The unvaccinated aren’t overwhelming the hospital systems. Currently, according to CDC website, 80% of positive test in last 30 days have come from people with at least 1 vaccination. My wife had it before and after she got vaccinated and it was much worse after.
My brother is in hospital currently with some non-Covid related medical issues and because lack of staff at the initial hospital he was at they had to transport him to another hospital for a bed. Nothing to do with Covid…just lack of staff to care for people. Much bigger concern than COVID
I don’t care one way or another and majority of my close family from my grandparents to kids, nephews, etc are vaccinated but the numbers of positive continue to rise for vaccinated positives, hospitalizations, and “Covid deaths.”
Also funny the tree hugging left used to hate the CDC their recommendations, big pharma, and required vaccinations. Now those same states, that it’s not OK to make citizens show an ID to vote, require a vaccination card to eat at a restaurant. Simply amazing
Aaron Rodgers is now a bad man…but I’m seriously hoping most of purenonsenses post is a poor troll attempt