Someone please explain how these numbers work:
WYFF reported 2 nights ago that the COVID 19 had hot spots in the Upstate. They related the hot spots to the cities and hospitals with the highest % of beds in use. AmMed of Anderson was singled out as the worse case in the state with 94.2% of beds/rooms in use. Most of our attention span doesn’t make it past this point.
But, they continued the story by interviewing the Anderson County Emergency Manager and asked him the reason for the spike. He went on to explain that 94 % only represented the rooms they currently make available due to supply and demand. In other words, AmMed may have 200 rooms, but they only staff 100 rooms and 94 of these rooms have patients in them. He said this helps them save money as they did not need to staff all rooms, but they could if needed. Now, we just went from 94.2% capacity to 47.1%.
Now it gets even better. He told WYFF that of the 94% of rooms in use, Only 6% were related to COVID.
Now, go back and read the beginning again. Tell me we are not witnessing a conspiracy to hype this virus.
For anyone doubting my accuracy, here is the response from AmMed after the 94% beds full report.
The question had never really been about "how many med/surg beds are in a hospital". I don't know why the overall census/occupancy gets reported at all. In fact, hospitals have to run at/near capacity so they can make $$$. For the purposes of COVID19, the real issue is ICU capacity and room with negative pressure capability. Those are the capacities the media should be reporting on. But, most of them don't know enough to ask the right questions... But, even reporting on ICU capacity is deceiving. Many patients coming out of "big" surgeries will require at least one night in the ICU. To clear space in the ICU for COVID patients, they just cancel those surgeries (also not w/o consequences).