Trump is the defacto head of the party so he owns this.

Yep. It will still hurt republicans. I get wanting more conservative abortion laws. I don’t get the insanity of banning in vitro or not giving exceptions for rape. That’s looney land.
We'll see where Trump ends up, but conservative think tanks and policy makers are absolutely planning for a federal ban.

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It’s incredible how incompetent each party is. I’d love to not vote Dem but when the alternative is a con-man, aspiring dictator who’s followers are pushing a culture war, I have to no choice.

The biggest issue is the Supreme Court, another reason why I will be voting dem at the federal level for years to come. It needs to be shifted left and then Citizens United needs to be overturned. As of right now we don’t have a democracy and we can see how candidates now appease special interest groups and not the actual voters.
Abortion policies are state issues decided by local politicians. Donald Trump does not support any federal abortion laws being enacted. There it is. End of discussion.

Now will democrats try to confuse and scare people into voting for them? Hell yes!!
Abortion policies are state issues decided by local politicians. Donald Trump does not support any federal abortion laws being enacted. There it is. End of discussion.

Now will democrats try to confuse and scare people into voting for them? Hell yes!!

Dude I’m conservative and some of these states ARE potentially making scary decisions. Alabama with IVF, Arizona with no allowance for rape victims. There is even support out there to ban contraception. I mean holy shit those are or would be stupid fvcking laws.

Imagine your sister or daughter getting raped by one of those MS-13 thugs you fear and being forced to carry that baby to term.

Imagine your sister or daughter not being able to get pregnant and being denied access to IVF - a process that many of our friends needed to have children.

Trump can’t do much other than take this position though. He has to cater to the super right hayseed portion of his base.

The best he could probably do is offer a federal law that at least ensures abortion access up to 6 weeks, allows for rape/incest/health exceptions beyond that, protects IVF and protects contraception. That would at least set a floor and prevent to truly insane laws from being passed at the state level.

Anyways, you can say end of discussion or this is off the ballot, but that absolutely isn’t the case.
Dude I’m conservative and some of these states ARE potentially making scary decisions. Alabama with IVF, Arizona with no allowance for rape victims. There is even support out there to ban contraception. I mean holy shit those are or would be stupid fvcking laws.

Imagine your sister or daughter getting raped by one of those MS-13 thugs you fear and being forced to carry that baby to term.

Imagine your sister or daughter not being able to get pregnant and being denied access to IVF - a process that many of our friends needed to have children.

Trump can’t do much other than take this position though. He has to cater to the super right hayseed portion of his base.

The best he could probably do is offer a federal law that at least ensures abortion access up to 6 weeks, allows for rape/incest/health exceptions beyond that, protects IVF and protects contraception. That would at least set a floor and prevent to truly insane laws from being passed at the state level.

Anyways, you can say end of discussion or this is off the ballot, but that absolutely isn’t the case.
If people would think logically then it would take it off the table for the presidential election but that will not happen. The democratic machine will whip this up continually as its their best chance for Biden to come back from the hole he is in.

Abortion rights is not a top 5 voting issue for me related to presidential elections.
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If people would think logically then it would take it off the table for the presidential election but that will not happen. The democratic machine will whip this up continually as its their best chance for Biden to come back from the hole he is in.

Abortion rights is not a top 5 voting issue for me related to presidential elections.

Me either. I’m 40 with 2 boys and have been snipped. Very little impact on me personally, but I understand other’s perspectives. And this will absolutely influence votes.
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Me either. I’m 40 with 2 boys and have been snipped. Very little impact on me personally, but I understand other’s perspectives. And this will absolutely influence votes.
There are always going to be one issue voters and this is one of those issues that gets whipped up by the dems. They have certain fear themes that they always use to whip up the minorities and women voters to pull them back on the reservation before big elections. Trump and the GOP task is to minimize the fervor and intensity of the abortion bloc as much as possible and his statement was a good first step in that direction imo.
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If people would think logically then it would take it off the table for the presidential election but that will not happen. The democratic machine will whip this up continually as its their best chance for Biden to come back from the hole he is in.

Abortion rights is not a top 5 voting issue for me related to presidential elections.

It wasn’t exactly a strong statement from Trump, especially since he does not need to worry about reelection if he gets back in the WH.

If he said “I will veto any federal abortion ban that comes from Congress “ that would have taken it off the table.

And also don’t forget that as soon as he is interviewed by right wing media he will go off script and contradict himself. He always does. He tells whoever he is talking to that day what they want to hear.
It wasn’t exactly a strong statement from Trump, especially since he does not need to worry about reelection if he gets back in the WH.

If he said “I will veto any federal abortion ban that comes from Congress “ that would have taken it off the table.

And also don’t forget that as soon as he is interviewed by right wing media he will go off script and contradict himself. He always does. He tells whoever he is talking to that day what they want to hear.
First of all how under a realistic scenario do you see a federal abortion ban being passed by the house and senate(filibuster proof) and being sent to Trump for signing?
First of all how under a realistic scenario do you see a federal abortion ban being passed by the house and senate(filibuster proof) and being sent to Trump for signing?

If trump wins, the pubs will most likely take the house and senate. I expect that they will do whatever it takes to remain in power and take this country to a theocracy.

This is not going to happen, trump is going to lose. I expect there will be more attempts to overturn the results by the gop, but ultimately democracy will win out.
It’s incredible how incompetent each party is. I’d love to not vote Dem but when the alternative is a con-man, aspiring dictator who’s followers are pushing a culture war, I have to no choice.

The biggest issue is the Supreme Court, another reason why I will be voting dem at the federal level for years to come. It needs to be shifted left and then Citizens United needs to be overturned. As of right now we don’t have a democracy and we can see how candidates now appease special interest groups and not the actual voters.
There are other parties. Ones that would love your vote and you’re far more aligned with. Maybe some additional research to find the right person?
There are other parties. Ones that would love your vote and you’re far more aligned with. Maybe some additional research to find the right person?
I had voted third party in previous elections with the hope that they would get enough votes to secure federal campaign funds for the next election. But the way politics work is that it will always morph back to two parties.

Now I just vote for the least of all evils and the Supreme Court is my #1 concern.

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