Sorry if I am late to the party, but as someone who doesn't watch the daily news or keep track of current events until I have to, I am just hearing about this novel. Anyone read it yet? I'm not going to judge Atticus until I read the book. I admire Lee's work enough to not make assumptions until I have a chance to chew on the dialog. However it does seem to be quite the conundrum if indeed Aticus's character is called into question. Will this change how the US school system views To Kill a Mockingbird as a part of childrens reading ciriculum in middle and high schools now? Lee seems to insist his character still only reflects the times based on the article i just read from CNN.
Hey, My late College English Professor must be rolling over in her grave as we speak hearing the rumblings of this book.
I tell you what, If Atticus is indeed a racist, I'm going to the hospital for a blood test to make sure my parents are really my parents. To see if my son is really my son.
The Sun may also not rise tommorow if this is true? ;-) Seriously though, just curious if anyone has read yet and what was their take. I have a feeling this whole new Atticus persona is being blown out of preportion. May go pick up the book on the way home ...i guess.
Hey, My late College English Professor must be rolling over in her grave as we speak hearing the rumblings of this book.
I tell you what, If Atticus is indeed a racist, I'm going to the hospital for a blood test to make sure my parents are really my parents. To see if my son is really my son.
The Sun may also not rise tommorow if this is true? ;-) Seriously though, just curious if anyone has read yet and what was their take. I have a feeling this whole new Atticus persona is being blown out of preportion. May go pick up the book on the way home ...i guess.