Where have you been??? Since the beginning unvaccinated have been shitting on the “libs”, “weak minded”, “unAmerican” people that were in favor of listening to the CDC and wear masks. The condescension was disgusting even as the mostly avoidable death toll was climbing and hundreds of thousands of people died. There was a sense of pride, that one’s freedom was more important than other people’s lives, inconvenience was not acceptable and it was okay to contaminate loved ones and neighbors. The arguments were astounding, “people were old and going to die anyway”. This board was a shitshow of conspiracy theories and personal attacks.
Now the same people are refusing the free vaccine, getting sick, and clogging up the healthcare system. I take no enjoyment in that AT ALL. I feel truly sad for their loved ones who will be paying for the “choice” of their dying relatives. But please don’t tell me that calling out that choices have consequences is “gloating”. People with real balls own their choices and the related consequences. How many of the non-vaccinated are pledging to not go to the hospital if they get sick or to pay for the costs out of pocket since they chose to refuse the free option? None of them are. So for all the ‘’’Murica”, “freedom” chanting from the anti-medical establishment crowd, they sure like socialism when it’s convenient. Let other pay the price for your needs… if you don’t see how hypocritical that is, I don’t know what to tell you…