How DisInformation Spreads & Does Not Retract

Glenn Greenwald is who broke the Snowden story. How these hack journalists spread disinformation.

Working in coordination. They definitely receive marching orders from a higher source.
Glenn Greenwald is who broke the Snowden story. How these hack journalists spread disinformation.

Glenn Greenwald and Matt Taibbi are two reporters doing great work on this subject. There are true liberals that care about freedom and recognize the importance of a reliable and Free press that reports the facts not narratives. Bari Weiss is another.
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Glenn greenwald and Matt Taibbi are two reporters doing great work on this subject. There are true liberals that care about freedom and recognize the importance of a reliable and Free press that reports the facts not narratives. Bari Weiss is another.

It’s clear when there is no Trump to constantly attack, the hacks begin to consume their own. I support both Greenwald and Taibbi on Substack, do not always agree but I love their takes.