Grass Guys (Zoysia question)


The Mariana Trench
Gold Member
Sep 2, 2007
I've got Zoysia and was wondering what's the best product to put down now for weed killing and stuff. Any suggestions to help my yard look beautiful for the wife is greatly appreciated.
Basically anything that works fine on summer grasses will be fine on Zoysia, its almost as impossible to kill as Bermuda. Its a bit late for preemergent but you should get it out in a hurry, and just the preemergent by itself.

Weed & Feed will work if you put it out on a wet lawn, then spot spray whatever is left. Between that and the preemergent you should be good. Then put out more preemergent in September. I really think Weed & Feed (2-4D) is a early warm season (June) weed killer, and tend to use Bonus S first, as the MSM in it wipes out clover, rye, and damages fescue that might pop up in early Spring.

Otherwise Zoysia just likes nitrogen, so a straight N fertilizer every 5-6 weeks is all it'll want besides water.
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I would typically recommend Scotts Bonus S on Zoysia as the first application. That will kill or hurt just about any weed that has already come up in spring. This year's formulation has Atrazine in it, which is fine on Zoysia (but will kill Bermuda)

The Scotts Weed & Feed in the yellow bag is something i use a little later, but not during the dog days of July/Aug.
So Weed in feed could be good at the end of May? Also what about the turf builder in the green bag?